
  • 网络PCN;PCS;UPT;personal communications
  1. 直扩码分多址个人通信系统在衰落信道中的多用户信号检测

    Multiuser Signal Detection for Multipath Fading Channels in DS-CDMA PCN System

  2. 本文介绍了个人通信业务(PCS)在一些国家和地区的发展现状。

    The status quo of PCS in some countries and regions are described in this paper .

  3. 随着Internet技术的飞速发展,个人通信技术的人性化设计要求人们可以随时随地访问网络,移动IP技术恰好满足了人们的这一愿望。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the design for technology of personal communication makes people touch Internet everywhere .

  4. 面向未来个人通信的SIP视频应用

    SIP Based Video Applications Which Towards Future Individual Communication

  5. 随着人们日益增长的个人通信需求,adhoc网络的发展和应用前景十分广泛。

    With the increasing demand for personal communication , the developments and applications of Ad hoc networks are promising .

  6. 介绍了一个面向移动用户的企业信息服务系统,该系统实现了个人通信与各种形式的Intranet信息资源之间的网关连接。

    An information gateway system between mobile users and various resources on Intranet is described .

  7. 全球个人通信系统(PCS)是一个发展中的新概念。

    Personal Communications Systems ( PCS ) are made of independently developing concepts .

  8. 家庭无线网络与蓝芽(Bluetooth)无线传输技术&个人通信领域的新热点

    Wireless Home Networking and Bluetooth Technology

  9. 移动通信领域的迅速发展以及3G时代的全面到来都反映出个人通信系统的重要性。

    The rapid development of Mobile Telecommunication and the coming of 3G indicate the great importance of Personal Communication System .

  10. 卫星通信系统由于其覆盖面积大、通信频带宽、传输容量大等的独特优势,已经成为实现全球无缝隙个人通信和Internet空中高速通道的重要手段。

    Satellite communication system has become the important means for worldwide individual communication and Internet air high-speed access due to its large coverage area , wide communication band and high capacity transmission .

  11. 个人通信服务(PCS)的技术选择

    The Selection of PCS Technology

  12. 个人通信系统(PCS)的智能网络层上每个结点的数据库采用全分布式结构。

    The database structure at each node of the intelligent network layer of PCS , is distributed .

  13. 个人通信接入系统(PAS)的关键技术

    Key Technique of the Personal Access System

  14. 讨论了新世纪中的通用无线接入、包括无线Internet在未来全球个人通信中的地位与作用,进而论述中国的相应频率规划考虑。

    This paper emphasizes the importance of General Wireless Access ( including Wireless Internet ) in realizing global personal communications and discusses the relevant frequency planning in consideration of China 's specific situation .

  15. 无线异步传输模式(ATM)网络通信系统将在宽带和多媒体个人通信得到广泛应用。

    Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode ( ATM ) network communication system will be applied widely in broad band and multimedia personal communication .

  16. 该控制器以单片机、双音多频解码和语音芯片为核心,通过个人通信终端和PSTN实现远程多路电器遥控。

    It makes use of the personal communication terminal to realize the remote control by PSTN .

  17. 无线个人通信系统中的时分多址(TDMA)技术

    TDMA Techniques in Personal Wireless Communication System

  18. 如何让人们能够随时、随地访问Internet,是当前Internet技术研究的一个热点,也是下一代真正的个人通信技术的目标。

    It is the research hotspot of Internet technology on how to provide users with continuous access to the network at anytime and anywhere , also the final goal of the next generation personal telecommunication technology .

  19. 卫星移动通信以其独特的优越性必将在未来全球个人通信(PCS)领域中发挥强大的作用。

    Satellite mobile communications system will play an important role in future worldwide personal communication services because of its unique advantages .

  20. 本系统由下面的协议代理组成:个人通信代理(PCA),给用户提供应用服务的智能接口;

    This system consists of agent ( PCA ): the Personal Communication Agents , Agents offers the user an intelligent interface to the service ;

  21. 个人通信在MSE系统中的应用

    Personal Communication Applied in MSE System

  22. 由于不依赖于固定的通信基础设施,而且网络组织机动灵活,无线移动adhoc网络被认为是未来个人通信系统的重要组成部分。

    Wireless mobile Ad Hoc network is considered as an important part of the personal communication system in the future due to its advantages of flexibility and rapid networking capability .

  23. 为了使无线个人通信具有较大的系统容量并能灵活处理多种宽带业务,在未来的个人通信中采用ATM传输与交换是一种必然趋势。

    In order to supply more capacity and support various wide-band services , it is a compulsory trend to use ATM in wireless personal communication in the future .

  24. 低轨(LEO)移动卫星通信系统是实现全球个人通信的一个重要方式,日益得到人们的重视。

    Low earth-orbiting mobile satellite communication system is a very important approach for personal communication all over the world . It is valued by people increasingly .

  25. 未来的无线个人通信服务PCN(PersonalCommunicationNetwork)将支持更高密度,更高移动性的用户,并支持采用不同接入网与核心网的用户进行网间漫游。这将会产生巨量的系统资源消耗。

    Future wireless personal communication network ( PCN ) will support inter-network roaming between different access networks and core network for higher density and mobility users that will lead to large quantities of system resources consuming .

  26. 基于通用个人通信(UPT)技术和统一消息服务(UMS)的思想,提出在SCADA系统中应用个性化消息服务的方案。

    Based on UPT technology and UMS concept , a personalized SCADA message service solution is proposed .

  27. 介绍分析了在蜂窝和个人通信业务(PCS)市场中适用于RFIC的多种射频晶体管技术。

    This review presents many RF transistor technologies for RFIC applications in cellular and personal communications service ( PCS ) markets .

  28. 本文探讨了未来移动通信技术的发展趋势和特点,涉及CDMA数字移动通信系统,FLEXTM无线寻呼技术和个人通信系统PCS。

    This paper probe into mobile communication technology developmental trends and characteristic , involve CDMA digital communication system , FLEXTM and PCS.

  29. adhoc网络作为一种特殊形式的移动计算机网络,可广泛应用于军事指挥、传感器网络、一些紧急场合以及个人通信网。

    Ad hoc network , as a special form of mobile computer network , can be widely used in military command , sensor networks , a number of emergency situations , and personal communications network .

  30. 作为构建全球无缝个人通信的重要组成部分,低轨(LEO)星座卫星通信系统的相关技术正在飞速发展。

    As an important part of a global seamless personal communication , the Low-Earth Orbit ( LEO ) constellation communication system is developing in many aspects of correlative technique .