
  1. 该剧的前传剧集《龙族》将于今年开始制作。

    A prequel series , House of the Dragon , is slated to begin production this year .

  2. 《HouseoftheDragon》(《龙族》)并不是《权力的游戏》唯一的前传。

    House of the Dragon isn 't the only Game of Thrones prequel .

  3. 独龙族社会经济发展研究

    A Study on Development of Economic & Society about Dulong Nationality

  4. 龙族对黄金向来有着邪恶而强烈的贪欲。

    For dragons covet gold with a dark and fierce desire .

  5. 这就是灼霜龙族维系其强大力量的办法。

    In this way is the strength of the Pyrexae line ensured .

  6. 你就是被称作龙族骑士的那一族。

    You are what one might call a Draconic Knight .

  7. 少数民族传统教育与现代教育的交响变奏曲&以云南贡山小茶腊独龙族为例

    Ethnic minorities ' traditional education and modern education

  8. 大额牛又称独龙牛,为半野生半家养的珍贵畜类,在我国仅分布于云南省贡山怒族独龙族自治县的独龙江流域。

    Gayals are only distributed in Dulong River catchment area in northwestern Yunnan Province .

  9. 寻找龙族人的信号。

    Iooking for signs of the Dragon men .

  10. 凯欧和诺伊是老龙族人。

    Keo and noy are Lao loum .

  11. 京晶:龙族人不是完全坏的人。

    The dragons weren 't all bad .

  12. 这部小说讲述的是狐族帝姬和龙族太子之间爱恨纠缠的三世情缘。

    The novel is about the bitter-sweet romance between a fox princess and a dragon prince .

  13. 由于他们的起点很高,龙族执政官对于巫术的研究与技能的开发很有自己独到的见解。

    Because of their magical origin , Draconians are insightful in regards to its research and the skills surrounding wizardry .

  14. 参加“龙族之梦&中国当代艺术展”,爱尔兰当代美术馆,英国;

    " Dreaming of the Dragon 's Nation-Contemporary Art Exhibition from China ", Irish Museum of Modern Art , Ireland ;

  15. 这些材料其实是古文明高科技的设备,当它们被正确折叠的时候,就会变成龙族精灵。

    The material turns out to be an ancient hi-tech gadget that , when folded properly , turns into Dragon Genie .

  16. 很快,这匹飞龙便要被派去与一个无论是人类还是活得长久得多的龙族都无法避免的敌人战斗了。

    Soon it would be sent to fight an Enemy that neither man nor even the long-lived dragon can finally avoid .

  17. 而这一切都跟独龙族在长期的与自然相处的生产生活实践中,创造了饱含众多丰富的生态保护意识的生态伦理有着莫大的关系。

    This is all related to the Dulong creating a full of many rich ecological ethic in the long-term coexistence with nature .

  18. 石头,她告诉自己,不过是石头罢了,龙族早已灭绝,就连伊利里欧也这么说。

    Stone , she told herself . They are only stone , even Illyrio said so , the dragons are all dead .

  19. 马克:我本来想等你看完后问你,龙族到底想要做什么。

    Mark : I was going to ask you , after you saw Ne Zha , what the dragons were trying to do .

  20. 薇薇安疑惑,如果真是赛特,他怎么又变成了龙族的客人?

    Anne of Wei Wei is interrogative , whether is really a mate especially , how did he become Long Zu 's guest again ?

  21. 20世纪50年代以来独龙族调查研究回顾与前瞻在20世纪50年代生育高峰期时出生的人。

    Investigations on the Dulong Ethnic Group since 1950s in Retrospect and in Prospect ; a member of the baby boom generation in the 1950s .

  22. 生活在云南怒江大峡谷的三个主要民族&傈僳族、独龙族、怒族都喜好饮酒,而且他们的酒文化都颇具特色。

    The three main ethnic groups in the Nujiang Grand Canyon prefer drinking . Furthermore , the wine culture of Lisu , Dulong and Nu are distinctive .

  23. 虽然生而为神,为了龙族复兴这个自私的目的,他几乎摧毁了哪吒的神秘出生地陈塘关。

    Though born as a god , he almost destroys Nezha 's mythical birthplace , Chentang Pass , in a selfish quest to revive his family 's fortunes .

  24. 接下来是介绍当地人的世界中的诸多生命形态。除了神灵以外,他们的世界里还生存着龙族、动植物、人类、邪物等生命。

    Then the paper introduces various kinds of life forms in the local world : dragons , animals , plants , humans , and evil things also survive in their world in addition to the gods .

  25. 我需要想出一个我不在城里时能够写作更长时期的主意,所以我从一个经常回信的读者那里得到启发&龙族战争。

    I needed to come up with an idea that would encompass a longer period of time while I 'll be mostly out-of-town , and so I drew inspiration from an oft-given reader suggestion & Dragon Wars !

  26. 电视剧版本的《三生三世十里桃花》由大陆演员杨幂和台湾演员赵又廷联袂出演,分别饰演女主角狐族帝姬和男主角龙族太子,电影中相对应的人物角色则分别由刘亦菲和杨洋饰演。

    The TV series saw mainland actress Yang Mi and Taiwan actor Mark Chao , respectively , as the fox and the dragon , but their roles will be played by actress Liu Yifei and Yang Yang in the movie .