
xùn dào
  • martyrdom;be a martyr for religion;die in the cause of justice;sacrifice one's life for a belief or truth;die for the faith
殉道 [xùn dào]
  • [sacrifice ones life for a belief or truth;die for the faith] 为道义或某种主张而献身

殉道[xùn dào]
  1. 圣潘克拉斯于公元304年殉道。

    St Pancras was martyred in 304 AD.

  2. 正如他们对待白人和黑人的一切关系一样,他们都昂扬着一种近似殉道者的责任感。

    They were upheld , as in all their dealings with the black-white relationship , by a feeling of almost martyred responsibility .

  3. 它还可以振振有词地声称殉道者史蒂夫比科(SteveBiko)是它的精神伴侣。

    It could also plausibly claim the martyr Steve Biko as a soul mate .

  4. 我建议他读《米娜,阿富汗的女英雄:创立阿富汗妇女革命联盟的殉道者》这本书,还有《灿烂千阳》(AThousandSplendidSuns)。

    I would suggest him to read " Meena , Heroine of Afghanistan : The Martyr Who Founded RAWA , the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan " and " A Thousand Splendid Suns . "

  5. 圣殿主任司铎热罗尼莫.雷耶斯(GeronimoReyes)蒙席说,庆典是一个良机去反省自己的生命及圣李乐伦的殉道事迹。

    Monsignor Geronimo Reyes , parish priest and rector of the Minor Basilica , said the celebration is a good opportunity to reflect on the life and martyrdom of the Filipino saint .

  6. 科学和宗教一样,也有殉道者。

    The sciences have had their martyrs as well as religion .

  7. 与其作忏悔者,不如作殉道者。

    It is better to be a martyr than a confessor .

  8. 什叶派教徒每年在阿修罗日纪念他的殉道。

    His martyrdom is commemorated by Shiites every year during Ashura .

  9. 如果您想做殉道者的话,神父。

    If you 're going to martyr yourself , abbe .

  10. 真正的殉道者,思想上确实坚定不渝的人。

    The genuine martyr , the man who really is ideologically committed .

  11. 当时有这一种观念,殉道者可以当说情者,为活着基督徒说情。

    This idea that martyrs could be intercessors for living Christians develops .

  12. 这不大像殉道,对吗?

    Just doesn 't seem in keeping with martyrdom , does it ?

  13. 太悲哀了大家都说他是个艺术的殉道�

    So sad . For many he died a martyr for art ,

  14. 他的殉道之时会自然而然地到来。

    His martyr 's time would come when it came .

  15. 西尔维亚·普拉斯是西方女性主义运动的英雄和殉道者。

    Sylvia Plath has become a heroine and martyr of the feminist movement .

  16. 牺牲品及殉道者&玛吉之悲剧的双重性

    A Victim and a Martyr & On the Duality of Maggie 's Tragedy

  17. 英国圣公会和保皇党的殉道者劳德大主教。

    An Anglican and royalist martyr , Archbishop laud .

  18. 你还记得那位殉道者阿布阿萨姆吗?

    Do you remember the martyr Abu assam ?

  19. 殉道者的半生往往很长。

    Martyrs tend to have a long half-life .

  20. 你们输了,就成了殉道者。

    When you lose , you 're martyrs .

  21. 就象临刑的殉道者对于自己的苦难感到一种狂喜的幻觉。

    It is that of the entranced vision of the martyr to his torment .

  22. 圣塞巴斯蒂安是个基督教殉道者。

    St Sebastian was a Christian martyr .

  23. 基督教殉道者被用石块击毙。

    Christian martyrs were stoned to death .

  24. 也许人生中的任何幸福都不如殉道者的幸福的那样完美。&欧亨利

    Perhaps there is no happiness in life so perfect as the martyr . & O.Henry

  25. 布托的殉道者。那天在学校,所有人都静默无语,就连那些反对她的人也是。

    At school that day everyone was subdued , even those who had opposed Benazir .

  26. 据教会传说,多年以后,彼得在罗马被钉十架殉道。

    It is generally believed Peter was crucified in Rome at a much later date .

  27. 那些被判刑要殉道,却没有殉道的人,人们会怎么对待他们?

    What do you do with people who are condemned to martyrdom but not actually martyred ?

  28. 若翰为了正义而殉道,殉道者的血是我们信仰的种子。

    John martyrs for justice , the blood of martyrs is the seed of our faith .

  29. 列斯达:我的圣人,我的殉道者,“绝不取人性命”。

    LESTAT : My philosopher , my martyr . " Never take a human life . "

  30. 教皇格列高利三世将每年11月1日定为“众圣人节”,以此纪念圣人和殉道者。

    Pope Gregory III designated November1st All Saints'Day , a time to honor saints and martyrs .