
  1. 学者们逐渐将成立公司视为学术生涯的一个正常部分,一些“连续创业者(serialentrepreneurs)”开始逐步出现。

    Dons increasingly see setting up companies as a normal part of academic life and some " serial entrepreneurs " have begun to emerge .

  2. 都将旧金山湾区称之为他们的家。2010年,连续创业家约翰·金泽尔打算创办自己的第三家企业XerisPharmaceuticals时,他觉得已受够了加州,尽管他在该州居住了近25年。

    When the time came for him to set up his third company , Xeris Pharmaceuticals in 2010 , serial entrepreneur John Kinzell decided he had had enough of California , despite living there for almost 25 years .

  3. 这是很多初次创业者以及连续创业的企业家们常常会问的问题。

    Is a common refrain from first-time founders and serial entrepreneurs alike .

  4. 很多连续创业的企业家也有这种弱点。

    Plenty of serial entrepreneurs possess the same weakness .

  5. 戴恩是位连续创业者,他在创建前几个公司时使用了薪资保密制度,

    Dane is a serial entrepreneur who started many companies in a pay secrecy condition

  6. 有些人是连续创业者,他们只想转向下一件事。

    Some people are serial entrepreneurs and want to just move on to the next thing .

  7. 但那些博客、聚会、连续创业者都反复强调,个人品牌十分重要。

    But the blogs , the meetups , the serial entrepreneurs all reiterated how important a personal brand was .

  8. 他说,我非常想再创办一家公司,连续创业家们都是对创新上瘾的人。

    ' I absolutely want to start another company , ' he says . ' Serial entrepreneurs get addicted to creation .

  9. 但正如一位连续创业的企业家曾告诉我的那样,在你第一次收到数目可观的金钱之后,那种兴奋感就消退了。

    But as one serial entrepreneur once told me , after the first time you receive a decent slug of money , the thrill fades .

  10. 这并非是一种自私的观点,相反,那些连续创业者们公认,家人的幸福取决于生意的成功,而不是相反。

    This view isnt a selfish one , but a recognition by serious entrepreneurs that family well-being is dependent on the success of the business , not the other way around .

  11. 克博怀特说:我们的客户通常是连续创业的企业家,他们不停地寻找投资机会,我们可以将之与投资银行联系起来,为他们寻找一家私人股本公司或需要融资的企业。

    Our clients are often serial entrepreneurs who are looking for opportunities and we can link that with investment banking and find them a private equity investment or a company which needs financing .

  12. 埃里尔已经连续多次创业,他曾是食品快递网站Delivery.com和美食网站Eats.com的首席执行官。他在范德堡大学(VanderbiltUniversity)获得了经济学学士学位。

    Ariel is a serial entrepreneur -- he was once the CEO of Delivery.com and Eats.com -- and holds a bachelor 's degree in economics from Vanderbilt University .

  13. 维珍集团的创始人SirRichardBranson是一个连续的创业者,他建议:乐趣是任何奔向成功的冒险中非常重要,同时也是非常容易被人忽视的要素。

    Virgin Group founder and serial entrepreneur , Sir Richard Branson , says that , Fun is one of the most important – and underrated – ingredients in any successful venture .

  14. 采用以元研究为主的方法对不确定环境下不连续创新和创业企业绩效相关的研究现状进行了文献综述。

    Three potential determinants of environment , strategies and capabilities to new venture performance or new product performance are identified through a meta-study of the aggregate data .

  15. 从理论上探讨了创业教育的教育性特征,即创业教育的整体性、连续性与高校创业教育的相对独立性;

    The article discusses in theory the educational features of enterprise education : integrity and continuity of enterprise education with it in colleges and universities as relatively independency part ;