
  1. 我父母没有专门的技术,工资很低。

    My parents have no special technology , so their salary is very low .

  2. 绩效工资制度的发展经历了职务等级工资制、结构工资制、技术等级工资制和岗位绩效工资制。

    The development of performance pay system has experienced the post-rank salary system , structural wage system , technical grade wage system and job performance wage .

  3. 然而,该报告说,南撒哈拉非洲地区也有可能成为一体化的最大受益者,因为它可以利用技术和工资差距的优势来推动较高速度的持续的增长。

    However , the report says Sub-Saharan Africa could also potentially gain the most from integration , since it could take advantage of technology and wage gaps to propel higher sustained growth .

  4. 然后本文对研发人员报酬体系设计进行了研究,将报酬体系设计分为物质报酬体系设计和精神报酬体系设计两部分,分别对工资结构、技术等级工资、企业文化建设和职业生涯规划进行了讨论。

    Then the author researches the design of reward system , dividing it into material reward design and spirit reward design . And then the author respectively discusses the problems of salary structure , technology grade salary , construction of enterprise culture and professional career program .

  5. 利用VISUALBASIC5.0高级语言,采用面向对象编程技术,开发工资管理系统,介绍系统的开发方法和经验。

    Using object orientation programming techniques , salary management system is exploited with Visual Basic 5.0 , and the exploiting methods and experiences are discussed .

  6. 技术外溢与工资差距之间存在着一种倒U形关系。

    It is assumed that there is a relationship between technology spillovers and salary spillovers which is compared to an up-side-down U-shape .

  7. 除了具有一切诸如开发式数据库连接之类的同类产品技术优点,工资数据库管理系统和遗产数据库管理系统也可以作为典型例证说明SSBCWM为整个系统提供了更可靠的安全保障。

    Besides having all the advanced features of its predecessor , such as open database connectivity , the Payroll Management System and the Heritage Management System are the ideal examples of how ( SSBCWM ) gives additional security to the entire system .

  8. 从事信息技术的人员工资很高。

    High are the salaries of people in the it industry .

  9. 除此之外,有理由对非技术工人的工资予以补贴。

    In addition , a case can be made for subsidising the wages of the working unskilled .

  10. 他也给出了一个经常引用的预计数字,由于移民,美国低技术工人的工资降低了5%。

    He also assumes that migrants depress the wages of low-skilled Americans by 5 % - a widely cited estimate .

  11. 各行业的价格加成率、技术构成和工资率决定了剩余价值总额在行业间的再分配,进而决定了行业工资份额。

    Markup , technology composition and wage rate of every industry determines the redistribution of aggregate surplus value among the industries .

  12. 眼下,技术型员工工资上涨、优秀员工短缺以及同当地企业的价格战都是令地区经理们头痛的事。

    They must cope with rising wages for skilled workers , a shortage of suitable staff and pricing pressure from local competitors .

  13. 我们保证聘请的国外专家和技术人员在工资和生活待遇方面得得优惠照顾。

    We will see to it that foreign experts , engineers and technicians are given preferential treatment in pay and life necessities .

  14. 由于非外资流入部门中非技术工人的工资保持不变,因此伴随着外资规模的扩大,整个劳动力市场将呈现出不同技能劳动力工资水平差距拉大的态势。

    Since the wages for non-technological workers in non-foreign capital sectors maintain constant , with the expansion of foreign capital scale , the whole labor market tends to have an increasing gap in wage levels among workers with different skills .

  15. 本文通过细致的分析,认为目前的专业技术类公务员工资设计存在着诸多问题,如缺乏市场竞争力、工资缺乏弹性、工资结构不合理、工资级差过小、缺乏相应的增薪机制等问题。

    There are many problems for the professional and technical civil servants wage through careful analysis , such as lack of market competitiveness , lack of flexibility wage , the wage structure is irrational , the wage differential is too small , the lack of appropriate salary increment mechanism .

  16. 专业技术职务级别的工资上升空间小。

    The wage level professional and technical positions up little space .

  17. 这一点在中等技术工作和中等工资中得到了体现。

    That shows in middling jobs and wages .

  18. 然后对生产这几类产品的行业的劳动力成本进行分析,研究产品技术含量与行业工资的关系。

    Then we analyze the condition of labor costs in these industries to research the relationship of products ' technical content and industry wage .

  19. 技术进步、增加工资、对外贸易都减缓两部类生产不均衡,延缓经济危机发生。

    The technology advancement , wage increase , and the foreign trade can slow down the imbalance of capitalist economy growth and the economic crisis .

  20. 我本人的实证调查则发现,快速淘汰非熟练工人的技术变革造成了工资下降压力,而与穷国贸易带来的影响甚至可能缓和了这种压力。

    My own empirical investigation concludes that the effect of trade with poor countries may even have been to moderate the downward pressure on wages that rapid unskilled labour-saving technical change would have caused .

  21. 一般来说,非技术工作比较容易找,但工资远远低于技术工人的工资。

    Generally , there will be more non & skilled jobs available but the pay will be much lower than if you are a skilled worker .

  22. 由于各内资进出口因素对劳动力的技术水平要求较低,影响则主要体现在各地区低技术工人工资中。最后,本文在上述研究结论的基础上,提出了相应的政策建议。

    The domestic import and export factors are mainly reflected in the various regions of low-skilled workers on wages . Finally , on the basis of the analysis , this paper puts forward several suggestions .

  23. 然而由于历史、观念、制度上的缺陷,专业技术类公务员的重要作用没有得到充分重视,专业技术类公务员的工资也只是按照统一的公务员法来执行。

    However , due to the history , concepts , system defects , the important role of professional and technical civil servants did not receive full attention , professional and technical civil servants wage is performed in accordance with the unified civil servants law .

  24. 从产业层面看,由于FDI对高技术工人的需求相对较高,因此FDI通过劳动力市场转移提高了高低技术工人工资差距。

    From the perspective of industry , since FDI has a higher relative demand for skilled workers , FDI increases wage inequality through transfer of labor forces .

  25. 本文首先介绍了株洲广播电视台技术中心员工薪酬体系的基本情况,包括技术中心的组织结构、现行的薪酬体系以及技术中心员工工资发放办法及流程。

    First , this paper introduces the basic situation of technical staff working in Zhuzhou broadcasters , including the organization structure of technology center , the current pay system and the processes of paying technical staff .

  26. 例如,技术变革加快和全球化程度提高增加了对技术工人的相对需求,推动了与教育和技术水平挂钩的工资上涨。

    For example , increased technological change and globalization has increased relative demand for skilled workers , pushing up wages for people with education and skills .

  27. 反而由于地区间的对外贸易及其FDI的差异,引起了高技术工人需求上升,进而推动了高技术人员的收入上升,从而拉大了地区之间及其地区内部高低技术工人的工资差距。

    On the contrary , the increasing demand for high-tech workers due to the difference of the regional foreign trade and FDI , promotes a wage increase of high-tech personnel , thus widening the wage gap between high and low skilled workers among and within regions .