
  • 网络component;Component technology;Software Component technology
  1. 基于构件技术和B方法的形式化需求分析

    Formalized requirement analysis based on the component technology and method-B

  2. 基于CAR构件技术的智能掌上设备操作系统

    Smart Handset Operating System Based on CAR Component Technique

  3. Linux下嵌入式软构件技术研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Embedded Software Component Technology on Linux

  4. 构件技术的发展为解决GIS功能重用提供了良好的解决方案。

    The development of component technology to solve GIS function reuse provides a good solution .

  5. CAR构件技术是具有中国自主知识产权的和欣操作系统的关键技术。

    CAR component technique is the key technique of " elastos " which has the independent copyright of China .

  6. 嵌入式Linux通信中构件技术应用研究

    Research On The Application Component-based In Embedded Linux Communication

  7. CORBA分布式构件技术(CCM:CORBAComponentModel)是一种支持服务器端分布式应用开发和运行管理的中间件技术。

    CORBA Component Model ( CCM ) is a middleware to support server-side distributed application development and running management .

  8. 基于J2EE的软件支撑平台构件技术研究

    Research of component technology on software support platform based on J2EE

  9. 基于SOA和MDA的构件技术应用研究

    Application of component technology based on SOA and MDA technology

  10. 基于构件技术的ERP系统SOA化研究

    Research on Component-based ERP System Based on SOA Technology

  11. 软构件技术及其在ERP开发中的应用

    Software component technology and its application in ERP development

  12. 和欣嵌入式操作系统所开发的CAR构件技术在吸收面向对象编程和面向构件编程技术经验的基础上,更好的支持面向以WEBService为代表的下一代网络应用软件的开发。

    CAR component technology which is developed by Elastos OS supports the next generation Internet software development in the lead of the Web service .

  13. 第5章为系统设计与实现。使用UML与构件技术的方法进行设计与实现。

    Chapter 5 designs and realizes the system , using UML and component technology .

  14. SOA与面向构件技术

    SOA and Component - based Technology

  15. 基于构件技术的电力系统MIS模型

    Based on Component Technology Electrical Power System MIS Model

  16. 同时,对新的软构件技术和面向Agent软件工程理念以及在开发本系统时用到的相关技术做了简要概述。

    The new software component technology , agent-oriented software engineering conception and some relative technologies in this system are also summarized in this thesis .

  17. J2EE下基于构件技术的OA系统的体系结构研究及系统实现

    Research on Component Technology of OA System and It 's Software Architecture by J2EE

  18. CORBA分布构件技术的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of CORBA Distributed Component Technology

  19. 构件技术在CRM中的应用研究

    Application of Software Component Technology in CRM

  20. 然后,继续介绍了目前比较成熟的CORBA构件技术,分析了CORBA的构件组成框架,详细介绍了CORBA构件模型CCM。

    Then it continues introducing the CORBA component technology and CORBA component framework .

  21. EJB构件技术在学生选课管理中的应用

    The Application of EJB Component Technology in the Management of Students ' Course Selection

  22. 构件技术的基本思想是:将大而复杂的应用软件分成一系列的可先行实现、易于开发、理解、复用和调整的软件单元,称为构件或组件(components)。

    The basic idea of component technology is to partition big and complicated application software into a series of software cells , which can be called components .

  23. 基于构件技术的HLA仿真

    HLA Simulation Based on Component Technology

  24. 为在不同抽象层次制定水利领域软件技术标准和推动Web构件技术在水利领域的应用创造了必要条件。

    This can also provide great convenience to establish the technical standards of the software technology in the water resources domain and to promote application of the web components in water resource domain .

  25. 结合UML与业务构件技术的特点,论文提出了基于UML的业务构件建模方法。

    Combining with the strongpoints of UML and business component technology , the thesis puts forward a business component modeling method based on UML .

  26. 在基于软件构件技术的嵌入式系统开发过程中,程序设计人员通常是用C/C++、汇编等语言编写相应的功能模块来获得构件的,开发周期长,程序维护也不方便;

    In the process of embedded system exploitation based on software component technology , program designers gain components usually from writing corresponding function modules by C / C + + and assemble languages .

  27. 该系统采用了模块化CAR构件技术,和用来处理输入输出事件的独特的回调事件机制,能够很好地实现人机交互界面。

    The system adopts modularized CAR component technique and the special callback-event mechanism which is used for dealing with input and output of events , so it could realize man-machine conversation interface perfectly .

  28. 本文将面向对象思想和面向构件技术结合起来,提出了一种适用于企业信息系统开发的软件体系结构:面向对象的业务处理环节装配体系结构(Object-OrientedProcessingStepsAssemblingArchitecture,OPSAA)。

    Combining Object-Oriented technique and Component-Oriented technique , this dissertation presents a new software architecture : Object-Oriented Processing Steps Assembling Architecture ( OPSAA ) .

  29. 中间件是分布式系统上构筑三层C/S基础应用框架的一种构件技术,是处在操作系统、网络层和应用层之间的一组中间组件。

    The middleware is a kind of component technology which constructs 3 layers of Client / Server foundation . It is a package of groupware located between operating system and Internet or application layer .

  30. 和欣嵌入式操作系统是基于CAR构件技术、支持构件化应用的操作系统,是国家863支持的TD-SCDMA的操作系统标准。

    Elastos is an embedded operating system based on CAR component technology , and the standard of TD-SCDMA operating system supported by the " 863 " Program .