
  1. 介绍了国际机场航站楼公共广播和内部通讯系统的技术招标书的编写格式,及工程要求达到的技术性能指标。

    Based on public broadcasting and internal communication system in international airport building , the paper introduces format of theirs bidding technology document , and it introduces technique performance indexs for engineering requirements .

  2. 作为技术招标评估的重要组件,西方石油公司将对那些类似的钻井架位置进行实地考察,以观察它们满足上述要求的方式。

    As a critical component of the technical bid evaluation , Occidental will make field visits to locations where rigs similar to those bid are working to observe how they satisfy the above requirements .

  3. 为了克服实际招投标操作中存在的问题,探求用Web技术实现招标投标的全过程。

    In order to take over the problems in real bidding practice , We intend to realize total bidding & tendering process .

  4. 技术物资招标采购的实践与意义

    The Practice and Significance of the Bidding Purchasing of Technical Goods

  5. 高校技术物资招标采购方法的研究

    The Research of Bidding Methods for University Techno-material

  6. 从电子商务的发展构思了技术物资招标采购的未来方式。

    By the development of electronic commerce , planning the future method about the techno-material bidding .

  7. 将电子商务平台和互联网技术同招标采购的标准流程相结合,开发出更加便捷、高效、透明的电子招标投标平台,是近些年来我国招标投标事业的一项重大进步。

    The combination of e-commerce platform and Internet technology with the standard bidding process to develop a more convenient , efficient , transparent electronic bidding platform , bidding cause a significant progress in recent years .

  8. 关于高校设备招标管理的思考第五章高校技术物资招标管理工作的新思维,从管理心理学方面提出了对投标人的心态的分析及对策;

    On Purchase of Equipment by Way of Bidding in Institutions of Higher Learning Chapter 5 is the new thinking about the techno-material invite public bidding manage in university . By the theory of manage psychology , Chapter 5 is put forward analyze and countermeasure to the tenderer attitude .

  9. 或参考技术规范或招标文件的其他部分规定的方法。

    Or Reference to the methodology specified in the Technical Specifications or elsewhere in the bidding documents .

  10. 高校为适应招标采购制度社会化进程,必须实行技术物资的招标采购。

    To adapt the socialization of the invite public bidding system , university had to carry out the invite public bidding about techno-material .

  11. 基于Agent和电子商务技术的工程项目招标投标模型研究

    Research on the distributed Bidding Model of Engineering Projects Based on Agent and Electronic Business

  12. D-B总承包模式的关键技术是如何进行招标和评标。

    The technology key of design-build delivery systems is how to proceed and how to evaluate the bid .

  13. 信息技术在药品集中招标采购中的应用

    Application of IT to the centralized purchase of drugs through bidding

  14. 远程医药招标系统是在电子商务广泛应用在各个领域的背景下,通过计算机程序设计、计算机网络技术将传统医药招标过程电子化、网络化。

    When the e-business is widely used in many fields , remote drugs bidding system is made in the computer programming technology and computer network .

  15. 结论:影像设备工程技术人员通过参与招标与安装能够明显提高理论和实践能力,减少工作中对设备的不当操作。

    Conclusion Image engineers can significantly improve the ability of theory and practice through inviting public bidding and installation , and reduce the improper operation to the equipments .