
  • 网络monopoly;industry monopoly
  1. 应该打破出租车行业垄断,根据市场需求来决定出租车资源配置。

    The monopoly on taxies should be broken up and the numbers of taxies should be determined2 completely by the market .

  2. 对中国电信行业垄断现状的法律分析

    Legal Analysis of the Current Monopoly of China 's Telecom Industry

  3. 行政垄断可分为地区垄断和行业垄断两大类。

    One is local monopoly and the other is trade monopoly .

  4. 四是打破地方保护和行业垄断。

    Fourth , local protectionism and monopoly of industries must be eliminated .

  5. 行政垄断主要表现为地区垄断和行业垄断。

    The major displays of administrative monopoly are district monopoly and trade monopoly .

  6. 发电企业应尽快摆脱计划经济和行业垄断时期的依赖观念,提高管理意识、风险意识和竞争意识。

    The enterprises should improve the consciousness of management , risk and competition .

  7. 行业垄断的背后&行政垄断及其规制

    The Scene behind Industrial Monopoly & Administrative Monopoly and the Regulation on it

  8. 行业垄断使全国的消费者毫无权利可言;

    Trade monopolism makes the consumers all over the country without any rights .

  9. 行业垄断与变革动力肾脏的排泄单元

    Monopoly and the Motivity for Change Renal excretory sectors

  10. 一直以来,国内的证券公司靠政策保护和行业垄断,在粗放式经营方式下,保持着高盈利水平。

    Domestic securities companies always get high profit depending on policy protection and monopolization .

  11. 我们要打破行业垄断。

    We must get rid of trade monopolies .

  12. 第二,行业垄断因素也是产生行业收入差异的主要解释变量之一。

    Second , industrial monopoly plays a significant role in explanation of industrial income differences .

  13. 行业垄断的收入分配效应&对城镇垄断部门的实证分析

    The Income Distribution Effects of Monopoly Industries & The Empirical Analysis of Urban Monopoly Industries

  14. 有利于打破行业垄断;

    Breaking the monopoly of certain trades ;

  15. 打破地区封锁和行业垄断

    Break regional Blockades and trade monopolies

  16. 行业垄断与变革动力

    Monopoly and the Motivity for Change

  17. 在行业垄断时期,许多国家通常都采用交叉补贴的方式解决普遍服务问题。

    In monopolized telecom market , many governments adopt cross subsidies to cany out universal service .

  18. 打破行业垄断;

    Break the trade monopoly ;

  19. 第一章分别论述了当前最主要的几种垄断行为:行政垄断、行业垄断与经济性垄断。

    Chapter one discusses the current several principal monopoly situations : Administration Monopoly , Industry Monopoly , Economy Monopoly respectively .

  20. 对凭借行业垄断和某些特殊条件获得个人额外收入的必须纠正。

    We must correct the mal-practice of individual obtaining extra income by taking advantage of sectoral monopoly and some special privileges .

  21. 这些构思在打破铁路行业垄断、引入竞争方面起到了积极的作用。

    These ideas have played a positive role in the aspects of breaking monopoly and introducing competition in the railway industry .

  22. 我国石油企业不仅本身具有行业垄断性,政府的监管模式还使得石油企业具有独特的行政垄断性。

    In china , the oil company is not only itself industry monopoly but also the government oversight make it administrative monopoly .

  23. 最后主要对我国存在电力行业垄断的法律规制存在的问题给与一些建议。

    The fourth section give some suggestions about the problems in legal regulation on the monopoly of power industry in our country .

  24. 然后通过对民航业行业垄断属于行政垄断的分析,回答了为什么市场中的强势企业无法获得垄断利润的问题。

    Secondly , I answer the question why big enterprises in this industry cannot obtain monopoly profit by analyzing Chinese administration monopoly .

  25. 通信行业垄断被打破,市场竞争格局初步形成,电信市场竞争日益激烈。

    Believe that trade monopolies are broken , the market competition pattern first step takes form . Telecommunication market competition is gradually fierce .

  26. 我国反垄断法应以禁止行政垄断、规范行业垄断、防范一般性垄断为目标。

    Antimonopoly law of China should take forbidding the administrative monopoly , regulating the trade monopoly and preventing unclassified monopoly as its aim .

  27. 减少制度性流动壁垒是我国政府的一大任务,特别是打破地方保护主义和行业垄断。

    A key task for our government is to reduce unnecessary institutional mobility barriers , especially in regards to local protectionism and industrial monopoly .

  28. 一直占医疗行业垄断地位的公立医院也前所未有地面临多方面的竞争压力。

    The public hospitals which have been being the monopoly in Chinese medical industry are now also facing much competitive force for the first time .

  29. 目前我国的有线数字电视虽然在一些业务上已进入了竞争领域,但仍然具有一定的行业垄断性。

    To some extent , CDT service still belongs to monopoly market in China , although some service of CDT has been entered competitive field .

  30. 商业贿赂的本质是寻租,商业寻租现象的社会根源在于公共权力的异化和行业垄断。

    The essence of business bribe is rent-seeking ; the social source of whose phenomenon lies in the dissimilation of public power and industry monopoly .