
tǐ lì huó dònɡ
  • physical exertion;physical activities
  1. 强体力活动和愤怒触发急性冠状动脉综合征:临床和社会人口统计学特征

    Triggering of acute coronary syndromes by physical exertion and anger : Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics

  2. 这一对照组的加入将会澄清这确实是瑜珈而不仅仅是一个小时的体力活动引起的大脑改变。

    Including such a control group would make it clear that it was yoga and not just an hour of physical exertion that was responsible for the brain changes .

  3. 减少体力活动的总量。

    Cut down your overall amount of physical activity

  4. 更高水平的体力活动(每天90分钟以上)可以降低28%的糖尿病风险。

    Higher levels of physical activity ( more than 90 minutes per day ) can reduce the risk of diabetes by 28 % .

  5. “坐以待毙综合征”指的是由于极度缺乏体力活动和营养不良导致死亡。

    Sedentary Death Syndrome1 refers to death caused by extreme inactivity and poor nutrition .

  6. 工作了18个小时,长途旅行过后,或者进行了几个小时极度辛苦的体力活动之后,倒在床上时,体会到的完全彻底的幸福愉快的感觉会达到高峰,这就是床铺高潮。

    Bedgasm is a feeling of complete and utter euphoria which peaks when climbing into bed at the end of an 18-hour workday , a long road trip or hours of extremely strenuous1 physical activity .

  7. 瘦素(Leptin)与体力活动的研究综述

    A Review of Leptin in Physical Exercise

  8. 也许某一天,我们的医生能解读我们的DNA,同时将各人的基因型及其他的环境因素(如:体力活动)考虑在内。

    Perhaps one day our doctors will read our DNA and take into account our genotype along with other environmental factors such as our physical activity .

  9. 记步器与体力活动量表的相关系数为0·30,P值<0·01。结论:孕妇的能量消耗以静息型活动为主;

    The correlation coefficients between scale data and pedometer was about 0.3 , P < 0.01 . Conclusion : The low energy expenditure PA was the main activities for pregnant women .

  10. 2002年,美国总统健康及运动委员会(President'sCouncilonPhysicalFitnessandSports)为应对久坐的生活方式所带来的日益严峻的问题创造了一个新词——体力活动缺乏综合症(SedentaryDeathSyndrome)。

    The term Sedentary Death Syndrome was coined by the President 's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in 2002 to address the growing consequences of a seated lifestyle . '

  11. 使用24h回顾法了解食物摄入、体力活动问卷了解体力活动情况,用双能X线吸收仪(DEXA)测定全身和前臂骨量。

    Bone mass of forearm and total body were measured using Dual-energy X-ray Absorptionmetry ( DEXA ) .

  12. 标准体重百分数(SWP)、子女DM史、职业体力活动、年龄和脉率是影响IGT发病的主要因子。

    And SWP , DM history of children , occupational physical activity , age and pulse for IGT .

  13. 根据作者的看法,吸烟者由于进行适当的高体力活动减少COPD的发生占可能新发病例的21%。

    According to the authors , the reduction in COPD among smokers due to moderate to high levels of physical activity was21 percent of potential new cases .

  14. 确定安全的体力活动可以减少RSI并提供很多其他的健康益处。

    Identification of safe physical activities may reduce RSI and provide multiple other health benefits .

  15. 单项体力活动时,海拔每上升1000m,生理负荷增加一个劳动强度等级。

    Under the single physical action , grade of physiological load increased with elevation of sea level per 1000m .

  16. 不同的NAFLD谱系严重度,患者心肺的顺应性,肌肉力量,机体组分和参与体力活动都在最适度以下。

    Across the spectrum of NAFLD severity , patients had suboptimal cardiorespiratory fitness , muscle strength , body composition and physical activity participation .

  17. 血压、血脂、吸烟、饮酒、体力活动等因素对DM、IFG、IGT的患病率均有影响。

    Blood pressure , lipids , smoking , drinking , physical activity and other factors influenced the prevalence rates of DM , IFG and IGT . 5 .

  18. 目的描述2002年中国人群的饮食行为、体力活动和体重指数(BMI)的流行水平,以及在不同教育水平、职业和地区人群中的分布。

    Objective To describe the prevalence of behavior on diet , physical activities and body mass index ( BMI ) in different populations related to factors as education , occupation and geographical distribution .

  19. 目的利用每天平均每小时代谢当量(MET)水平来评价体力活动与缺血性心血管疾病(ICVD)的关系。

    Objective To examine the associations between physical activity measures [ metabolic equivalents of energy expenditure ( MET ) per hour per day ] and ischemic cardiovascular diseases ( ICVD ) in Chinese population .

  20. 西安市城市居民休闲性体力活动主要是以中等强度体力活动为主;活动频率和活动时间及体力活动活跃率女性高于男性,差异具有非常显著性(p0.01)。

    The single physical activity of Xi ' an residents is mainly in moderate intensity ; The time , frequency and activity rate of the female are higher than those of the male ( p 0.01 ) .

  21. 西安市居民单项体力活动主要是以中等强度体力活动为主;职业性、家务性中度体力活动的时间、频率男性和女性差异具有显著性(p0.05)。

    The single physical activity of residents in Xi ' an is mainly in moderate intensity ; There is significant difference between male and female in time and frequency of moderate physical activity such as professional and housework ( p0.05 ) .

  22. 采用问卷调查法收集一般情况、膳食营养摄入、体力活动状况等指标,并检查其体格发育和第二性征发育状况。采用双能X线吸收仪(DEXA)测量全身、桡骨和前臂的骨量。

    Measurements included dietary intake , physical activity , anthropometry , pubertal stage , and bone mineral measurements ( dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry , DEXA ) .

  23. 富氧室在海拔3700m对人体体力活动时氧耗量的影响

    Effect of oxygen - enriched room on oxygen consumption of human physical exercise at 3700m altitude

  24. 美国运动医学会会员JamesPivarnik博士说,有数以百计的研究表明,孕妇体力活动不仅安全,而且有利。

    James Pivarnik , Ph.D. , FACSM , says that hundreds of studies have shown physical activity to be not only safe , but beneficial , for expectant mothers .

  25. 另一方面,无论体力活动水平如何,CETP变异微小等位基因携带状态与心肌梗死的风险减少相关。

    On the other hand , minor-allele carrier status of the CETP variant was associated with a reduced risk of MI regardless of activity levels .

  26. 人在海拔5380m高原进行体力活动时耗氧量及血氧饱和度的观察

    The changes of oxygen consumption and blood oxygen saturation during physical activities at 5 380 m altitude

  27. 各个年龄组重度强度的体力活动差异具有非常显著性(p0.01);家务性体力活动活跃率随着年龄的增长也逐渐升高,趋势卡方检验有统计学意义。

    There is very significant difference of the severe physical activity of all age groups ( p0.01 ); the active rate of housework physical activity rises as the growth of the age , chi-square test trend with a statistical significance . 4 .

  28. 既然更高水平的体力活动会增加肌肉与骨骼系统的负荷,那么它就可能会导致RSI,但研究发现不存在这种联系。

    While higher levels of physical activity may place increased load on the musculoskeletal system that could potentially contribute to RSI , the study found no such link .

  29. 而多因素logistic回归分析中只有7个变量入选最终模型,因子顺位为脉搏、糖尿病家族史、肾病史、腰臀比、高血压病史、职业性体力活动及年龄;

    However , only 7 factors were statistically significant in multiple logistic regression analysis . The sequence of their importance appeared as : pulse , diabetes mellitus family history , the medical record of nephropathy , waist-to-hip ratio , the medical record of hypertension , work-place related exercise and age .

  30. 在至少有一个LPL单核苷酸多态性等位基因的妇女中,仅在体力活动较多的女性中可减少心肌梗死的风险,而在那些体力活动较少的女性中未见此差异。

    Among women with at least one copy of the minor allele at the LPL SNP , there was a reduced risk of MI only in active women , and not in those who exercised less frequently .