
jiào xué fānɡ fǎ
  • teaching method;teaching devices
  1. 教学方法与教学手段;

    The teaching styles and teaching devices ;

  2. 在教学方法上存在着过分教条主义的危险。

    There is a danger of becoming too dogmatic about teaching methods .

  3. 梅西伯夫博士阐述了他的教学方法的基础。

    Dr. Mesibov set forth the basis of his approach to teaching students .

  4. 他的教学方法很传统。

    His teaching method is quite traditional .

  5. 我喜欢你的教学方法,我将在我的学校内采用。

    I like your methods of teaching and I shall adopt them in my school .

  6. 例如,今天的第一课是数学,但教学方法很特别。

    For example , the first lesson of the day is maths , but the teaching method is very special .

  7. 这所学校教给学生的科目和全国其他学校一样,但教学方法完全不同。

    The school teaches students all the same subjectsas the rest of the country 's schools , but the teaching methods are completely different .

  8. 我们一致同意采取新的教学方法。

    We all agree in adopting the new teaching method .

  9. 而孔子的教育理念和教学方法在很大程度上可以代表当今教学改革的方向。建议将教师节改期到孔子诞辰日,即9月28日。

    The educational philosophy and methods of Confucius shed light on the current educational reform , so I suggest the day be changed to Confucius ' birthday , Sept 28 .

  10. 希望广大教师牢记为党育人、为国育才使命,积极探索新时代教育教学方法,为培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人作出新的更大贡献。

    He expressed his hope that teachers will bear in mind their mission of cultivating talent for the Party and the State , develop teaching methods for the new era , and make more contributions to nurturing socialist builders and successors with an all-round moral , intellectual , physical and aesthetic grounding , in addition to a hard-working spirit .

  11. 图形工具shape的教学方法研究

    On the Teaching Method of Gaphic Tool Shape

  12. 21世纪地理信息系统(GIS)专业课程设置与教学方法

    Discussion on the Courses Setup and Teaching Methods on GIS Specialty Facing 21st Century

  13. 关于JK触发器的教学方法

    Efficient Ways of Teaching JK Flip-flop

  14. 尽可能采用多种教学方法,通过课堂教学,使学生喜欢上体育课,以最大限度激发学生学习Hip-Hop运动的兴趣和热情;

    Teachers make a scientific and logical teaching aim , to make the students care the Hip-Hop by multi-form lessons , explode their passions .

  15. IA-32计算机技术课程的教学方法设计与应用

    Design and Application of the Teaching Method of IA-32 Computer Technology Course

  16. 文中结合高职学院学生的特点,就VB程序设计的教学方法、教学实践以及如何提高学生的知识运用能力和程序开发能力进行了探讨。

    This article unifies the quality institute student 's characteristic , the VB programming teaching method , how did the teaching practice as well as enhance student 's knowledge have carried on the discussion using ability and procedure development ability .

  17. 目的用Kiras的反义寡核苷酸(ASODN)作用于人胃癌细胞和血管内皮细胞,为其抑制胃癌生长及其内血管生成进行前期基础研究。实验组采取玩牌学语音的教学方法;

    Objective To study the effect of Ki Ras ASODN on human gastric carcinoma cells and human vascular endothelial cells as a preclinical experimental research of the inhibition of tumor development and angiogenesis by Ras ASODN .

  18. 因此,角色示范可能是最为有效的教学方法。

    So role demonstrate may be the most efficient teaching method .

  19. 高中美术特长生课程管理与教学方法研究

    High School Arts Special Students Curriculum Management and Teaching Methods Research

  20. 现代控制理论研究型自主性综合实验教学方法

    The Teaching Methods of Making Autonomous Integrated Modern Control Theory Experiments

  21. 体育教学方法与内容改革探讨

    A Discussion on the Reform in PE Teaching Methods and Contents

  22. 医学院校法学课程教学方法探讨

    Probe into teaching methods of legal courses in medical college schools

  23. 关于基础理论实验教学方法改革的探讨

    Discussing on Innovating the Methodology of Experimentation Teaching in Fundamental Theory

  24. 关于改进《生态保护》教学方法的探索与实践

    On The Exploration and Practice of Improving Ecological Protection Teaching Method

  25. 教学方法改革要增强学生的学习动力。

    Teaching reformation should strengthen student , s learning power .

  26. 改革实验教学方法构建创新实验平台

    Reforming experimental teaching methods and building a new experimental platform

  27. 教育,护理;外科护理学;教学方法;

    Education , Nursing ; Surgical Nursing ; Teaching Methods ;

  28. 田径技术教学方法研究

    The Study of Teaching Methods on Track and Field Skills

  29. 探索教学方法激发学习兴趣&浅谈悬念在中师化学教学中的应用

    On the Application of Suspense in Teaching Chemistry in the Normal School

  30. 制药分离工程课程中分子蒸馏技术的教学方法初探

    Exploration on Teaching Ways of Molecular Distillation Technology for Pharmaceutical Separation Engineering