
gòu zhù wù
  • structures;construction
构筑物[gòu zhù wù]
  1. 第六十四条在土地利用总体规划制定前已建的不符合土地利用总体规划确定的用途的建筑物、构筑物,不得重建、扩建。

    Article 64 Buildings or structures put up before the general plan for the utilization of land and unconformable to the general plans are not allowed to be rebuilt or expanded .

  2. 核电站的构筑物、系统及设备(以下简称SSC)的安全分级是核电站各项管理要求和规定的基础。

    The categorization of Structures , Systems and Components ( SSC ) is one of the cornerstones in the design of the nuclear power plant .

  3. CCD软件在构筑物参数化设计中的应用

    The Application of CCD in Structure Parametric Designs

  4. 本文开发的适合于高耸筒式构筑物控制爆破切口参数设计的CAD系统,可以为工程设计带来极大方便。

    CAD system on parameters of blasting cut applied to the tubular high-rising structure could make it convenient to design project .

  5. 利用ANSYS有限元软件对老粘土地基进行数值模拟,并与构筑物地基沉降实测值对比,对地基承载性能进行研究。

    And the bearing performance is studied by means of numeric simulation using ANSYS software and compared with the settlement observing data of the structures .

  6. 本文研究了边界元方法(BEM)利用数值仿真技术对阴极保护状态下的海洋构筑物的保护状态进行模拟,从而获得阴极保护状态下的金属材料的电位分布。

    In this paper , a boundary element method ( BEM ) is brought forward to simulate the real condition of the marine structure under cathodic protection .

  7. 本研究考察了重金属在活性污泥工艺各个构筑物的迁移情况,研究发现,经过初沉池后,B,Zn约20-30%被去除,Cu则去除了50%左右;

    The basic information that heavy metals migration in each construction of activated sludge process is investigated . The results revealed that after primary sedimentation tank , the influencing B and Zn are reduced by 20 percent , meanwhile a 50 % of Cu .

  8. 大庆200MW核供热堆安全级构筑物的设计基准龙卷风

    Design basis tornado for nuclear safety structures of 200 MW nuclear heating reactor in Daqing

  9. BTEX的挥发主要集中在氧化沟系统的表面机械曝气过程及气浮池微气泡的吹脱过程中,各构筑物表面挥发都较少。

    Volatilization of BTEX was concentrated in the process of mechanical surface aeration of oxidation ditch and bubble stripping in floatation vessels . Surface volatilization in all vessels was less .

  10. 运用BP网络的非线性函数逼近功能,以沉淀池的计算表面积与计算体积为网络的输入,沉淀池的费用值为网络的输出,建立单体构筑物沉淀池的费用模型。

    BP neural network is applied in this paper because of its nonlinear approximation function . The settling tank cost model is established by using it . The calculating surface area and volume are respectively used as network inputs , while the cost is used as the network output .

  11. 本课题选用单一BAF反应器来处理高浓度乳品废水(中小乳品厂),可极大减少水处理构筑物的占地面积,降低投资。

    Single-BAF was chosen to deal with wastewater of high concentration from middle-small scale dairy factory . And the BAF reactor could greatly decrease occupancy area of wastewater treatment structure , thus to reduce expenses .

  12. 详细介绍了污水处理厂的设计规模、SDAO污水处理工艺、各个单体构筑物的主要设计参数,SDAO工艺采用圆形曝气池,在工艺和结构设计上有所创新。

    It is introduced in detail that the design capacity , SDAO process and the main parameter of each monomer structure . A circular aeration tank is used for SDAO process and there is a creation in the structural design .

  13. 地铁施工对周边构筑物影响的安全预控

    Prevention and control on impact of subway construction on surrounding structures

  14. 煤矿地面生产构筑物可靠性模糊鉴定研究

    Research on reliability fuzzy evaluation of mine surface production building structures

  15. 高耸金属筒形构筑物爆破拆除切口研究

    Study on blasting cut in demolition of Towery tubular metal structure

  16. 高耸构筑物厚地基圆板的混合变分解

    Mixed variational solutions of thick foundation circular plates for topping construct

  17. 管状构筑物在建筑内部纵横交错,编织成一个巨大的网络。

    The pipe-shaped structure is arranged as a huge crisscrossed network .

  18. 水工构筑物混凝土墙体裂缝成因分析与预防措施

    Reason Analysis and Prevention Measures of Concrete Cracks in Hydraulic Structures

  19. 地下空间开发对既有地下构筑物影响的分析

    The Affected Analysis of Underground Space Development to the Underground Structure

  20. 更多和更多的既有地下构筑物开始老化了。

    More and more existing underground structures are starting to age .

  21. 检查井是城市管道工程的重要附属构筑物。

    Manhole is an important accessory structure of municipal pipeline engineering .

  22. 构筑物动态变形行为的自组织进化识别

    Identification of Building 's Dynamic Deformation Behavior Using Self-Organizing Evolutionary Modelling

  23. 拆迁许可证-拆除任何建筑物或构筑物。

    Demolition Permits – to demolish any building or structure .

  24. 建筑工程中地下构筑物综合拆除技术

    The Comprehensive Demolition Technology for Underground Structures in Architectural Engineering

  25. 长沙市构筑物植物配置探讨

    A Research over the Landscape Plant Planning of Changsha City

  26. 矿区构筑物耐久性影响因素分析

    Corrosive Factors Analysis of Concrete Structures Durability in Coal Area

  27. 穿堤水工构筑物软土地基的粉喷桩加固

    Powder Piles Reinforcement of Soft Clay Ground under Water-Project structure through Dike

  28. 强夯振动影响与构筑物安全距离研究

    Influence of Vibration Caused by Dynamic Compaction and Safe Distances for Buildings

  29. 污染土壤及地下构筑物的原地玻璃固化技术

    In Situ Vitrification Technology for Contaminated Soil and Underground Structure

  30. 贮料构筑物工程及其设计标准近年来的发展

    Development of Storage Structure and It 's Design Standard in Recent Years