
ɡè rén bǎo xiǎn
  • personal insurance
  1. 中国保险业个人保险代理人制度研究

    China Insurance Industry Personal Insurance Agent System Research

  2. 这是个人保险的一种形式,在眼下这种迅速变化的时代非常重要。

    It 's a form of personal insurance , valuable in these rapidly changing times .

  3. “个人保险计划更贵,因为他们不分担风险,而且他们经常是等到有健康问题后才开始投保。”Waltman说。

    Individual plans also are more expensive because they do not spread the risk in the way group plans do and because those seeking coverage often wait until they have health problems , Waltman said .

  4. 转移至本人其他之指定个人保险保单或财富管理部之产品。

    Transfer to my other individual insurance policy or Wealth Management product .

  5. 一半的保险公司退出个人保险市场

    half the insurance companies have pulled out and left the individual market

  6. 个人保险客户必须拥有保险利益。

    The individual policyholder must have an insurable interest .

  7. 对个人保险代理制度的思考

    Thought on the agent system of individual insurance

  8. 他能够购买个人保险,尽管这项花费会使他的财政紧张。

    He could buy an individual policy , though its price would strain his finances .

  9. 很多人没钱去看医生,或支付个人保险费。

    Many people can 't afford to go to the doctor or pay for private insurance .

  10. 但中国提议背后的逻辑依据非常清楚:集体保险比个人保险成本更低。

    But the rationale for the Chinese proposal is clear : collective insurance is cheaper than self-insurance .

  11. 这是指没有参加国家基本医疗保险或个人保险的个人。

    This refers to individuals who are not covered by the country 's basic medical insurance or private insurance .

  12. 理赔表现改善及个人保险新增业务边际溢利上升,均有助收入净额增加。

    Better claims experience and improved new business margins in individual insurance contributed to the increase in net income .

  13. 若您觉得现任雇主所提供的医疗保障有所不足,您应考虑以个人保险保障不足之处。

    If you feel your current employer-sponsored coverage is inadequate in some respects , you should consider supplementing it with personal coverages .

  14. 从理论上分析,养老保险在本质上不同于福利性保障,而具有个人保险的性质;也不同于一般意义上的公共物品,具有明显的私人产品的属性。

    Theoretically , the aged insurance has the obvious individual nature , which is different from the welfare-oriented security and from the public goods .

  15. 主体的特殊性(有广义、狭义之分,具体为保险代理有限责任公司、兼业保险代理人和个人保险代理人)。

    The special features of the mainstay of IAA ( sensu lato and sensu stricto , specified as insurance agent limited company and personal agent );

  16. 盈利增加是因为个人保险及个人理财业务边际溢利上升所致,但由于团体保险之长期伤残理赔表现未如理想,抵销部分的盈利收入。

    The increased earnings were driven by improved margins in individual insurance and individual wealth management businesses partially offset by less favourable long-term disability claims results in group benefits .

  17. 在个人保险方面我们为顾客提供私房,公寓,活动房,船只和汽车保险服务。

    PERSONAL LINES INSURANCE Our firm offers a complete line of insurance to protect client 's home , condominium , apartment , mobile home , boat and recreational vehicle .

  18. 默里表示,法院判决允许家族企业和封闭型企业不提供节育保险,削弱女性做出个人保险计划的能力。

    Murray says the court 's decision allowing family owned and the closely held businesses to opt out of the providing birth control , undermine a woman 's ability to make private health care decisions .

  19. 值得注意的是,保险的社会服务,如社会保障及政府医疗保险,显然与个人保险服务是同步成长的,这可能是因为两者都与收入增加相关-而不是发挥某些人设想的替代作用。

    Notably , social provision of insurance , such as social security and government health insurance , appears to grow in tandem with the provision of private insurance perhaps because both are associated with increasing incomes-rather than acting as substitutes as some have conjectured .

  20. 参考词语和表达insurance)职工退休养老保险(退休收入保险)给你一种安全感additionalholidayshelpmetorelax额外休假可使你得到放松acompanycarensureseasymobility公司提供的汽车确保你来去方便individualaccidentinsurance个人伤害保险

    employee 's pension insurance gives you a sense of security ( retirement income

  21. 介绍了美国主流的两种企业年金计划DC计划和DB计划,并分析了企业年金与个人年金保险的差异,解决了理论界对二者概念较为模糊的问题。

    Then introduced the two main pension plans in USA , and analyzed the differences between individual annuities and pension plans .

  22. ACME专门从事两个保险行业:个人汽车保险和内陆水运保险。

    ACME specializes in two lines of insurance : personal auto and inland marine .

  23. 美国1974年《雇员退休收入保障法案》(ERISA)的出台,标志着国民年金、企业年金和个人年金保险三层养老保障制度的确立。

    The ERISA ( 1974 ) symbols the set up of three-level retirement income security systems , which stimulates the business annuities .

  24. 上海市个人养老保险帐户精算分析

    Actuarial analysis of personal account for old-age lnsurance in Shanghai

  25. 但是有超过1500万的美国人拥有个人医疗保险。

    But more than 15 million Americans have individual health care coverage .

  26. 基于医疗责任风险的个人职业保险基金研究

    On Study of the Individual Risk-taking Fund Based on Insurance for Medical Responsibility

  27. 保险经纪人公会保险经纪人协会一个人走进保险公司要求做人寿保险。

    A man walked into an insurance company to have his life insured .

  28. 本月初,犹他州和内布拉斯加州出台法律宣布个人医疗保险计划不涉及堕胎。

    Beginning this month , Utah and Nebraska bar private health plans from covering abortion .

  29. 她有个人健康保险。

    She 's got private health insurance .

  30. 比如,他目前似乎更倾向于要求个人购买保险。

    He now appears to favour an individual mandate to buy insurance , for instance .