
  • 网络technical skill;skills
  1. 把体育课作为了娱乐课,主要形式为自由活动,失去了学校体育原有的功能,没有正确的传授体育运动技术技能和培养学生终身体育的思想。

    The physical education as a " class entertainment ", mainly in the form of free activities , school sports lost original function , without the right technical skills sports teach students thinking and lifelong sport . 2 .

  2. 然而,要做到这点,我需要具备相应的技术技能,MBA就是最佳途径。

    But in order to do this I needed to gain technical skills , which were best provided by an MBA .

  3. 他如果提高了自己的信息技术技能,就会容易找到工作。

    If he improved his IT skills , he 'd easily get a job .

  4. 借鉴航空业团队资源管理(CRM)的教程和模式,注重非技术技能的训练。

    Developing a training model like Crew Resources Management ( CRM ), emphasizing non-technical skills training ;

  5. LMX和管理层次的交互作用对技术技能和概念技能有显著影响。

    Besides , the interaction of LMX and management level had a notable effect on the utilization of technical skills and conceptual skills .

  6. 结果表明,外资比例对技术技能和人际技能的运用有积极作用,LMX和管理层次会影响技能运用的机会。

    The results showed that the proportion of foreign capital had a positive effect on the utilization of technical skills and human skills , and LMX and management level also had a significant effect on the opportunity of skill utilization .

  7. 构建技术技能特色的高职教学体系

    On Construction of Higher Vocational Teaching System Characterized with Technical Ability

  8. 请忍住卖弄自己的技术技能的冲动。

    Resist the urge to show off your technical skills .

  9. 浅谈卫生专业教学中的基本技术技能训练

    On the Training of the Basic Skills in Medical Teaching

  10. 论师范生现代教育技术技能的培养路径

    On the Training of Students ' Modern Educational Techniques

  11. 职业准入制度是国际上通行的一种对技术技能人才的资格认证制度。

    Profession permitting system is an international system to authenticate the qualification of technicians .

  12. 师范生教育技术技能培养的教学改革

    On Reform of Education Technique Training for Normal Students Enrolled in New Regular Colleges

  13. 随着工作要求的变化,员工的技术技能也需要不断地变化和更新。

    As job demands change , employee skills have to be altered and updated .

  14. 他说,他之所以参加,是因为这项赛事能够逼迫着他去学习新的技术技能。

    He says he attends because they force him to learn new tech skills .

  15. 冶金业在工业金属制造的运用过程中需要专业的技术技能。

    Metallurgy applies engineering and technical skills to developing industrial metals and manufacturing processes .

  16. 它们缺乏技术技能和培训。

    They lacked technological skills and training .

  17. 职工培训要从技术技能培训、行为培训、管理培训三方面实施;

    The training should be implemented from technical skill training , behaviour and management training .

  18. 具体做法是:提高自身素质,提高麻醉医师的技术技能;

    Hense the following methods have been adopted : improvement of the anesthesiologists , skills ;

  19. 谈师范生应具备的教育技术技能

    Talking about the Skills of Education Skill and Ability to the Students of Teachers College

  20. 展现能符合组织所需要的在质与技术技能方面皆备的能力。

    Demonstrate competency in quantitative and technical skills related to the needs of an organization .

  21. 在掌握体育知识、技术技能上,学段有差异,初中学生选择人数多于小学;

    Two , to different grades , junior students get more sports knowledge and skills education ;

  22. 仅有技术技能还不够。

    Technical skill is not enough .

  23. 如果你有特殊技术技能,马上展示你所在的水平。

    If you have a specific technical skill , show how it can be leveraged immediately .

  24. 第二,就是要有一个提升自己知识,技术技能的过程。

    Second , is to have a upgrade their knowledge and technical skills of the course .

  25. 现代教育技术技能是21世纪师范生的必备素质之一。

    Teachers in 21 century are required to master the modern educational technology as their basic skill .

  26. 现代教育技术技能已成为未来教师职业技能的一个重要组成部分。

    Modern education techniques and skills have become an important part of future teachers ′ professional techniques .

  27. 一些雇主表示,如果能找到具备重要技术技能的工人,他们会增加雇员。

    Some employers say they would add employees if they could find workers with important technology skills .

  28. 在[比利时]Flanders有一些生物技术技能我们可以立即利用。

    There is a biotechnology skills base in Flanders [ Belgium ] that we can tap into immediately .

  29. 通常由IT部门的个人或具有编写软件所需的足够技术技能的人员担任此角色。

    This is usually an individual from the IT department or someone with sufficient technical skills to write software .

  30. 评价的内容有:学生的运动技术技能、学生的学习态度等方面。

    The content of the evaluation has : the movement of students ' technical skills , students ' learning attitude .