
jiào huì xué
  • ecclesiology
  1. 教师第一次意识到教会学和如何自主阅读更为重要。

    For the first time , it was widely acknowledged that training students how to read was even more important .

  2. 通常人们称他的教会学为共融的教会学,因为拉辛格自己也乐于这么叫,并且致力于在梵二会议后的天主教会内普及这种共融教会学。

    Usually his ecclesiology is called an " Ecclesiology of Communion " and Ratzinger himself also prefers to advocate the theory in the Catholic Church after the Vatican II Council .

  3. 英国私立教会中小学发展状况与特色研究

    Study on the Development and Characteristics of English Private Church School

  4. 传教士与晚清教会女学

    Missionaries and Female Mission Schools in Late Imperial Period church Ball

  5. 近代福州教会女学的发展研究

    The Study of the Development of Modern Fuzhou Women Church Schools

  6. 近代中国教会女学的兴起与发展

    The Rise and Development of Church Girl Schools in Modern China

  7. 告诉她,因着她在教会主日学教导我的,至死我仍是一个基督徒。

    Tell her I died a Christian because of what she taught me in that Sunday School class in church .

  8. 1999年,美国出了一本畅销书叫《学习的革命》,书中谈到:我们教育的目的到底是教会学生学什么?还是教会他们怎么学?

    In 1999 , the best seller Revolution of Learning challenged that whether the education goal should be teaching students what they should learn or teaching them how to learn .

  9. 因此,可以说对近代福州教会女学发展的研究,是全国教会女学发展的研究的一个重要组成部分。

    Therefore , the study of the development of modern Fuzhou women church schools is one of the import parts of the study of the development of the national women church schools .

  10. 卡尔?巴特的上帝观念在《教会教义学》之后更加的完整,对我们去了解西方文明甚至西方社会都会有重大的意义。

    The idea of God Karl Barth in the " Church Dogmatics " after a more complete . For us to understand the Western culture to Western society , it there will be significance .

  11. 教会女学产生的影响,开始改变清末中国妇女的教育现状,并直接催生了中国近代的第一批女子学校,为中国近代教育提供了多层面的借鉴。

    The mission schools discussed in this paper not only exerted influences to the development of Chinese women education , but also helped to foster the first women schools run by Chinese , and provided valuable experience for modern Chinese education .

  12. 近代中国教会女学从创办到发展,经历了一段艰难曲折的道路,逐渐形成了一套相对独立和较为完整的教育体制与办学模式,在中国女子教育史上起了某种开拓性的作用。

    Female Mission Schools in Modern China experienced a hard time from their generation to the development , but eventually they still formed a set of independent and relatively complete education system and teaching model gradually . They played a pioneering role in the female education history .

  13. 第四部分是评价晚清女学的出现的历史意义及局限性,揭示传教士及教会女学社会效应的二重性。

    The fourth part evaluates the importance and the historic limitations of the rise of the girl schools in the Qing dynasty . This part disclose the binary property of the social influence of the missionaries and their Christian schools for girls : invasion and propagation of the occidental cultures .

  14. 是的,我看过同性恋者渗透教会跟主日学。

    Yes , I have seen homosexual infiltrate the church and Sunday school .

  15. 最重要的是英语课本教会我怎么学英语。

    The most important thing is that the English textbook teach me how to learn English .

  16. 他生长在一个有六个孩子的家庭中,在日本为摩门教会做活动时学了一口流利的日语。

    He grew up in a family of six kids and he speaks fluent Japanese which he learnt while on a mission in Japan for the Mormon church .

  17. 虽然传教士认为只有研究自然的知识才能称为科学,并值得在大学传授,但由于师资和生源的限制,导致抗战前教会大学的理学研究和教育比较薄弱。

    Though missionaries thought that only knowledge about nature could be named science and was deserved to impart in universities . The education of science developed slowly and few researches of science were carried through in the Chinese ecclesiastic universities because of the number restriction in professors and students .

  18. 中国的女子学校教育始于外国教会办学,福州作为最早对外开放的五个通商口岸之一,教会势力强大,教会女学的发展势头迅猛。

    China 's women schools started from foreign church schools .

  19. 第二部分运用历史描述法考察了教会女子高等教育的发展历程,它经历了萌芽、发展、转型、迁移、终结五个阶段,不同时期呈现出不同的特征,反映了教会女学的艰难历程。

    Different phases have different characteristics during the hard journey of its development .