
xùn guó
  • die(give one's life) for one's country;die for one's motherland;give one's life for one'scountry
殉国 [xùn guó]
  • [die(或give ones life) for ones country] 为国家利益而献出生命

  • 郭侍中一心殉国。--《新编五代史平话》

殉国[xùn guó]
  1. 他不愿看见自己的国家被敌人攻占,最终选择了以死殉国。

    He chose not to live and see his own country vanguished by the enemy .

  2. 足球成为他们殉国之道。

    They turned soccer to martyrdom .

  3. 在明清易代的变革中,更简单以甲申、乙酉二年是否殉国为判断忠与不忠的唯一标准。

    In the alternation between the Ming and Qing Dynasties , whether they gave their lives for their country in 1644 and 1645 or not was the only loyal criterion .

  4. 二月,宋军大败,陆秀夫身背末帝赵肩跳海而亡,之后张世杰堕海殉国。

    In February , the Southern Song 's troop was defeated and Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea , carrying the last emperor Zhaorui on his back . Soon Zhang Shijie pursued the same end .