
lián suǒ shānɡ diàn
  • chain stores
  1. 特约代销店,特许公司特许经销和连锁商店


  2. 特许经销和连锁商店

    Franchising and chain stores

  3. 博柏利的市值甚至已超过英国商业街上的连锁商店玛莎百货(MarksandSpencer)。

    Its market capitalisation has even overtaken that of Marks and Spencer , the UK high street store chain .

  4. 美国零售商塔吉特(target)找到了他们,但两兄弟觉得josephjoseph产品种类太少,无法为一家这么大的连锁商店供货。

    Target , the US retailer , approached them but the brothers felt the Joseph Joseph range was too small to supply such a big chain .

  5. 美国儿童连锁商店陶瓷谷仓(PotteryBarnKids)的一套厨房电器玩具也采用了类似的中性风格。

    A similarly neutral style was adopted for a set of toy kitchen appliances by Pottery Barn Kids , the American chain " of children 's stores .

  6. Francesca和一名签字的客户Bill谈话,Bill是一家以专业女士用品为主的连锁商店的采购员。

    We 'll hear Francesca speak to a potential customer , Bill , who is a buyer for Bancroft 's , a retail chain store that targets professional women .

  7. Seven-11连锁商店是便利商店的经典例子。

    The Seven-11 chain is the classic example of convenience store .

  8. Poundland折扣店:这家连锁商店于1990年在英国成立。

    Poundland : The chain was founded in 1990 in the UK .

  9. 根据他的律师所说,包括在来爱德公司、SAV-A中心,百视通视频和Rouses连锁商店所犯的五次前科犯罪总额共低于500美元。

    According to his lawyer , those five previous convictions totalled less than $ 500 for incidents at Rite-Aid , Sav-A-Center , Blockbuster Video and Rouses stores .

  10. 百思买和沃尔玛此前也推出过类似的电脑游戏回购服务,而在它们之前,更早在二手交易领域取得成功的是电脑游戏连锁商店gamestop。

    Similar video-game buy-back ventures had previously been launched by best buy and Walmart , which were in turn following the early success in the second-hand business of Gamestop , the computer video game store chain .

  11. 零售业连锁商店在中国的发展前景及对策研究

    Prospects and Strategies : the Development of Chain-Store in China

  12. 连锁商店的兴起阻碍了个体企业和合伙企业的发展。

    The rise of the chain store has inhibited the development of single proprietorships and partnerships .

  13. 于是问题转化为如何快速计算最邻近居民点的连锁商店的技术问题。

    The problem is to quickly compute the distance between the nearest chain store and inhabitant site .

  14. 连锁商店中的一家,连锁商店是在同样的管理之下的,且卖同样的商品。

    One of a chain of retail stores under the same management and selling the same merchandise .

  15. 工资增加正在提高零售业的利润,包括苏宁电器,国内最大的电器连锁商店。

    Higher wages are boosting profits at retailers including Suning Appliance Co. , the nation 's biggest electronics retailer .

  16. 在纽约,周一,工人们在时代广场的全国连锁商店和其他小商店钉上了木板。

    In New York , workers boards at national chain stores and other smaller shops in Times Square on Monday .

  17. 你可能还会想到第七个产业:连锁商店。对于零售连锁产业他算不上彻底变革,但的确重新描绘了这个产业的画面。

    You might even add a seventh , retail stores , which Jobs did not quite revolutionize but did reimagine .

  18. 例如,大的连锁商店,无污擦广告的图片放在每个妈妈的购物车里。

    For example , large chain grocery stores . Picture Spotless Scrub ads on the side of every mother 's shopping cart .

  19. 一间小杂货店对面新开了一家大型连锁商店,这家商店即将打垮杂货店的生意。

    Across a small drugstore , a large chain store was newly opened and would defeat the business of the small drugstore .

  20. 本商店的一分利连锁商店,货真价实,方便万家。

    Our one-fen-profit chain store is convenient to thousands of families Because of selling genuine goods at a fair ( reasonaBle ) price .

  21. 已经决定在一家子公司的连锁商店试销罐装布丁6个月。

    It was decided to give the tinned puddings a trial run of six months in the chain stores of a subsidiary company .

  22. 特利亚·纳拉&电信连锁商店和办公楼

    Telia Nara chain of telecom shops and offices building year : 1997 - 99 total area in project : 55 000 m ~ 2

  23. 在北京,小到街头小贩,大至连锁商店,许许多多的商家都接受移动支付,主要通过支付宝和微信这两个比较普及的应用。

    From tiny street vendors to large chains , a huge number of businesses in Beijing accept mobile payments , mostly through popular apps Alipay and WeChat .

  24. 下述文字摘自《自然之道》副总裁撰写的一份备忘录。《自然立道》是一家出售健康食品和其他与健康相关产品的连锁商店。

    The following appeared in a memorandum written by the vice president of Nature 's Way , a chain of stores selling health food and other health-related products .

  25. 学习不是一个困难的贸易,而且当他们已经做到角落商店的时候,大的连锁商店能由于存在不再强迫小的书商。

    It is not a difficult trade to learn and the large chain-stores can never force the small bookseller out of existence as they have done to the corner shop .

  26. 从世界上第一家连锁商店开业至今,经过140多年的实践,连锁经营的理论已经逐步完善,其发展也已步入成熟期。

    From the first chain store opening before 140 years ago , the theoretics of chain operation has been integrated gradually , and the development of which has been into the autumn .

  27. 你知道,我公司在纺织业有良好的信誉,跟加拿大所有的批发商、连锁商店和分销商都保持很好的关系。

    As you know , we are a well-established firm in the line of textiles , and we enjoy good relations with all the wholesalers , chain stores and distributors in Canada .

  28. 万达在声明中将这笔投资宣传为扶贫捐助,但这些猪肉最终将在万达的零售连锁商店或合作商店销售。

    The investment is being billed as a charitable donation , although the pork will eventually be sold in the group 's retail chain or partner stores , according to a Dalian Wanda statement .

  29. 但他们最终被一个更为强大的全国联盟战胜了,这个支持连锁商店的联盟代表的是有组织劳工和农业综合企业的利益其中起关键作用的是经济影响力,而不是行动派组织。

    But they were ultimately defeated by a more powerful national coalition as the interests of organised labour and agribusiness combined to back the chain stores in which economic power , rather than activist organising , was the key .

  30. 我一点也不担心。真需要什么的话,我可以去便利商店买。本商店的一分利连锁商店,货真价实,方便万家。

    I 'm not worried . If I need something , I 'll just go to the convenience store . Our one-fen-profit chain store is convenient to thousands of families Because of selling genuine goods at a fair ( reasonaBle ) price .