
  • 网络Travel Agent;OTA;Tour Agent;Travel Agency
  1. 他们和旅游代理商商定6月的旅行。

    They arranged with the travel agent for a June passage .

  2. 为了有一个安排妥当的假期,我们应该找家合格的旅游代理商。

    To ensure a well-arranged holiday , we should consult a qualified travel agent .

  3. 众多在线旅游代理商和在线旅行点评网站,像旅程网(Orbitz)、到到网(TripAdvisor)等,在网站上加入专门针对单身人士和单人旅行的搜索条件,正在逐渐成为一种常规做法。

    It 's becoming par for the course for online travel agents and review sites like Orbitz and TripAdvisor to include search filters for singles and solo travel .

  4. 这位旅游代理商向游客们保证让他们玩得满意,钱花得值得。

    The travel agent promised to give the tourists a run for their money .

  5. 可通过各地旅游代理商定票。

    Booking made through most trael agents .

  6. 旅游代理商和旅游作家在引导他们的客户或读者到哪家酒店去起重要作用。

    Travel agents and travel writers play an important part in referring their clients or readers to one hotel or another .

  7. 给你的旅游代理商打电话要求重订行程&在16日上午离开,在19日下午返回。

    Call your travel agent to re-schedule the trip-depart in the morning of the16th and return in the afternoon of the19th .

  8. 航空旅游代理商是中国传统的机票代理商与旅行代理商的结合,是航空旅游市场活动中举足轻重的参与者。

    The air travel agent is the combination of China 's traditional ticket agent and travel agent , a very important participant in the air tour market activity .

  9. 众信、驴妈妈和携程等旅游代理商称,来自京津冀的避霾游客数量依然是最多的。

    Travel agencies including UTour , Lvmama and Ctrip said Beijing , Tianjin and Hebei still account for the largest number of tourists who want to escape smog .

  10. 也有其他的行业你可以从中得到或达成服务标准的规则&旅游代理商,修鞋匠,理发师和建筑商。

    There are also rules which deal with the standard of services you get & from , say , travel agents , shoe repairs , hairdressers and builders .

  11. 在线旅游代理商携程本周一称,携程12月向境外目的地输送的避霾游客预计将超过15万。

    The online travel agency Ctrip said on Monday that it expected to send more than 150000 travelers to overseas destinations in December , simply to escape the smog .

  12. 国内最大在线旅游代理商携程在一份报告中称,2016年,携程向沿线国家输送中国游客超过1000万人次,同比增长72.5%。

    Over 10 million trips from China to countries in the region were made via China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip.com last year , up 72.5 % year on year , the company said in a report .

  13. 领先在线旅游代理商携程表示,中美互发10年多次入境签证以及两国间开通新的直飞航线等因素对此也有影响。

    Such factors as the mutual approval of visas allowing multiple entries within 10 years and the launch of new direct flights between the two countries are also making a difference , according to Ctrip , a leading online travel agency .

  14. 对于通过旅游运营商或代理商预订的用户,最普遍的问题包括最终价格比预期中昂贵、条款不清晰以及工作人员不够乐于助人。

    For those using an operator or agent to book , common problems included the final cost being more expensive than expected , unclear terms and conditions and unhelpful staff .

  15. 这个旅游团是由我们的本地旅游代理商组织安排的。

    The tour is arranged by our local travel agent .

  16. 作为在线旅游市场的重要组成部分,在线旅游代理商取得了优异的市场业绩。

    As an important component of the online tourism market , the online travel agents have had an excellent market performance .

  17. 本文旨在对航空旅游市场营销现状和发展前景,以及作为市场参与者航空旅游代理商的应对策略进行探讨。

    This text aims at the air tour industry marketing current situation and development prospect correctly , and carry on the discussion as the countermeasure of the air travel agent of participant in the market .