
  • 网络Technology Intermediary
  1. 技术中介机构法律规制研究

    A Study on the Laws and Rules of Technology Intermediary Agencies

  2. 技术中介机构现已成为创新改革体系的中坚力量。

    Technology intermediary agencies have become the backbone force in the innovation and reform system .

  3. 识别知识转移服务类技术中介的影响因素,结合网络化、专业化发展趋向,通过问卷调查SPSS分析,为我国转移类技术中介的发展提供了现实依据及发展路径。

    Identified effect factors of knowledge transfer technological intermediary , combined the network specialization and with research questionnaires and SPSS analysis , provided the realism proofs and developing ways .

  4. 技术中介对技术成交效率影响研究

    Research on the Mechanism of Intermediaries on the Technological Transaction Efficiencies

  5. 技术中介组织模式对交易效率的影响分析。

    Analysis on the impact of the technological intermediary 's organizational model .

  6. 基于知识活动视角的技术中介分析

    The Analysis of Technological Medi-organization Based on the Knowledge Perspective

  7. 信息非对称交易中的技术中介效率

    Analysis on Efficiency of Middlemen in Information Asymmetrical Market

  8. 技术中介运作及管理机制的博弈分析

    The Mechanism of Technological Intermediary Operation Management Based on Model of Game Theory

  9. 技术中介是国家和区域技术创新体系建设中不可或缺的环节。

    Technological Intermediary is a key link of national and regional technological innovation system .

  10. 我国技术中介的发展存在许多不足之处,因此,迅速建立全方位服务模式的中介业已是当务之急。

    There will be many problems in the development of technological medium in our country .

  11. 信息技术中介的探究式学习环境设计

    Information Technology Mediated Inquiry Learning Environment Design

  12. 技术中介机构在促进技术转化中的作用是一个非常值得关注的问题。

    The function of technology agents on promoting technology transform is a widely concerned problem .

  13. 技术中介是技术创新体系不可缺少的环节,是知识经济运行的必备要素。我国技术中介发展中存在的主要问题一是缺乏积累;

    Technical agencies are indispensable links of technological innovation and necessary factors of knowledge based economy .

  14. 本论文的研究主题是信息技术中介的教育实习环境创设,基于此,作者围绕5个方面展开研究:(1)教师培养与教育实习;

    The research subject of this dissertation is the design of IT mediated education practice environment .

  15. 研究技术中介机构的运作机制,探索技术中介机构的经营规律,这将使我国的科技工作有所收益。

    Researching on TI 's operation mechanism and management rule will benefit our country 's science and technology cause .

  16. 技术中介机构是为技术主体提供实现技术创新和应用的各种技术服务的新型中介组织,是加速技术产业化、促进技术市场发展的重要力量。

    Technology intermediary agencies are the intermediates that offer various kinds of technological service which helps the realization of technological innovation and application .

  17. 基于知识活动系统的相关理论,对技术中介系统展开了深入研究。

    Based on relative theory of knowledge activity system , the thorough research is progressed in this article about the technical intermediary system .

  18. 论文界定了技术中介相关概念,分析其特征并明确外部约束环境,解释了将技术中介作为研究对象的缘由;

    The paper has explained correlative concept of technical intermediary , analyzed its characteristic and exterior restraint environment , and explained the reason of choosing technical intermediary as research object .

  19. 因此,应加强技术中介机构立法研究,明确其法律性质、发展模式、立法模式等基本理论问题,以实现其规范化运作。

    The legislative research on technology intermediary agencies shall be strengthened to make clear their legal character , development model and legislative model and to regulate the operation of technology intermediary agencies .

  20. 在市场经济条件下,技术中介是技术交易的重要中间环节,必须遵守市场规律和法律法规。

    Under the condition of the market economy , the technical intermediate is an important middle link of the technical trade , and its progress must follow the market regulations and laws .

  21. 本次研究采用了理论与实践、定性与定量相结合的方法展开研究,并尝试推导出技术中介机构的价值体现模型,协助一般委托方做出决策。

    In this research , I adopt the tool of theory and practice combined , qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis combined , and try deducing TI 's value realization model to assist the clients to make decision .

  22. 企业外部社会资本各维度基本可从企业与客户、供应商及其他企业的联系,与科研院所、高校及技术中介组织的联系,与政府部门、银行、行业协会的联系等三方面衡量。

    External social capital is measured from the relationship between firms and customers , suppliers and other firms ; between firms and research institutes , universities and technological agency ; between firms and government , banks and guilds .

  23. 技术中介机构是连接科技与经济的桥梁和纽带,在提高科技事业的自我发展能力,加快科技成果的社会传播与普及,增强企业的活力,发展商品经济等方面都具有重要作用。

    Technology Intermediary ( TI ), as the bridge and band between technology and economy , is helpful to develop science and technology cause , spread the technology fruit , strengthen the enterprise 's energy and enhance the commodity economy .

  24. 所以,加快改革技术中介机构运行模式,大力提高技术中介机构运营效率,已成为现阶段我国市场经济发展和创新能力提高的迫切要求。

    Therefore , speeding up the reform on the operation mode of the intermediary agencies and dramatically increasing the efficiency of their operation have become the urgent demand on the current development of our market economy and enhancement of innovation abilities .

  25. 但国家创新体系和技术中介机构的建设在我国起步较晚,配套体系和相关法律政策仍不健全,在运行过程中暴露出许多问题。

    However , since the national innovation system and technology intermediary agencies ' comparatively late position in the initial development stage , the conveyance system and related legal policies are not complete yet and many problems have emerged in the operation process .

  26. 本章首先对我国制造业生产率进行测算,然后引入技术创新中介变量,联合KIBS共同分析制造业生产率的变化。

    This section estimates the manufacturing productivity , and then introduces technological innovation as intermediary variables to analyze the changes of manufacturing productivity .

  27. 技术创新中介组织的政府行为刍议

    Discussion on the Governmental Behavior of Medium Organization in Technical Innovation

  28. 论我国技术转移中介行业萧条的根本原因及对策

    By Our Country Technology Transfer Intermediary Profession Bleak Basic Reason and Countermeasure

  29. 技术交易中介服务体系的构建与运行

    Construction and Operation of Technological Transaction Intermediary Service System

  30. 我国技术转移中介服务体系研究

    A Study on the System of Medium Service for Technology Transfer in China