
  • 网络Technological Brand;technology branding
  1. 因此,企业依靠核心技术创建技术品牌,才能使企业基业常青。

    Therefore , only relying on core technology to create technological brand , can enterprises keep growing eternally .

  2. 谁曾在保险杠贴纸上看到过其它技术品牌?

    Which other technology brand do you ever see on bumper stickers ?

  3. 市场竞争已由原来的有型产品和服务的竞争转向无形的文化技术品牌的竞争;

    The competition has changed from product and service to culture , technology and brand .

  4. 医院品牌建设包括技术品牌、服务品牌及文化品牌的建设。

    Hospital brand building includes the building of technical brand , service brand and culture brand .

  5. 何永生表示:我们始终对建设自身品牌极为专注,不过我们也十分愿意与电信运营商和其他技术品牌进行品牌联合以及其它合作。

    We have been very focused on building our own brand , but we have also been very open to co-branding and collaborating with carriers and other technology brands , said Mr Ho .

  6. 整个电信行业已经开始从过去的企业品牌、技术品牌主导进入到业务品牌、服务品牌和客户品牌主导的阶段。

    Under the guidance of this trend , the entire telecom industry has already begun the corporate brand , technology brand-led of past into the business brand , service brand and customer brand-led phase .

  7. 但是,随着我国参与全球化的发展,许多国外高技术品牌开始进入国门,利用其强大的技术和品牌优势快速抢占了国内市场,我国高技术企业的发展遭受到了严重的威胁。

    However , with China participation in the development of globalization , many foreign high-tech brand enter into the country , using its powerful technology and brand to seize the domestic market quickly , our high-tech enterprises ' development suffered a serious threat .

  8. 像苹果(Apple)和思科这样的市场引领企业在技术和品牌知名度上占有优势,且现金储备殷实。

    Leaders like Apple and Cisco boast an edge in technology and brand recognition , and have bundles of cash .

  9. developerWorks主页的目标受众是正在寻找IBM支持的众多技术和品牌的相关参考资料的开发人员。

    Our target readers for the developerWorks main page are developers who are looking for resources on the many technologies and brands that IBM supports .

  10. 搜索技术中心品牌营销是一个今年开始的特别项目。

    This is a special project which started from this year .

  11. 三是核心技术和品牌关。

    Third is " key technology & name brand " .

  12. 民办职业技术学院品牌战略研究

    Research on the Brand Strategy of Private-Owned Vocational Technical College

  13. 初探高技术企业品牌管理体制的建立

    Studies on brand system of high-tech enterprises

  14. 技术和品牌能使企业在中国国内获利很大。

    Technology and brands are the things that can make the biggest difference back home .

  15. 提升天津滨海新区高新技术企业品牌价值的探讨

    Discussion on Promoting Brand Assets Value of Hi-Tech Enterprise in Binhai New Area of Tianjin City

  16. 科学技术·品牌与国际合作&第4届全球纺织经济论坛在京举行

    Science Technology · Brand and International Cooperation The 4th Global Textile Economic Forum Held in Beijing

  17. 中国企业将通过转移、购买、开发技术与品牌,进入西方市场。

    Chinese companies will transfer , buy and develop technology and brands , and enter western markets .

  18. 五星行:我们在中国市场上将关注于:美誉营销技术领先品牌建设。

    WOLSTENHOLME : We will focus on : " Reputation marketing "" Technical Excellence "" Brand Building " .

  19. 跨国企业的营销能力优势在于优秀的营销理论、成功的营销经验支持,对于产品、技术、品牌高额的核心价值的掌握,日益见效的与政府间的公共关系。

    MNEs have the advantages in aspects of marketing theory , experience , technology , and brand value .

  20. 中国对日本技术和品牌的投资不多,但数量正在增长,上述这笔投资正是其中之一。

    The investment is one of a small but growing number of Chinese investments in Japanese technologies and brands .

  21. 信息、技术、品牌等无形资源的管理在现代社会中的作用越来越重要。

    Intangible resources such as information , technology and brand also play an increasingly important role in modern society .

  22. 大部分中国企业缺乏管理、技术、品牌和渠道等竞争优势仍然是一个令人困扰的问题。

    Most of Chinese enterprises are still lack of competitiveness on management skills , technology , famous brands as well as sales channels .

  23. 非资本要素包括技术、品牌、市场资源、管理能力和企业文化等无形资产。

    These element mainly involve enterprises ' intangible assets eg. technology , brand , market resource , managerial skill and corporate culture , etc.

  24. 而本文意通过对高技术行业品牌管理的探讨,尝试着提出品牌管理的框架,并辅以案例浅析。

    While this paper intended for high-tech industry through management of brands , try to put brand management framework , supported by case analysis .

  25. 在市场竞争发展的历程中,企业之间的竞争已经逐步由产品、技术和品牌上的竞争发展到技术标准的竞争。

    In the course of market competition , competition among enterprises has gradually developed from the products , technology and brand to the technology standards .

  26. 第五部分论述了武汉职业技术学院品牌建设存在的问题以及解决策略的一些探讨。

    The last chapter discusses the existing problems and the strategies to solve these problems during the brand building process in Wuhan Institute of Technology .

  27. 此外,中国企业动力十足,希望通过收购获得技术、品牌和分销渠道,拉近与关键市场的距离。

    Additionally , Chinese companies are motivated to make acquisitions in order to acquire technology , brands , distribution channels and improve proximity to key markets .

  28. 尤其是西部中小型民营企业,在技术、品牌、公司治理、资金实力等方面都比较欠缺、抗风险能力较差。

    Western private SMEs are especially lack of technology , brand , corporate governance , financial strength , etc. , resulting poor ability to resist risks .

  29. 而中国企业则瞄准了那些处境艰难的小型公司,这些公司的技术、品牌以及经营模式,可以提升中国企业自身业务的价值。

    But Chinese companies have targeted small , struggling companies with access to technology , brands or business models that can add value to their own operations .

  30. 通过实证研究表明,本文构建的信息技术产品品牌风险评价体系具有较好的预测能力,能为信息技术企业提供一定的理论支持。

    Through empirical studies show that the brand information technology products risk evaluation system has good predictive capabilities for information technology companies to provide some theoretical support .