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tǐ jī
  • volume;size;bulk;capacity;bigness
体积 [tǐ jī]
  • [volume;size;capacity] 物质或物体占据空间的大小;占据一特定容积的物质的量

  • 木箱的体积为3立方米

  • 电解水时放出二体积的氢与一体积的氧

体积[tǐ jī]
  1. 你如何计量气体的体积?

    How do you measure the volume of a gas ?

  2. 存留在这些表面的气体体积可能相当大。

    The volume of gas trapped on these surfaces can be considerable .

  3. 索尼公司在缩小CD播放机的体积方面也处于领先地位。

    Sony has also led the way in shrinking the size of compact-disc players .

  4. 煮20分钟,直到液体体积减半。

    Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half

  5. 家具体积太大,占了太多空间。

    Furniture is so bulky , it takes so much room .

  6. 它体积很大,大约有3英尺长,高度也将近3英尺。

    It was bulky , perhaps three feet long and almost as high

  7. 这些船虽然体积庞大,但能够承载的船员却很少,通常为20人左右。

    Despite their size , these vessels carry small crews , usually of around twenty men

  8. 一种体积不超过10便士硬币大小的新机器能防止婴儿猝死。

    A new machine no bigger than a 10p piece could help save babies from cot death

  9. 天文学家知道冥王星与海卫一拥有几乎相同的体积、质量与密度。

    Astronomers know that Pluto and Triton have nearly the same size , mass , and density .

  10. 蛋清打散后,体积可增至原来的七八倍。

    When egg whites are beaten they can rise to seven or eight times their original volume .

  11. 这是在海拔2,300米的高空,因此一定体积空气的含氧量只有海平面处的约1/3。

    It is 2,300 metres above sea level , so a given volume of air contains only about one-third as much oxygen as it would at sea level

  12. 空气变热时,其体积便迅速膨胀。

    When the air becomes hot , its volume increases rapidly .

  13. 体积大并不总是意味着分量重。

    Great bulk does not always mean great weight .

  14. 星号“☆”代表体积元的有关量。

    An asterisk designates quantities that refer to the volume element .

  15. 我们可以用测量法求得某物的体积。

    We can find the size of something by means of measurement .

  16. 这个圆筒的体积有多少?

    What 's the volume of this cylinder ?

  17. 金属冷却时体积缩小。

    Metal contracts as it becomes cool .

  18. 上面容器中的蒸气冷凝,将凝结液集中并测量其体积。

    The vapor from the upper container is condensed , the condensate is collected and its volume measured .

  19. 由于体积小、重量轻,与传统的通信或GPS卫星相比,送立方体卫星进入地球轨道的成本要低得多。

    Because they 're so small and light , it costs much less to get a CubeSat into Earth 's orbit than a traditional communications or GPS satellite .

  20. 它们全然无畏,集结成队地出击、达成目标,随时准备着接受来自比自己体积大得多的动物挑战。

    They are completely fearless and will readily take on a creature much larger than themselves , attacking in large groups and overcoming their target .

  21. 这提高了时钟的精度,还令它们的体积变小了。

    This improved accuracy and allowed clocks to be smaller .

  22. 弗兰克说,他的自行车虽然体积巨大,而且很重,但骑起来却非常容易。

    Frank said his bicycle was surprisingly easy to ride although it had a huge size and weighed a lot .

  23. 研究结果表明,长期暴露在绿色环境中与大脑某些部位的白质和灰质体积呈正相关。

    The findings show that long-term exposure to greenness is positively associated with white and grey matter volumes in several parts of the brain .

  24. 由于这些矩形是跟随摄像机的,所以利用它们就像幻觉一样就描绘出了3D体积效果

    Because the quads follow the camera , they give the illusion of filling a 3D volume .

  25. 文章还评估了STL实体体积,对模型的复杂度进行了研究

    This article also computes STL model volume and research simply model complexity .

  26. 虽然体积变得极为微小,塑胶还是能撑超级久。

    On the microscale , though , it 's still super durable .

  27. 我可以用测量法求得某物的体积。

    I can find the size of something by means of measurement .

  28. 按体积计算,各种大小的船舶共运输世界上约80%的货物。

    Ships of all sorts and sizes transport around 80 % of the world 's goods by volume .

  29. 在蜜蜂的整个身体中,腹部体积最大,不过却没有任何附肢与之相连。

    The belly is the largest of the three parts of the body , but it has no limbs attached to it .

  30. 在这个群岛上工作的研究人员发现,没有老鼠的岛屿周围的珊瑚礁要健康得多,鱼的数量也多,而且体积也明显更大。

    The researchers working on the archipelago found that rat-free islands ' reefs were much healthier , with more and significantly larger fish .