
  • 网络transnational monopoly
  1. 现阶段我国应对跨国垄断的思考

    A Thought of China 's Policy for Transnational Monopoly

  2. 随着跨国垄断行为日益突出,各国纷纷在其域外适用本国反垄断法。

    With the transnational monopoly behavior is prominent day after day , countries are applying their antimonopoly law in outside its territory .

  3. 只能依据效果原则扩大内国反垄断法的域外适用,来规制跨国垄断行为。

    In order to regulate transnational monopoly , sovereignty state expands the effect of antitrust law to overseas based on effect principle .

  4. 帝国主义时代国际社会的冲突表现为跨国垄断集团之间的角斗。现代世界体系的冲突以反体系运动为主。

    The manifestation of imperialist international society is seen in the wrestle among transnational monopolies and the conflicts of modern world system are basically a counter-system movement .

  5. 面对跨国垄断粮商的步步紧逼,国家有关部门也多次出台政策用以保护农民的利益和农业产业的发展,但并没有因此消除人们的各种担心。

    Facing with transnational monopoly operators , national authorities have repeatedly issued policies to protect the interests of farmers and agricultural industries , but have not dispel all fear .

  6. 同时,也应看到发达国家的主权非正义性,它是跨国垄断资本实现其侵略扩张的工具,应加以警惕和抵制。

    At the same time , they should also pay attention to the injustice of the developed countries ' sovereignty , which is their tool for invasion and expansion through transnational capital and should be resisted .

  7. 为了有效规制跨国垄断行为的消极影响,维护本国利益,欧美等国纷纷在其域外适用本国反垄断法,并试图寻求域外适用的理论依据。

    In order to remove effectively its negative effect and maintain their own country 's benefit , European countries and America apply their anti-monopoly law outside of their territory , and attempt to seek the theory basis .

  8. 论经济全球化时代跨国公司垄断结构

    On Multinational Enterprises ' Monopoly Structure in the Era of Economic Globalization

  9. 本文认为跨国公司垄断结构的形成很重要的因素之一就是公司治理上的优势。

    The important attribute of monopoly structure 's formation is Superiorities of governance .

  10. 这一策略增加了跨国公司垄断技术产品市场的可能性。

    This strategy can increase the probability that multinational corporations monopolize product markets .

  11. 中国采取一系列强硬举措打击他们所称的跨国公司垄断行为,这只是其中之一。

    It was only one in a series of tough measures by China against what it considers monopolistic practices by multinational companies .

  12. 第三章、第四章集中论述了新兴市场的开放及跨国自然垄断在这些市场的表现,以及对现实与长远的重要影响。

    Chapter Three and Four chiefly state the performance of transnational natural monopoly in rising country markets and important influences on reality and future .

  13. 第三章考察了跨国并购反垄断规制国际协调在单边、双边以及欧盟、OECD、WTO和ICN等国际组织内的多边合作层面的发展实践。

    In the 3rd chapter , the writer discusses the practice of the harmonization in unilateral , bilateral dimension as well as the multilateral cooperation in European Union , OECD , WTO and ICN etc.

  14. 然而,跨国企业无法垄断中国市场。

    However , China is not a captive market for multinationals .

  15. 对跨国公司全球垄断问题的探讨

    A Study on International Monopoly of MNC The Global City

  16. 跨国并购反垄断规制国际协调问题研究

    Research on International Harmonization in Antitrust Regulation of Transnational M & A

  17. 真正的自由市场需要限制跨国集团的垄断。

    A genuine free market requires restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies .

  18. 从文化贸易的主体来看,大型跨国媒介集团垄断着当代国际文化贸易市场;

    From the perspective of trade sub - ject , the contemporary international cultural markets are monopolized by the large-scale media corpora - tions ;

  19. 从而也就决定了法经济学分析在企业跨国并购反垄断法中的重要作用,以使该制度真正起到维护有效竞争的作用。

    So it indicates that the analytical method of law and economics is very important for the Antitrust Regulations to protect the workable competition efficiently .

  20. 跨国公司是垄断资本对外直接投资从事国际化生产和经营活动的产物,是世界经济发展的必然结果。

    Transnational corporations are not only the results of monopoly capital 's direct foreign investment which are engaged in internationalized production and management , but also the inevitable outcome of the development of world economy .

  21. 国际航运是一个高风险、高投入、跨国竞争、垄断性强的行业,随着世界经济一体化、海运自由化进程的日益加快,国际航运企业之间的竞争更为激烈。

    International shipping business-line has the attributes of high-risk , huge-investment , transnational-competition and strong-monopoly . With the increasing development of world economy-unify and shipping-liberalization , the competition between international shipping companies becomes more and more severity .

  22. 但是,目前先进半导体硅片磨削技术与设备被发达国家及跨国公司所垄断,严重制约了国内半导体制造业的发展。

    However , at present , the advanced grinding technologies and equipments for wafer are monopolized by developed countries and multinational companies , so the development of semiconductor manufacturing technology and equipment in our country is severely confined .

  23. 虽然中国制定反垄断法存在压力,但是制定反垄断法有利于提高中国企业的竞争力,遏制跨国公司的垄断势力和改善国家的财政和宏观调控。

    Although faced with many difficulties , the adoption of the Antimonopoly Law will increase the competitiveness of the Chinese enterprises , curb the monopoly power of transnational corporations and improve the financial and macro control by the state .

  24. 中国的跨国并购反垄断申报审查机制初步创立于1999年9月23日公布的《关于外商投资企业合并与分立的规定》。

    Filing and examination procedures of anti-monopoly control on multinational merger and acquisition (" M & A ") in China are initially set up through the Regulations on the Merger or Division of Foreign-invested Enterprises promulgated on 23 September 1999 .

  25. 在如今新闻专业主义碎片化、媒介市场化、新媒体呈现不同传播特质、跨国传媒集团垄断话语权的语境下,西方的媒介社会责任观念遭遇前所未有的巨大挑战。

    In the situation of journalistic professionalism fragmentation , media commercialization , new media presenting different characteristics , transnational media group monopoly power becoming greater and greater , the concept of western media social responsibility is going to suffer huge challenges .

  26. 2003年3月7日公布的《外国投资者并购境内企业暂行规定》中对反垄断申报制度进行了较为完整的规定,这标志着中国跨国并购反垄断申报制度的正式建立。

    The Provisional Regulations on the Merger with and Acquisition of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors promulgated on 7 March 2003 have relatively comprehensive provisions on the anti-monopoly filing system , which indicate the formal establishment of anti-monopoly filing system on multinational M & A in China .

  27. 跨国公司在华垄断行为及其对策研究

    Study to Monopoly Behaviors of Transnational Corporations in China and Its Measures

  28. 论跨国并购中的垄断问题及规制

    On Anti - monopoly and the Regulations in Cross - border Mergers & Acquisitions

  29. 第三章对跨国企业并购反垄断法律规制基本问题进行了论述。

    Chapter III of the multinational anti-trust law M & A Regulation on the basic issues .

  30. 跨国并购是反垄断法所重点关注的经济领域。

    The transnational merger and acquisition is the economic domain to which Antimonopoly Law pays special attention .