
  • 网络personal branding;personal brand
  1. 这里面存在一个礼节的问题,个人品牌咨询公司Spark的创始人珍妮弗霍洛韦(JenniferHolloway)表示。关键之处在于,它是社交性的、开放性的。

    There is a question of etiquette , says Jennifer Holloway , founder of personal branding consultancy Spark : The whole point of it is networking and being open .

  2. coutts的课程包括教授如何把自己看成一种资产(保护自己的声誉、与媒体打交道及个人品牌)及慈善事业对于那些超级富豪而言,这是一个相当时髦的概念。

    The Coutts course includes classes on looking at yourself as a human asset preserving your reputation , dealing with the press and personal branding and philanthropy , a fashionable concept for the super-rich .

  3. 但现在,MBA毕业生却致力于创建自己的个人品牌。

    Now , however , MBAs are focusing on building their personal brands .

  4. 在去年接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)采访时,特朗普承认,他的个人品牌的多数领带都是在中国生产的。

    In an interview with CNN last year , Mr Trump admitted that most of his ties are produced in China .

  5. 威廉•黑格(WilliamHague)在50岁生日之前成为一位年长的政府首脑。对于其个人品牌的最终形成,我们可以找到许多原因。

    There are plenty of reasons for the personal brand that William Hague , an elder statesman before his50th birthday , has ended up with .

  6. 除了LinkedIn,互联网还提供了其他各种方式,可以让你所在的公司与行业内的许多人了解你的个人品牌。

    The Internet provides a slew of ways besides LinkedIn to get your brand across to vast numbers of people in your company and industry .

  7. 维多利亚·贝克汉姆受人追捧,她创立的个人品牌同样也很受欢迎。如今维多利亚将在四月迎来她的40岁生日,Glamour杂志专门为她独设一个版面,用来刊登她的一些完美的设计作品。

    She 's made quite an impact with her eponymous fashion range and as Victoria Beckham prepares to turn 40 in April , Glamour magazine have celebrated some of her finest designs .

  8. 周三,美国消费产品安全委员会(ConsumerProductSafetyCommission)宣布,将召回伊万卡个人品牌IvankaTrump生产的2万条围巾,因为它们没有达到美国联邦纺织品阻燃标准,对佩戴这些围巾的人构成了“烧伤风险”。

    On Wednesday , the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced it was recalling 20000 scarves made by Ms Trump 's fashion line , Ivanka Trump , because they did not meet the federal flammability standards for clothing in the US and posed " a burn risk " for the people wearing them .

  9. 俱乐部会员的Angie所说:在这个个人品牌的时代,判断一个人的品牌价值和生活方式,看看他去什么俱乐部,是个简便的办法。

    P54-P55 , The clubber 's Angie says : In the era of this personal brand , judge a person 's brand value and life style , It is a simple and convenient method to see what club he goes .

  10. 另一个例子来自B2B领域。科技服务企业Bluewolf公司采用游戏机制,鼓励更多的咨询顾问分享能够令客户受益的信息和最佳做法,同时积极鼓励咨询顾问在社交网络和博客上建立他们自己的“个人品牌”。

    Another example comes from the business-to-business world , where technology services company Bluewolf is using game principles as part of a campaign to get more of its consultants to share information and best practices that could benefit clients and to build their " personal brands " through social networks and by writing blogs .

  11. 需要塑造良好的个人品牌形象。

    They also need some good reputation of " personal-brand " .

  12. 高质量生存法则:创立个人品牌

    Existence Law of High Quality : Establishment of Individual Top Brands

  13. 因为人们觉得你有帮助,所以你的个人品牌就能在人们心中扎根。

    Your brand becomes ingrained in people 's minds as useful .

  14. 这是个人品牌经营中一个临界的但经常被忽视的要素。

    This is a critical but often-overlooked component of personal branding .

  15. 不要在你的个人品牌力上浪费太多时间

    Don 't spend too much time worrying about your personal brand

  16. 如果个人品牌没有价值支撑,就会一文不值。

    A personal brand is worthless if it 's not backed up .

  17. 基于个人品牌的企业管理型人力资本定价

    Management Human Capital Pricing of Enterprise Based on Personal Brand

  18. 个人品牌对大学毕业生就业和可持续发展都具有重要意义。

    College students ' brands have significance to their employment and sustainable development .

  19. 现在的用户可能对创建他们自己的个人品牌插件感兴趣。

    Current users might be interested in creating their own personal branding plug-ins .

  20. 如今是个人品牌的时代。

    This is the era of the personal brand .

  21. 做出一份个人品牌特征清单,按优先次序将它们排好。

    Generate a list of personal brand attributes , and then prioritize them .

  22. 络腮胡成为了他们超脱凡俗的个人品牌的一部分。

    Their beards became part of their larger-than-life brand .

  23. 我的个人品牌很清晰:JesseWarden

    My personal brand is clear : Jesse Warden

  24. 选择能彰显你个人品牌的故事,并且表现出你的激情和个性。

    Select stories that reinforce your personal brand and show your passion and personality .

  25. 不过,现在可能已经到了该认真对待个人品牌的时候。

    But the time may have come to get to grips with personal branding .

  26. 你能够建立起一个众所周知、始终如一、真实可信的个人品牌吗?

    Can you establish a personal brand that is well-known , consistent and authentic ?

  27. 可以把它视作是对个人品牌的投资。

    Consider it investing in your personal brand .

  28. 形象和个人品牌决定着影响力,第一印象非常重要。

    Image and personal brand are the currency of influence , and first impressions matter .

  29. 如此一来,你将赢得口碑,个人品牌也将得到提升。

    By doing that , word will get around and a personal brand will grow .

  30. 同时,作为梦工厂动画公司的代言人,鹿晗正在充分发挥他的个人品牌作用。

    Han is also putting his personal brand to work on behalf of DreamWorks Animation .