
  1. 我们不是单纯的汽车公司或劳务公司;

    We are not a simple car companies or service companies ;

  2. 组建劳务公司推进两层分离

    Establish labour service company to promote separation of two levels

  3. 中小劳务公司盲目竞争,造成市场混乱。

    No order competition of small companies causes confusion in labor-export market .

  4. 大型施工企业通过建立劳务公司,实现两层分离的探讨

    Discussion of large-scale construction enterprise realizing the separation of two level by building labor service company

  5. 这些问题的存在,使得中小劳务公司在发展过程中遇到了很多挫折。

    The existence of these problems make small company encountered many setbacks in the development process .

  6. 该公司称,其服务是基于与合法汽车租赁公司和劳务公司的合作。

    The company said : Our services are based on co-operation with legitimate car-rental companies and labour service companies .

  7. 许多小型劳务公司不分析它们的劳务总成本,因此也就不能定出有利可图的价格。

    Many small service firms fail to analyze their services ' total cost , and therefore fail to price them profitably .

  8. 这家劳务公司在美国所有50个州安排临时护士工作&公司对宠物友好,提供私人住房和旅游报销。

    The pet-friendly staffing agency places nurses in temp jobs in all 50 states & and provides private housing and travel reimbursement .

  9. 两层分离后,管理层与劳务公司共同组建项目部,通过劳务分包协议进行管理,可以实现有效的协作、配合。

    The administration layer and the labor layer can organize the project department together and collaborate effectively by labor-subcontract after " two-layer separating " .

  10. 三是完善的工程担保与保险制度。将担保保证延伸至总承包、劳务公司,实现从发包到工人的全覆盖。

    Third is to improve project assurance and insurance system , extend assurance to general contractor and labor service company and realize complete coverage from contracting to all workers .

  11. 研究结果和结论:通过分析,发现建立劳务公司能给大型施工企业带来益处:有稳定的熟练劳动力供给来源,为工程质量提供保障;

    Research conclusion : The building of Labor service company can bring construction enterprise benefits as follows : ( 1 ) There are fixed and skilled labors to assure the quality of the project ;

  12. 二是对A劳务公司这一典型的大型国有外经企业对外劳务业务进行系统性和前瞻性的研究,期望能为政府即将出台的新的对外劳务管理条例提供一定的参考和依据。

    Secondly , it makes a systematic research on A labor service company , which is a typical large state-own foreign economic enterprise , expecting to supply some references to the incoming new foreign labor service management regulation .

  13. 劳务派遣公司OfficeTeam最近调查了全美诸多行业的1300名高管。

    Staffing firm OfficeTeam recently surveyed 1,300 senior managers nationwide in a variety of industries .

  14. 日本东京-24岁的HidekazuNishikido是一家劳务派遣公司的职员,最近得到晋升,协助管理一小组员工。

    Hidekazu Nishikido , a24-year-old agent at a staffing company , recently got promoted to help manage a small group of employees .

  15. 劳务派遣公司OfficeTeam最近调查了全美诸多行业的1300名高管。下面是他们给出的一些员工辞职理由:

    Staffing firm OfficeTeam recently surveyed 1300 senior managers nationwide in a variety of industries . Here are some of the things they said about why workers were flying the coop :

  16. 在这样的思路下,研究如何解决凉山州劳务派遣公司存在的问题有着更为现实的意义。

    In such ideas , research how to solve liangshan labor dispatching problem in factory has a more realistic significance .

  17. 如何考核天津远洋国际劳务合作公司员工的绩效是本论文的主要研究目的。

    How to assess the staff 's performance of Tianjin Ocean Shipping International Cooperation Company is the purpose of this paper .

  18. 车辆租赁业务是上海外航服务公司劳务分公司向上海各家外国航空公司提供的特色服务之一。

    The car rental service is one of those characteristic services offered by the Employment Agency of Shanghai FASCO to foreign airlines .

  19. 对凉山州的凉山州劳务派遣公司现状进行深入的调查和分析,并据此提出了有针对性的对策。

    Liangshan prefecture of liangshan prefecture of labor dispatching company status thorough investigation and analysis , the paper puts forward the corresponding countermeasures .

  20. 这无疑增加了劳务输出公司的成本,最终导致成本转嫁给劳务输出人员的现象。

    This will undoubtedly increase the cost of labor export company , which eventually led to the rising costs onto the phenomenon of export workers .

  21. 根据劳动行政部门的劳务派遣公司在行业中的示范作用,提出应建立相应的组织体系来完善劳务派遣的工作。

    According to the regulating effect of labor administration on the companies providing labor dispatch service , brings forward the suggestions on how to establish a reasonable system structure .

  22. 劳务分公司此次在浦东机场设立办公室是为了更好的方便各家外航办证,提供专业、周到的配套服务,提高服务质量,提高工作效率。

    The new office set up at Pudong International Airport by the Employment Agency of Shanghai FASCO will surely offer the foreign airlines more professional , comprehensive and efficient services .

  23. 根据Gray&Christmas公司,一家位于芝加哥的劳务中介公司,Challanger的研究,每年的9-12月期间公司裁员数量要高于其它时段。

    Studies by Challenger , Gray & Christmas Inc. , an outplacement firm based in Chicago , have found there are more layoffs in the September-December period than any other time of the year .

  24. 但劳务作为公司股东的出资方式,既能弥补劳务合同的不足,又能提供了一种新的创业谋生模式,更呼应了现代经济社会对高智慧人才的尊重与渴求。

    However , labor service as a kind of subscription for the shareholders of the company can make up for the deficiency of labor service contract on one hand and offers another form of new business establishment .

  25. 本文在分析天津远洋国际劳务合作公司以往船员评估方式的基础上,针对原有评估方式的缺陷,建立了新的船员评估体系,明确了船员评估体系的目的、意义和作用。

    This thesis has established new crewmembers appraisal system , clarified the purpose , significance and effect of that system based on analyzing the shortcomings of the original crew performance appraisal system of TOSCO International Manning Cooperation Company .

  26. 为提高我国劳务经营公司的管理水平和国际竞争力,本文探索性地将项目管理理论和方法引入国际劳务服务行业,可以说,这是一次有意义的探索和试验。

    To improve the level of management and international competitive ability of the labor service company , this article is trying to introduce the theory and method of management into the industry of international labor service , and it is a meaningful exploration and experiment .

  27. 抚顺外建公司是一家从事国际工程承包及劳务提供的公司。

    Fushun International Constrction Company Limited is a company engaging international engineering project contracting and manpower supplying .

  28. 境内劳务技术输出公司为方便咨询者,备有详细目录,惠索即寄。

    Nation ( Home ) LaBour and Technology Export Company has detailed catalogues which will Be sent upon consulters'request .

  29. 四川金力建设劳务咨询有限公司(以下简称四川金力公司)作为建筑行业的特殊企业,在进行企业改革的过程中逐渐探索出了适合我公司改革和发展的薪酬制度模型。

    Si chuan Jin Li Work Company ( following abbreviation Jin Li Company ) is a especial enterprise of industry of building , with carrying out the process of enterprise reform , it has explored the emolument system model of its suitable company reform and development gradually .

  30. 原企业的作业层分离出来后可以改造成专业化施工公司和纯劳务的建设劳务型公司,可以采用股份合作制形式。

    The wode is : through separating enterprise 's management level and work level reform the existing petrochemical construction enterprise into the intelligent type engineering general contract corporation cored by finance technology , and project management , which can be the Employee Share Ownership Company .