
  • 网络tourism enterprise group;Tourist enterprise group
  1. 区域旅游企业集团的长远发展需要明确战略定位,而战略的实施是需要相应的组织结构来支撑的。

    The long-term development of the regional tourism enterprise group needs clear strategic positioning , and implementation of the strategy needs support from appropriate organization structure .

  2. 旅游企业集团化是通过某些方法和措施使我国小、散、弱、差的旅游企业成为具有较强竞争力的旅游企业集团。

    In this article , ' national tourism enterprise group growing ' means that we take some means and measures to change national tourism companies that are small , disperse , weak and bad into large tourism enterprise groups with strong competitiveness .

  3. 基于SCP框架的我国旅游企业集团化研究

    Chinese Tourism Development Based on SCP Structure

  4. 培育旅游企业集团核心竞争力的战略思考

    The Strategic Thoughts on Building Tourism Corporation Groups ′ Core Competence

  5. 我国旅游企业集团化发展战略选择

    On Strategic Selection about the Development of China 's Tourism Enterprise Conglomerate

  6. 中国旅游企业集团发展对策研究

    Research on Development Countermeasures of the Group of Tourist Enterprises of China

  7. 我国旅游企业集团化进程中的问题及策略

    The Problems and Strategy on the Proceeding of Tourist Enterprise Collectivize of China

  8. 试论旅游企业集团的成长方向

    The Growth Direction of Tourism Enterprise Groups

  9. 中国旅游企业集团化的探讨

    An Exploration about China Tourism Enterprises Organization

  10. 认为组建国有旅游企业集团是我国旅游产业组织形式的一次创新,一种优化,有其合理性。

    Undoubtedly , we regard it as an innovation and optimization in the forms of tourism industry in China .

  11. 建立现代企业制度,优化企业治理结构,消除企业进出的人为壁垒,组建大型旅游企业集团是增强我国旅游产业国际竞争力和提高行业整体效益的有效方法。

    It finds that to build tourism enterprise groups is an effective way to better the core competence of Chinese tourism industry .

  12. 目前,推进旅游企业集团化已成为民族地区进一步发展旅游经济的共识。

    At present the advancement of the collectivization of tourist enterprises becomes a common understanding for further development of tourist economy in national areas .

  13. 再次,分别从外部和内部分析了区域旅游企业集团组织结构变革的推力与阻力。

    After that the paper analysis the thrust and drag of regional tourism enterprise groups ' organization structure change from external and internal aspects .

  14. 论中国近代旅游企业集团&中国旅行社的经营之道在合法范围或职业道德经营之外的。

    On China tourism enterprise in modern time & On China tourism agent 's management outside the bounds of legitimate or ethical business practices .

  15. 将本地旅游企业集团化,是挽救当地旅游企业和发展壮大乐山旅游业的必由之路。

    Turning the travel business into a business group will save the regional travel enterprise of Leshan and strongly develop the travel industry of Leshan .

  16. 旅游企业集团化发展是我国“入世”后旅游业应对国外旅游集团“入侵”、增强我国旅游竞争力的必然途径。

    Tourism enterprise developed in collectivization is the inevitable way to strengthen the tourism competitive force , and confront the foreign tourism group 's incursion .

  17. 在公司发展过程中,他买下了岭南集团下属的一家子公司的多数股权,而岭南集团是广州市政府拥有的酒店和旅游企业集团。

    While building the company , he had bought a majority stake in a subsidiary of Lingnan , a hotel and travel conglomerate owned by the Guangzhou government .

  18. 入世后实力雄厚的跨国旅游企业集团将大举进入中国市场,同业竞争更趋激烈,形势极其严峻。

    The influential transnational travel group will enter the Chinese market on a large scale after entering the WTO , the horizontal competition is fiercer , the situation is extremely severe .

  19. 旅游企业集团与一般企业集团有别,区域旅游企业集团的组织结构是集团内部达到战略协同,提高旅游集团整体竞争力的基础。

    Tourism enterprise groups are different from general corporate groups . The organization structure of the regional tourism enterprise group is the foundation to reach internal strategic synergies and improve overall competitiveness .

  20. 本文首先详细分析了我国旅游企业集团化发展的环境障碍,包括跨国集团的冲击和企业本身的体制障碍。

    The author first makes a detailed analysis of the environmental barrier of the development of China 's tourism conglomerate , including the challenge from the transnational conglomerate and the obstacle from the enterprise itself .

  21. 目前,我国旅游企业集团规模分散,市场化程度不高,其管理水平、服务能力和品牌价值等同国际旅游企业集团相比也存在着较大的差距。

    For the moment , our tourism corporation groups lag far behind their international counterparts in terms of management , service and brand value due to their small sizes , dispersed distribution and low level of market awareness .

  22. 本文从企业能力论的角度对我国旅游企业集团化的问题进行分析,企图回答我国旅游企业集团应如何构建和一些经营管理问题。

    The article analyzes the question of national tourism group 's growing in view of the theory of corporation 's competence and hopes to answer the questions of how to construct national tourism group and how to run it .

  23. 本文简要介绍了旅游企业集团的几种类型,阐述了旅游企业集团化的积极意义,对集团化过程中存在的问题进行了分析,最后提出了若干发展策略。

    This article briefly introduce several kinds of tourism groups , set forth the positive significance of tourism enterprise 's collectivization , analyse the problem existing during the collectivization , in the end put forward several tactics to speeding the development .

  24. 乐山旅游业急需发展企业集团

    Leshan Travel Industry Needs to Develop the Enterprise Group Urgently

  25. 对区域性旅游集团公司组建的质疑&兼论旅游企业集团化道路的选择

    A Query about the Construction of Local Tourism Group & a analysis on the unitization of tourism enterprises

  26. 作为市场主体的旅游企业应构建跨地域市场化的旅游企业集团、构建跨地域企业间市场合作平台和构建跨地域虚拟化电子商务平台。

    Tourism enterprises should build the enterprise group of cross-regional tourism market ; enterprises market of cross-boundary and the virtualization platform of cross-regional e-commerce as market entities .

  27. 加入WTO后,中国旅游市场的竞争将更为激烈,主要表现为国内旅游企业集团与跨国企业集团的合作与竞争。

    China 's entry into the WTO increase the competition in the tourism market , as is seen by the cooperation and competition between china 's tourist enterprise group and multinational enterprise group .

  28. 中国加入WTO,旅游业的国际竞争国内化已成为必然趋势,我国旅游企业集团要获取竞争优势,就必须打造其核心竞争力。

    With China ′ s entry into WTO , international and domestic competition within the tourism industry will be merged . To gain competitive advantages , our tourism corporation groups must build their own core competence .

  29. 提出了体育旅游区域开发的保障机制和基本对策,指出要建立体育旅游协调机构,组建区域体育旅游企业集团,制定统一规划,进行区域功能分区等方法。

    Proposed sports tourism regional development mechanisms of the protection and the basic countermeasures , pointed out the need to build sports tourism coordinating mechanism , to establish regional sports tourism enterprise groups , to formulate a unified planning , and to zone regional functions .