
lóng xiā
  • lobster;crayfish;prawn;langouste;bermuda lobster
龙虾 [lóng xiā]
  • [lobster] 一种很大的螯虾科海洋十足甲壳动物,身体长一尺左右,生活在海底,肉味鲜美

龙虾[lóng xiā]
  1. 厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。

    Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus

  2. 用粗剪将龙虾壳剪成小片。

    Cut the lobster shells into small pieces with heavy-duty scissors .

  3. 这个疯狂的作家把龙虾当宠物养。

    This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet .

  4. 她卖了几只活龙虾给我。

    She sold me a couple of live lobsters .

  5. 我会把这只龙虾烤着吃。

    I 'll broil the lobster .

  6. 龙虾的螯被扯去后还能再生出来。

    Lobsters are able to reproduce claws when they are torn off .

  7. 渔民们收回捕虾篓后,高兴地发现每只篓里有一只龙虾。

    The fishermen went to get the lobster pots in and were delighted to find one in each pot .

  8. 我将在画着红龙虾招牌的酒店门口等你。

    I 'll be waiting for you at the entrance of the pub which has a sign painted with a red lobster .

  9. 新西兰、瑞士等国家已经禁止煮龙虾。

    Cooking lobster . Several countries already ban the boiling of lobsters , including New Zealand and Switzerland .

  10. 据《泰晤士报》报道,尽管这项法案目前只涉及脊椎动物,但立法者正在考虑将对象扩大到龙虾、章鱼、贻贝等无脊椎动物。

    Though the legislation currently only includes vertebrates , lawmakers are weighing expanding it to include invertebrates such as lobsters , as well as octopuses and mussels , according to The Times .

  11. P.versicolor龙虾D-甘油醛-3-磷酸脱氢酶的X射线晶体学研究&分子置换法结构测定

    X-ray crystallographic studies of D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from P. versicolor lobster

  12. 他们在Instagram上贴学校做的烤龙虾照片。

    They post photos of the campus lobster bake on Instagram .

  13. 龙虾头的酶解及Maillard反应制备海鲜味香精

    Research on Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Waste Lobster Heads for Preparation of Seafood Flavor

  14. “或许吧,H龙虾说,可是,我喜欢海上的风暴。”“我和你一起去吧,一螃蟹说,一我不能让你独自面对这样的

    Perhaps so , said the lobster , but I love a squall at sea ! " " I will come with you , " said the crab . I will not let you face such danger alone . "

  15. 龙虾胃幽门节律发生器是一个简单的CPG,本文实现了其正常工作时的动作电位,并简单分析了其相位保持的特性。

    The lobster stomatogastric pyloric rhythm generator is one kind of CPG . It is implemented and how it can maintain phase is analyzed briefly .

  16. 龙虾Panulirus叶状幼体饵料的研究

    A Study on the Food for the Phyllosoma Larvae of the Spiny Lobster , Panulirus

  17. 据缅因州海洋资源部(MaineDepartmentofMarineResources)统计,过去两年中,缅因州渔民出售整只活龙虾的均价一直在每磅三美元以下,2005年时则高达4.63美元。

    In the past two years , the average price that Maine fishermen are paid for whole live lobster has been under $ 3 per pound , down from a high of $ 4.63 in 2005 , according to the Maine Department of Marine Resources .

  18. 目的研究从龙虾壳制备甲壳质,解决D氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐(GAH)的工业生产技术问题。

    PurposeTo solve the technological problem of industrial production of D glucosamine hydrochloride ( GAH ) from lobster shell .

  19. 我点了龙虾沙拉,格雷则要了份麦卡锡沙拉(mccarthysalad),它用甜菜、鸡肉、鸡蛋、西红柿、奶酪、腊肉与鳄梨而成,名字就取自波罗餐厅老板,也是由他首创。

    I choose a lobster salad while grey asks for the McCarthy salad a mix of beets , chicken , eggs , tomatoes , cheese , bacon and avocado named for the Polo lounge patron who created it .

  20. 在芝加哥海鲜餐厅L2O,价格最低的晚餐是每人140美元的一份套餐。餐厅主厨马修・柯克利(MatthewKirkley)说,现在龙虾更多地和昂贵的食材搭配在一起。

    At L2O in Chicago , a seafood restaurant where the lowest-priced dinner is a prix fixe meal for $ 140 per person , lobster is now more often paired with pricey ingredients , says Matthew Kirkley , the restaurant 's chef .

  21. 人们批评目前emoji的表情包太有限:不够多样化,在暑假的时候,连龙虾和螃蟹的符号都没有。

    The current emoji package has been criticized as too limited : not enough emoji diversity , and in the height of the summer vacation season , not even a lobster icon ( no crabs , either ) .

  22. 龙虾壳聚糖对正常小鼠空腹血糖的影响:取正常小鼠20只,禁食3h后测定空腹血糖,按血糖水平的高低随机抽签法分成龙虾壳聚糖组和正常对照组,每组10只。

    Effects of lobster chitosan on fasting BS of normal mice : Twenty normal mice were selected to measure the BS value after fasting 3 hours , and were divided into lobster chitosan group and normal control group according to the BS levels , every group had 10 mice .

  23. Datassential高级总监梅芙・韦伯斯特(MaeveWebster)说,在许多高档餐厅,经典的整只龙虾和虾尾菜品被认为已经过时,所以“尽管价格下降”,但餐厅的供应减少了。

    At many high-end restaurants , classic whole lobster and tail dishes are seen as passe and therefore offered less ' despite the price drop , ' says Maeve Webster , senior director at Datassential .

  24. 在巴黎的IlVino餐厅里,没有菜单,也没有酒单。顾客们的食物和酒都是老板恩里科·伯纳多认为是合他们的胃口并因此安排的;有时是一瓶雷司令酒和牛肉泥,或是一瓶沙文尼亚酒和布列塔尼酸模龙虾。

    In Il Vino in Paris ( no menu , no wine list ) customers are given the food and wine that Enrico Bernado thinks they will enjoy , such as Riesling with beef tartare , or a Savenni è res and Brittany lobster with sorrel .

  25. 利用抑制神经系统的WinnerLessCompetition(WLC)模型,通过数值方法分析Mulloney型龙虾胃肠神经系统神经元的电位发放,得到胃研磨囊和幽门神经系统中各个神经元的电位发放和系统的节律变化。

    With help of WLC model of inhibition nervous system and lobster neural structure of Mulloney 's , neuron electric spike of lobster stomatogastric neural system was numerically analyzed and the changing activity of gastric network and pyloric network were obtained .

  26. 纽约米其林一星餐厅GramercyTavern行政副总厨霍华德・卡拉奇尼科夫(HowardKalachnikoff)说,两年前龙虾的下船价大幅下滑后,餐厅换了一个直接从缅因州渔民手里进货的龙虾供应商,每磅成本下降了约三美元。

    When off-the-boat prices for lobster were plummeting about two years ago , Gramercy Tavern in New York switched to a lobster supplier who buys directly from Maine fishermen , reducing the restaurant 's cost per pound by about $ 3 , says Howard Kalachnikoff , executive sous chef at the one-Michelin-star restaurant .

  27. 龙虾供应公司Homarus总裁及创始人乔丹・埃尔金(JordanElkin)说,最贵的餐厅“不会在龙虾降价的时候下调菜品价格”。该公司从缅因渔民手中直接购买活龙虾,为包括GramercyTavern在内的约300家高档纽约餐厅供货。

    The priciest restaurants ' do not lower [ menu prices ] when lobster gets cheaper , ' says Jordan Elkin , president and founder of Homarus , which buys live lobster directly from Maine fishermen and sells to about 300 high-end restaurants in New York , including Gramercy Tavern .

  28. 充满冒险的一天意味着从龙虾陷阱里偷吃龙虾。

    An adventurous day means stealing lobsters from a lobster trap .

  29. 我甚至还没吃完那该死的龙虾呢。

    I didn 't even get to finish my damn lobster .

  30. 饭店里有一水槽活的龙虾。

    There was a tank of live lobsters in the restaurant .