
  • 网络Personalized Search
  1. Web数据挖掘在个性化搜索引擎中的研究与应用

    Research and application of Web Data Mining on personalized search engine

  2. Web数据挖掘和个性化搜索引擎研究

    Research on the Web Mining and Personalized Search Engine

  3. 基于Web日志的个性化搜索引擎模型的发现

    Discover personalized search engine model by mining Web logs

  4. Internet的个性化搜索引擎的分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Personalized Search Engine in Internet

  5. 基于Agent的农业个性化搜索系统研究与应用

    Research on the Application of Agent in Agricultural Personalized Information Search System

  6. 在Web信息急剧膨胀的今天,个性化搜索越来越体现了其应用价值。

    With the information expansion on the Web , personalizing search of information becomes more and more important .

  7. 基于Agent的个性化搜索模型

    A Model of Agent-based Individuation Search

  8. 基于多Agent的个性化搜索引擎研究

    Personalized Search Engine Based on Multi-agent

  9. 利用Agent个性化搜索结果

    Personalizing search result using agent

  10. 系统还利用Agent的自治性和协作性来完成用户的个性化搜索。

    This system also utilizes autonomy of agent and person who cooperate come and finish individualized search of information .

  11. 面向P2P的个性化搜索引擎的探讨

    The Discussion of Personalized Search Engine Based on P2P

  12. 由于无线带宽的限制,移动搜索同传统Web搜索相比,对信息精度的要求更高,用户对个性化搜索服务的需要也越发迫切。

    Confined by the wireless bandwidth , mobile search require higher precision of the return information , comparing with the Web search while users are also increasingly urgent for personalized search service .

  13. NDDS的两种运行方式分别提供了个性化搜索服务和共享资源服务。

    The two ways of NDDS runing provide personalized searching and sharing resource service correspondingly .

  14. 本文设计的CBIR系统基于上述算法实现了图像特征提取,通过允许用户输入参数的方法支持用户的个性化搜索。

    The designed CBIR system includes elements not only the feature extraction of images which is based on the above algorithm , but also a personalized search method that allows searches based on parameters inputted by customers .

  15. RSS技术是近几年发展起来的在互联网上被广泛采用的内容包装和投递协议,各种类别的信息通过RSS发送,被广泛应用于博客、新闻信息、个性化搜索、电子商务等各个领域。

    RSS protocol , which has been proposed and developed in recent years , is widely used for message packaging and delivering on the Internet . Many Internet applications use RSS to deliver information , such as blog , news website , search , e-commercial and so on .

  16. 基于C/S的新一代智能化、个性化搜索引擎

    A New Intelligent and Personalized Search Engine Based on C / S

  17. 基于双语翻译的个性化搜索引擎的研究与设计

    The Study and Design of Personalized Search Engine Based on Bilingual Translation

  18. 最后对个性化搜索引擎技术研究工作方向进行了总结展望。

    Finally , personalized search engine technology and research directions are summarized .

  19. 个性化搜索引擎关键技术初探

    Probe into the Key Technologies of Individualized Search Engine

  20. 果彼课题完败了基于行业的个性化搜索引擎。

    Therefore , my subject will finish the search engine based on industry .

  21. 企业内部基于角色协作的个性化搜索系统

    Personalized Search System in Enterprise Based on Role Collaborative

  22. 因此,个性化搜索引擎是当前一个重要的研究课题。

    Therefore , the personalized search engine is currently an important research topic .

  23. 基于用户兴趣的个性化搜索引擎系统

    Personalized Search Engine System Based on User 's Interest

  24. 个性化搜索中用户兴趣挖掘技术方法研究

    The Research Method and the Technology of User Interest Mining in Personalized Search

  25. 基于内容过滤的个性化搜索算法

    A Personalized Search Algorithm by Using Content-Based Filtering

  26. 如何对现有的搜索引擎的进行改进以达到个性化搜索结果的目的。

    Improving the exits search engine to achieve the purpose of personalized search results .

  27. 一直以来,这种形式的个性化搜索都被看作网页搜索的“终极追求”。

    This kind of personalization has long seen as a holy grail of web search .

  28. 基于普适计算的个性化搜索技术

    Personalized Search Technology Based on Pervasive Computing

  29. 个性化搜索引擎研究

    A Re search for Personalized Search Engines

  30. 教学资源的个性化搜索引擎研究

    A search engine study about education resources