
  • 网络Domestic brand
  1. 国内品牌扩张之势明显:汤臣倍健发展速度迅猛。

    The expansion trend of domestic brand is obvious : BY-HEALTH is developing rapidly .

  2. 但国内品牌与国外品牌间的售后服务所存在的差距依然较大,而且这表现为非传统意义上的差距。

    But domestic brand and foreign product are still remaining great distance in after-sale service .

  3. 来自69个国家和地区的企业参展,国外参展品牌超1300个,国内品牌超1200个,预计展会期间各类观众将超20万人次。

    More than 1300 global brands from 69 countries and regions and over 1200 domestic labels will participate in the expo , which is expected to attract more than 200000 visitors .

  4. 国内品牌也打破了进口高端OLED面板的主导地位。

    Domestic brands have also broken the dominance of imported high-end OLED panels .

  5. 直到不久前,李宁(lining)还是国内品牌中的霸主它是一家由奥运会体操金牌得主李宁创建的同名连锁企业。

    Domestic brands have been dominated until recently by Li Ning , the eponymous chain founded by the gold medal-winning Olympic gymnast .

  6. 在他任职期间,BMW由原来的国内品牌逐步上升为欧洲著名品牌,直到1942年受到纳粹分子逼迫才不得不辞职。

    He presides over BMW ′ s rise from a national brand to a company of European standing , until forced to resign by the Nazi authorities in1942 .

  7. 在我国2G手机市场,竞争非常激烈,国内品牌手机处于绝对劣势的关键就是核心能力不足。

    2G cell phone competition is very intense in China and Chinese brands are weak position absolutely , which key reason is the lack of core competition competence .

  8. 但更直接的影响是,塔塔汽车在中国的售价开始下降,与全球车企适应消费者口味变化是一致的——中国消费者开始更喜欢国内品牌生产的廉价的、欢快的运动型多功能车(SUV)。

    But more immediately , prices are falling in China as global manufacturers react to a shift in consumer tastes towards cheap and cheerful sport utility vehicles made by domestic brands .

  9. 排名前五的手机品牌累计占据近七成的用户关注度。其中国内品牌--华为、Oppo和Vivo--分别占据了18.45%、13.61%和12.98%,分列前三名,而苹果和韩国三星则位居第四和第五名。

    And top 5 brands occupied nearly 70 percent of users ' attention , while domestic brands -- Huawei , Oppo and Vivo -- took up 18.45 percent , 13.61 percent and 12.98 percent , respectively , netting the top three spots , while Apple and South Korea 's Sumsung took the fourth and fifth spots .

  10. 试论国内品牌报纸的深度报道策划

    Tentative Study of Domestic Branded Newspapers ' In-Depth-Reporting Scheme

  11. 外资收购中的国内品牌价值评估

    Value Evaluation of Chinese Brand in Foreign Capital Purchasing

  12. 然后又比较了国际品牌和国内品牌设计的不同国际化策略。

    Then the thesis compares internationalization strategy of international brand design with domestics .

  13. 国内品牌服装的设计工作程序模式浅析

    Analysis on Design Process of Fashion Brand in China

  14. 在中国的压缩机市场中,国内品牌和国外品牌的市场有怎样的区分?

    How is the market divided between local compressor makers and foreign brands ?

  15. 其它国内品牌也大多采取这一战略,并以相近的速度高速扩张。

    Most homegrown brands share this strategy and are growing at a similar clip .

  16. 这一新的举措恰逢中国大力扶持国内品牌之际。

    The new move coincides with state efforts to support and promote domestic brands .

  17. 从中国品牌与跨国公司品牌在国际市场上的竞争来看,目前,中国还没有世界名牌;国内品牌的资产价值与国外品牌相比差距较大;

    There is a heated competition between Chinese brand and transnational brand in China .

  18. 国内品牌应该选择合理的工艺,强化油泵链的制作。

    Domestic brands should choose a reasonable process , and strengthen the oil production chain .

  19. 但是国内品牌过多、过杂,不利于与外国品牌的竞争。

    But there are not enough well known domestic brands to compete against the foreign brands .

  20. 国内品牌生命周期较短是一个较为普遍的现象,而延长品牌的成熟期有利于提高企业的整体利润。

    Brand life cycle is very short in domestic enterprises , which is a general phenomenon .

  21. 上海是一个国际化的大都市,是国内品牌玩具厂家首选进入的市场。

    Shanghai , an internationalized metropolis .

  22. 国内品牌和外国品牌在提供售后服务方面有什么不同?

    Do the local and international compressor makers differ in what they offer in regards to aftercare services ?

  23. 对国内品牌全球化过程中的本土化设计可以借鉴跨国公司成功经验采用产品延伸、产品适应、产品创新这三种海外本土化设计方法。

    Product prolong , product adaptation , product innovation are the main three way of oversea design for reference .

  24. 国内品牌男装陈列发展相对稚嫩,使的国内品牌男装发展受到很大的危机。

    The domestic brand menswear display is relatively immature so that the domestic brand menswear development is great crisis .

  25. 面对新的机遇和挑战,国内品牌的发展将面临着严峻的考验。

    Facing the new opportunity and challenge , the development of the domestic brand will be confronted with stern test .

  26. 指出国内品牌缺乏市场调研,同时例举了新可口可乐和铱星两个品牌调研的失败案例。

    Exemplify the failure case that two brands of " New coca-cola " and " Iridium star " survey and study .

  27. 目前国内品牌优质面包、名牌方便面的原料用硬质小麦主要依赖进口。

    Nowadays , most material hard wheat used in domestic name brand bread with high quality and instant noodles is imported .

  28. 在中国羽毛球女队夺得团体冠军之后,一位队员指着自己身上穿的某国内品牌服装如此说。

    Women in the Chinese badminton team title after winning a player by myself wearing a domestic brand clothing has said .

  29. 如果买得起外国品牌的东西,中国消费者大多不愿意花差不多的价钱去购买国内品牌的商品。

    Chinese customers in general do not want to spend extra for a domestic brand if they can afford a foreign one .

  30. 其实,目前国内品牌也在努力提高科技水平,增强涂料的科技含量。

    In fact , domestic brands are also efforts to improve scientific and technological level , and enhance the technology content of paint .