
  • 网络chain businesses;chain enterprise;franchise;chain store
  1. 基于Internet的连锁企业销售平台

    Platform for chain enterprise market management based on internet

  2. 总结和归纳了GIS相关技术在物流配送中的应用以及连锁企业物流配送现状,提出了连锁企业物流配送路径规划的基本技术框架。

    The application of GIS interrelated technology in logistics distribution and the current situation of logistics distribution in chain enterprise are summarized .

  3. 结果,快餐连锁企业比那些贵一点的同行们更好地度过了这次经济危机。

    As a result , fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their more expensive competitors .

  4. 在2009年美国提供全方位服务的餐馆的营业额与以前同期相比有超过6%的降幅,但是快餐连锁企业的营业额却依然保持不变。

    In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6 % , but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains .

  5. 是她替这座小镇报名参与了这项始于英格兰西部而现在在全国迅速普及的续水项目,该项目由顶级酒店、酒吧连锁企业及水务公司资助。

    She signed the town up to the refill scheme which started here in the west of England and is now going nationwide , backed by some leading hotel and pub chains and water companies .

  6. 基于Internet的音像连锁企业采购管理系统

    An Internet-based Procurement System for Chained Audio-video Enterprise

  7. 用RationalROSE实现连锁企业网上采购系统的建模设计

    Modeling and Design of Online Procurement System of Chain Enterprises with Rational Rose

  8. 加入WTO后我国药品零售连锁企业的发展探索

    Discussion on the Development of Pharmaceutical Retail Chain Enterprises in China After Access to WTO

  9. 基于Client/Server结构的餐饮连锁企业MIS系统设计

    System Design of MIS for Chain Eatery Based on Client / Server Model

  10. 与中国主要运营商中国移动(ChinaMobile)的合作,以及与零售连锁企业达成的在其营业场所开设光大通信零售网点的协议,都将推进光大通信的扩张计划。

    A partnership with China Mobile , the country 's leading operator , and agreements with retail chains to open EBT outlets in their premises is driving the expansion plan .

  11. 特别是ERP系统对企业经营管理提供强大的支持这一观点在业内已经达成广泛共识,超过半数的药品零售连锁企业在信息管理系统的选择上更倾向于ERP系统。

    Especially this view about ERP system provide strong support for business management has been reached broad consensus in the industry .

  12. Voronoi分割模式下连锁企业物流配送系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of chain enterprise logistics distribution system based on voronoi tessellation

  13. 其中文献研究主要包括,针对1995年至2010年间国内药品零售连锁企业ERP系统相关文献的内容分析。

    Literature research including , the analysis of the literature content about the domestic pharmaceutical retail chain enterprises ERP system from 1995 to 2010 .

  14. 当全聚德完成ipo之后,它将成为中国大陆第一家上市的饭店连锁企业。

    When Quanjude completes its IPO , it will be one of the first mainland-based restaurant chains to have done so .

  15. 直到不久前,李宁(lining)还是国内品牌中的霸主它是一家由奥运会体操金牌得主李宁创建的同名连锁企业。

    Domestic brands have been dominated until recently by Li Ning , the eponymous chain founded by the gold medal-winning Olympic gymnast .

  16. 花旗集团(Citigroup)驻上海的零售业分析师陈咏娴(SandyChen)表示,截然不同的方式反映出这两家连锁企业各自的经营哲学。

    Sandy Chen , retail analyst at Citigroup in Shanghai , says the radically different approaches reflect the two chains ' business philosophies .

  17. 维克多•欧文(VictorOwens)很早就发现了在某一企业内不断轮岗的价值,这始于快餐连锁企业麦当劳的一个内部项目。

    Victor Owens discovered early on the value of working at a company from every angle .

  18. 当一家珠宝连锁企业在中国的扩张速度比星巴克(Starbucks)还要快时,投资者是否应该准备好接受一个不那么闪耀的结局?

    When a jewellery chain expands faster than Starbucks in China , should investors be braced for a less-than-glittering finale ?

  19. 然后,针对连锁企业配送流程的特点和本文的建模研究需要,提出了一种基于面向对象价格时间Petri网的建模方法。

    Then , considering the characteristics of chain enterprises distribution process and the actual modeling need , this paper put forward an object-oriented price time Petri nets modeling method .

  20. 一些规模最大的报业连锁企业先是KnightRidder,现在又有TribuneCompany已将自己挂牌出售。

    Some of the biggest newspaper chains – first Knight Ridder and now Tribune Company – have put themselves up for sale .

  21. 通过对一般连锁企业库存管理系统进行分析,结合供应商管理库存(VMI)的先进思想,创造性地将虚拟配送中心的概念运用到了配送中心库存管理模型设计中。

    Then the paper put forward a method of designing the inventory management system based on the ideology of VMI and virtual distribution center .

  22. 班尼特表示,Bravado与国际服饰连锁企业的联系为艺人带来了好处。

    Mr Bennett says Bravado 's international links with apparel chains have provided benefits for artists .

  23. 从餐饮连锁企业的MIS系统设计出发,对系统的逻辑结构设计、功能设计、数据库设计及系统的安全管理进行了详细的描述和深入的探讨。

    Starting from MIS system design for chain eatery in this paper , the logic structure design , functional design , database design and security administration of the system is presented in detail .

  24. PapaMurphy's是一家拥有1360家分店的匹萨连锁企业,顾客可在未烘烤的匹萨上现加食材,然后把它放在他们自己的烤箱中烤制。

    Papa Murphy 's is a 1,360-location pizza chain where customers add ingredients to an uncooked pizza on site and then cook it in their own oven .

  25. 这个项目将由IMAX公司与韩国最大的影院连锁企业CJCGVCo.的海外业务公司共同完成。

    The project is a joint venture with the overseas business arm of South Korea 's largest theater chain , CJ CGV Co.

  26. 如何提高连锁企业物流配送的效率与效益,是我国连锁企业发展中有待解决的重要问题,也是我国加入WTO之后,连锁企业在与外资企业竞争中取胜的关键。

    How to improve the efficiency and benefit of chain-store logistics distributing is the key problem that needs resolving in the development of Chinese chain-store enterprises , and also the crux to win while competing with overseas-funded enterprises after China entering WTO .

  27. 前美国篮球明星乔丹2月份起诉中国运动服装连锁企业乔丹体育股份有限公司(qiaodansportsco.),说该公司不当使用他的中文名字“乔丹”销售产品。

    Former basketball star Mr. Jordan in February sued Chinese sportswear chain Qiaodan Sports Co. , saying the company improperly used the Chinese version of his name to sell its products .

  28. 对于药品零售连锁企业来说,GSP认证是一把双刃剑:一方面,它促进企业改善经营管理、提高信息化水平;

    GSP is a two edged weapon to the chain of retail pharmacies . On one hand , it can promote the pharmacies to improve management and enhance the level of informationization ;

  29. 本文对国内美容连锁企业的培训现状及特点做了总体性研究,随后着重研究了FZ美容连锁机构的人力资源培训现状。

    This article carries out study on the actualities and features of domestic beauty chain enterprises , then researches mainly on HR train of FZ beauty chain institution .

  30. 加入WTO后,我国商业零售和批发市场逐步放开,国际著名的商业连锁企业纷纷进入我国市场,商业连锁企业不仅发展速度快,而且也加剧了我国商业市场的剧烈竞争。

    Our country commercial retail sales and the wholesale market let loose gradually after joining WTO and the international famous commercial chain enterprise enters our country market in abundance , the commercial chain enterprise development speed is not only quick , but also intensified our country commercial market competition fiercely .