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  1. 根据议员们的个人财务报告所进行的最新研究显表明,1984年新选的议员所拥有的财富几乎是仅在6年前第一次当选议员是的4倍。

    The Representatives newly elected in1984 were almost four times as wealthy as the first lawmakers elected only six years before , according to a new study based on the members'financial reports .

  2. 近期,共和党副总统候选人佩林公布了自己的所得税申报表以及个人财务状况披露报告,结果显示,她在四位正副总统候选人中收入垫底。

    Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin released her tax returns and personal financial disclosure report recently , showing her to be the lowest earner of the four national candidates .