
  • 网络personal ideal
  1. 运动员作为特殊群体,从事的特殊专业,有的运动员在个人理想、价值观上出现了偏差;

    Athletes , as the special colony , the special speciality that is engaged in , some athletes have presented the deviation on personal ideal , values ;

  2. 坚持理想与现实的统一,要求我们能够正确认识和处理远大理想与近期目标之间的关系;正确认识和处理个人理想与社会群体理想的关系;

    Adhering to the unity of ideal and reality requires us to recognize and cope with the relationship between the long-range ideal and short-range objectives and the relationship between personal ideal and collective ideal .

  3. 个人理想不能脱离社会集体的支持。

    Individual ideal cannot be fulfiled without the support of the society .

  4. 个人理想主义和英雄主义&评析张承志《北方的河》

    Personal Idealism and Heroism in " North River " by Zhang Chengzhi ;

  5. 他的爱国心与反动性均以其个人理想为中心点。

    Both his patriotism and his counteraction are based on his individual ideal .

  6. 在他们看来,美国比我们所有个人理想的总和更为强大;

    They saw America as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions ;

  7. 四是信仰教育中要把握好最高理想、共同理想和个人理想的关系;

    Well dealing with the relations among the highest ideal , common ideal and individual ideal ;

  8. 现在的剑桥,比30年代少了几分政治意识,多了一些个人理想。

    It was a more personally ambitious , less politically conscious Cambridge than that of the 1930s .

  9. 个人理想所造成的幻觉和追求利益所造成的幻觉非常相近。

    It is very similar that the illusion , which is brought about separately the individual ideal and seeking benefic .

  10. 毕竟,不管朋友多铁,不同的职业抱负与个人理想足以令好友分道扬镳。

    After all , no matter how close they are , differences in their professional and personal aspirations can drive friends apart .

  11. 个人理想教育是大学生理想教育的重要方面,在当前形势下,更具有特殊的重要意义。

    Individual ideality education is an important aspect of ideality education for academician . Under current position , it has a special significance .

  12. 最大化的为个人理想、企业利益、社会效益的平衡融合做出贡献,也充当了社会中协调各方利益需求的角色。

    We play the role of coordinating interests of all parties in society while maximizing individual ambitions , enterprise interest and social effect .

  13. 抒发个人理想抱负。这种理性重建是随着社会的发展,人们对世界的思想认识逐渐深化的的必然结果。

    This rational reconstruction , with the development of the society , is the inevitable result of people 's further deepening their understanding of the world .

  14. 冯泽芳的成才与成功绝非偶然,其中有良好的人才孵化的外部环境,有自身坚持不懈的努力,更有个人理想追求与国家社会经济发展的高度契合。

    It is the combination of a good a talent incubator environment and his own persistent efforts , the pursuit of personal ideals and the national socio-economic development .

  15. 从更宽泛的意义上来看,两部电影描述了个人理想和社会现实因素发生冲突时个人如何奋起抗争以实现个人的奋斗目标。

    The films also present how an individual struggles to accomplish his own desire in conflict with the tough elements from the irresistible social forces in a more complicated sense .

  16. 通过他的教导我意识到家具设计是一个展现自我、分享生活体验的方式,也是使我实现个人理想的途径。

    Through him I found that designing furniture was a way for me to express myself , share my life experience , and a way for me to challenge my ideals .

  17. 我们受益于众多的师长和足以改变人生轨迹的机遇,我们是勤奋却又幸运的年轻人,我们肩负个人理想和社会责任。

    We are lucky but hardworking young people who benefit a lot from our teachers and opportunities that weigh heavily in life , and we take dreams and social responsibility as well .

  18. 语言作为人类思维的外壳和内心世界的反映,是青少年表达内心意愿、质疑社会权威和追求个人理想的工具和方式。

    Language , the shell of human thoughts as well as the reflection of their inner heart , is a tool with which adolescents express their inner wills and oppugn the social authority .

  19. 本文作者认为,女性知识分子,在不公平的社会约束准则和对个人理想高标准追求的双重压力下,不可避免地面临对自我身份定位的困惑。

    The author of this thesis holds that a female intellectual , under the double pressures of unfair social constraint criterion and personal ideal pursuit , has to face the confusion about self identity positioning .

  20. 因此,四年一届的奥运会不仅是各国运动员实现国家荣誉和个人理想的竞技场,也是企业品牌全球化展示的大舞台。

    So the Olympics held every four years is not only the arena for athletes realizing their dreams and winning honors for their country , but also a great stage for top companies promoting their brands .

  21. 调查显示,受访学生创业的动机各异,31%的学生想追求自由、独立的工作和生活方式,18%想实现个人理想,10%则寻求好的商机。

    Motivation behind entrepreneurship varies , 31 % of them want to pursue a free and independent job and lifestyle , 18 % want to realize their dreams and 10 % are seeking sound business opportunities , the survey showed .

  22. 学风是高等学校的无形资产,是学生学习动机、目的、态度、纪律、专业思想、追求知识的程度及个人理想抱负的综合反映。

    Style of study , which synthetically reflects students ' motivation to study , intention , attitude , discipline , professional thoughts , enthusiasm for the pursuit of knowledge and individual ambition , is the invisible assets of higher educational institutions .

  23. 中学生主流价值观形成的影响因素主要有:自身素质、师生关系、家庭氛围、个人理想和朋友素质。

    It can be used to defy the mainstream values of middle-school student.3.The main influence factors to middle-school students ' mainstream values , including individual quality , relationship between teacher and student , parents , personal ideal and friends ' quality . 4 .

  24. 得出:在掌握三级跳远技术的初级阶段应明确个人理想化技术,即根据个人特点所应采用的最佳技术,它对运动员的成长极为重要。

    The results show that the individual " idealized " technique should be made clear during the junior period of mastering the triple jump technique , now the optimum technique adopted according to the personal characteristics , which is very important to the growth .

  25. 通过以上分析读者不难看出本文企图以探究小说中人物的心理变化情况为基础揭示美国黑人悲惨的命运以及借此呼吁黑人民族要奋起反抗以实现黑人自己的人生价值和个人理想。

    From the above discussion , the readers can easily know that the thesis tries to illustrate African American tragic fate through exploring the emotional changes of the main characters and also appeals that the whole black race should rise and struggle to realize their life values and dreams .

  26. 一个人的理想常常映射在个人的设计中,语言是人类智慧的创造,它以其独特的结构和非凡的表现力传递着人类理想。

    Language is the product and design of the human being .

  27. 设计自己、设计未来是我们每一个人的理想;

    Their design , design future of every one of us is the ideal ;

  28. 杜甫在诗歌中对燕子的吟诵,勾画出了他在个人政治理想追求和士人道德理想追求过程中的内心变化和心路历程。

    Through the descriptions of the swallow , TU Fu presented his intrapersonal changes and experiences during the course of pursuing his individual political ideality and moral ideality .

  29. 他的个人主义理想影响了美国民族文化的建构,并已成为整个美国文化的一个重要组成部分。

    It is argued in the paper that Thoreauvian individualism , now as an indispensable part of American thought , has played a principal role in the construction of American culture .

  30. 然而,实习岗位的种类和实习多长时间方面就要取决于你的技能、你的经验、你的英语能力和个人的理想抱负。

    However , the type of internship position and how long it takes you to obtain it will depend on your skills , your experience , your English ability and your personal ambition .