
lónɡ tóu qǐ yè
  • Leading enterprises;key enterprises
  1. 本文研究的是如何评价龙头企业的问题。

    We face a problem of choosing and evaluating the key enterprises .

  2. 第二章,运用以上理论对江苏省农业产业化龙头企业评价指标体系进行构建。

    Chapter 2 is trying to built the evaluated index system of key enterprises .

  3. 科技行业似乎有这样一种规律:龙头企业终将迅速而突然地失去自己的地位。

    It seems to be a law in the technology industry that leading companies eventually lose their positions , often quickly and brutally .

  4. H公司是国内电能表行业的龙头企业之一,有四十多年的发展历程,有着较好的知名度和美誉度。

    H company act as one of the leading company in domestic meter industry , it has good popularity and reputation .

  5. 对谷歌(Google)、Facebook和Twitter等美国龙头企业而言,印度尤其具有吸引力,因为它们正寻求将业务拓展至亚洲。

    India is attractive to the likes of Google , Facebook and Twitter as they seek to expand into Asia .

  6. 但花旗集团(citigroup)驻新加坡分析师hanmengtan表示,此前新加坡能够吸引到中国某些行业的龙头企业。

    But Han Meng Tan , a Singapore-based Citigroup analyst , says Singapore has been able to attract market leaders in several Chinese sectors .

  7. 区域网络制造系统的主要形式为以龙头企业带动的动态企业联盟和面向中小企业的ASP应用服务系统。

    The main modes of Regional Networked Manufacturing are dynamic enterprise alliance propelled by important enterprise in industry and Application Service Provider ( ASP ) system middle and small enterprise oriented .

  8. 认为,在一定条件下,农业龙头企业RD与企业成长之间存在正反馈关系,契合的企业成长环境会加强二者的互动关系。

    It holds that , under certain condition , there is a positive feedback between enterprise growth and RD , and the compatible environment will strengthen the relationship .

  9. 本部分通过博弈分析,以我国移动通信市场龙头企业&企业用户A和企业用户B为原型,分析了企业用户创新无偿发布决策模型。

    In this part , through game analysis , a decision model on innovation free revealing of user firms is analyzed . Enterprises , A and B , are defined in the model . They are both leading enterprises in Chinese mobile communications market .

  10. 慕尼黑,巴登-符腾堡州和下萨克森成功的中小型企是受益于如BMW,西门子、戴姆勒、大众汽车等龙头企业的带动。

    The successful Mittelstand firms of Munich , Baden-W ü rttemberg and Lower Saxony have been pulled along by leaders such as BMW , Siemens , Daimler and Volkswagen .

  11. 这一水平与博通(Broadcom)等科技行业龙头企业一致,比中兴则高出几个百分点。

    That is in line with tech leaders such as Broadcom , and a few percentage points above ZTE .

  12. 同时一向精力充渍的卡洛斯•高森也已将日产公司(Nissan)打造成了电动汽车领域的龙头企业。

    Toyota is getting a jolt of energy from Akio Toyoda , scion of the founding family , while the ever-energetic Carlos Ghosn has made Nissan the leader in electric cars .

  13. 再次,根据调查数据,通过因子分析和Logit模型对河北省农业产业化龙头企业技术创新影响因素进行分析并建立河北省农业龙头企业技术创新预测模型。

    This chapter is the empirical research foundation laid . Again , according to the database , through the factor analysis and Logit model of hebei province agriculture leading enterprise technology innovation factors affecting the agriculture leading enterprise in Hebei province , and establish the technical innovation prediction model .

  14. 中国农业龙头企业运行机制研究

    A Study on Operating Mechanism of Agricultural Leading Enterprise in China

  15. 论资本市场与河南龙头企业创新

    On Capital Market and the Innovation of Leading Enterprises in Henan

  16. 2003年被济宁市评为先进农业龙头企业。

    Be chosen as advanced agriculture leading enterprises by Jining in2003 .

  17. 加快培育环卫行业龙头企业步伐

    Speeding up the Step of Cultivating the Environmental Sanitation Leading Enterprises

  18. 龙头企业带动农户养猪发展模式探讨

    Discussion on development patterns of enterprises leading farmers to raising pig

  19. 我们是世界著名电脑芯片制造龙头企业。

    Our company is world famous leading manufacture of computer chips .

  20. 贵州省农业产业化经营中龙头企业核心竞争力研究

    Study on the Core Competitiveness of Leading Enterprises in Agriculture Industrialization

  21. 龙头企业农业科技推广经济学分析

    Economic Analysis on Agricultural Technique Popularization In some Leading Enterprises

  22. 龙头企业市场占有率对其他企业破产的影响

    The Effects on the Bankrupt of Enterprise s by the Dominate Enterprise

  23. 农业龙头企业循环经济技术创新目标探析

    On New Strategic Target in Revolving Economic Technology of Agricultural Lead Enterprises

  24. 同时还应注意培育支柱产业、发展壮大龙头企业;

    Cultivate the supporting business , develop the leading business ;

  25. 农业龙头企业自然资源会计核算

    Study on the Natural Resources Accounting in Agriculture Leading Enterprise

  26. 陕西农业产业化龙头企业经营分析

    Management Analysis of the Leading Enterprises in Agricultural Industrialization in Shanxi Province

  27. 关于农业产业化国家重点龙头企业现状的分析及建议

    Analysis and Suggestions in relation to the National Agricultural Industrialization Leading Enterprise

  28. 一是政府应积极引导,扶持龙头企业。

    First , the Government should actively guide and support leading enterprises .

  29. 发展龙头企业,提高产业化水平;

    Developing leading enterprise , increasing the level of industrialization ;

  30. 在加工上应当培育龙头企业;

    In terms of processing industry , pillar enterprises should be developed ;