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  • calendar
历法 [lì fǎ]
  • [calendar] 民用年的起始、长度和划分是固定的历算系统,这种系统中按一定的规则安排日和更长的时间划分单位(如星期、月和年)

历法[lì fǎ]
  1. 在中国历法中,春分总是出现在2月。

    In the Chinese calendar , the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month .

  2. 计算这些gi的步骤叫做哈特力自洽场法。格里高利历法(公历)与自然力量并不融洽。

    The procedure for calculating the gi 's is called the Hartree self-consistent-field method . The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature .

  3. 我们发现了自然存在的“历法calendar闰年leapyear规律”和“闰年(设置闰日leapday)周期”。

    Now we have discovered the laws of the Natural Calendar and leap year and the cycle of the leap year .

  4. 该项技术同样提供一种让新程序使用RSS的能力,包括发布历法,幻灯片放映。

    It will also introduce the ability to use RSS for new applications such as publishing calendars or picture slideshows .

  5. 采用循环遍历法控制优化设计变量的循环计算,运用C语言进行电磁优化模块程序的设计,通过约束条件筛选出合理的优化设计方案。

    We use cycling-method to control design variables to compute , select the language of C # to design programs of electromagnetic optimization design , and choose an optimum design by strained conditions . 2 .

  6. 学者们通常是借助一个被称为“GMT常量”的数值,将古玛雅历法转换成公历(现代历法)。

    To convert the ancient Mayan calendar to the Gregorian ( or modern ) calendar , scholars use a numerical value ( called the GMT ) .

  7. 格拉尔多在其著作《历法与纪年II——远古与中世纪世界天文与时间》中,质疑玛雅历法的准确性,他说2012年世界末日的日期以及其他相关日期可能都会有所延迟。

    In a chapter in the book " Calendars and Years II : Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World , " Aldana casts doubt on the accuracy of the Mayan calendar correlation , saying that the 2012 prophecy as well as other dates may be off .

  8. JesúsGalindoTrejo,一个研究天文考古学、等离子体物理、天体物理学的墨西哥人,回答关于世界末日预言和玛雅历法的问题,即今天是末日。

    Jes ú s Galindo Trejo , a Mexican researcher in astro-archeology , plasma astrophysics and solar physics , answers questions about the end-of-the-world prediction and the Mayan calendar , which ends today .

  9. WebQuest是信息技术与课程整合的一种有效形式,并对高校中采用WebQuest进行天文选修课教学的可行性作了分析,最后以历法探究为例展示了WebQuest教学的实施步骤和具体的网页设计。

    WebQuest is a valid way for the integration of information technology and astronomic curriculum . The feasibility of using WebQuest to teach astronomic elective in the university is analyzed . As an example , a concrete web design is given to the inquiry based teaching of calendar .

  10. 星占历法与宋代政治文化

    Astrological Divination and Calendar in Political Culture of the Song Dynasty

  11. 历法在宋朝对外交往中的作用

    The Function of Calendar in the Sung Dynasty 's Diplomatic Activities

  12. 中国古代历法中之朔望月常数的选择

    Selection of the Constant of Synodic Month in Ancient Chinese Calendars

  13. 他还结合历法研究了一些具体问题。

    He also researched some specific problems by way of calendar .

  14. 在凯撒之前,使用的是另一种历法。

    Before the time of Caesar , another calendar was used .

  15. 我只知道这是一个源于农事历法的节日。

    I just know this festival is from Chinese lunar calendar .

  16. 中国古代历法家对算理的探究

    Exploring the Astronomical Meaning of Algorithm by Ancient Chinese Mathematical Astronomers

  17. 玛雅人明白到17种以宇宙为基础的不同历法。

    The Maya understood 17 different Calendars based on the Cosmos .

  18. 他们的主历法是本星球最精确的。

    Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet .

  19. 答:玛雅历法是一个无尽的系统。

    A : The Mayan calendar is an endless system .

  20. 我国古代历法置闰制度的演变

    The Evolution of the System of Intercalation in the Ancient Chinese Calendar

  21. 在历法修订过程中,张遂非常重视实践。

    In revising the calendar , Zhang attached huge importance to practice .

  22. 中国古代历法的中心差算式之造术原理

    Fundamental of the Formular of Equation of Centre in Chinese Ancient Calendars

  23. 云南少数民族历法的历史文化背景

    Historical and Cultural Background of the Calendar of Yunnan Minorities

  24. 这对古代历法研究颇有帮助。

    It is quite helpful to the study of Chinese ancient calendar .

  25. 太平天国历法研究述评

    Review on the Calendar Research of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  26. 每行均为输入日期在另一历法下的日期。

    Each line will consist of a date in the other style .

  27. 早期天文学的用途之一是建立历法。

    One use for early astronomy was to create calendars .

  28. 历法、通用数表、通用表格和公式。

    Calendar , numerical tables , general tables and formulas .

  29. 中国13世纪历法的交食推算精度

    The eclipse calculating precision of Chinese ancient calendar in the 13th century

  30. 《日书》“岁篇”为楚国历法研究提供了新证据。

    The Suipian offered new evidence for study calendar of Chu state .