
  1. 跨国创业导向与创新能力关系研究:基于知识的视角

    International Entrepreneurial Orientation and Innovational Competence : Knowledge-based View

  2. 二是从跨国创业导向视角分析了企业获得国际化绩效的路径。

    Secondly , from the perspective of transnational EO , it analyze the path of enterprises to obtain international performance .

  3. 构建了关系嵌入对跨国子公司创业导向的作用机制。

    Constructing function mechanism of relational embeddedness to EO of multinational subsidiary .

  4. 本文有以下三个创新点:1、界定了跨国子公司创业导向的结构维度。

    Defining configuration dimensions of EO of multinational subsidiary .

  5. 跨国子公司创业导向研究的新视角。

    New perspective of EO study of multinational subsidiary .

  6. 本文结合中国国际化企业跨国创业的特征事实,通过理论分析构建了跨国创业导向维度的基础理论和跨国创业导向的影响因素模型,提出跨国创业导向的二维分析框架和方向选择理论。

    This paper combinates international entrepreneurial of China transnational enterprise characteristics of fact , constructs dimension theory and model of factors about international entrepreneurial orientation ( IEO ) through theoretical analysis , puts forward two-dimensional analysis framework and direction selection theory of IEO .