
  • 网络Historical value;historic value
  1. 注意:如果公司日记账中的某个历史价值是通过DataEntry/CompanyJournals菜单输入的,则该值仍然可以更改。

    Note : If a historical value in a company journal is entered via the Data Entry / Company Journals menu , this historical value can still be changed .

  2. FORTRAN的历史价值及前景

    The Historical Value and Prospects for FORTRAN

  3. 或者,也可以使用Group/Copy/HistoricalRatesBetweenPeriods将历史价值从一个期间和现状复制到另一个。

    Alternatively , you can use Group / Copy / Historical Rates Between Periods to copy the historical values from one period and actuality to another .

  4. 明代宗室出土文物的历史价值

    History Value of unearthed Relics at the Court in Ming Dynasty

  5. 《黑暗传》的汉水文化历史价值论析

    Historical and Cultural Values of Han River Embodied in Darkness Commentary

  6. 徐州战争文化的历史价值及其影响

    The Historical Value and Influence of War Culture in Xuzhou

  7. 古典诗词的文学价值和历史价值是有目共睹的。

    Its literary and historical value are seen by all .

  8. 第三章介绍了格里高利圣咏的历史价值。

    Chapter Three introduces the historic value of Gregorian Chant .

  9. 这些古老手稿的历史价值是不容否认的。

    The historic value of these ancient scripts is undeniable .

  10. 诗界革命的历史价值及其局限性。

    The historical value and localization of Revolution in the circles of poetry .

  11. 上林壮族唐碑的历史价值和书法艺术

    Historic Value and Handwriting Art of Tang Inscriptions at Shanglin of Zhuang People

  12. 我国拥有许多具有历史价值和文化价值的历史风貌建筑。

    There are lots of buildings with historical and cultural value in China .

  13. 对马克思主义政治经济学理论构成与历史价值的再认知

    The recognition of the theoretical composition and historical value of Marxism political economics

  14. 一些宝物的考古学价值和历史价值是无法用金钱衡量的。

    Archaeological and historical valuables are beyond the price .

  15. 出土的木牍竹简极有历史价值。

    The excavated wooden tablets and bamboo slips are of great historical value .

  16. 论无锡工商文化的内涵与精神品格&兼论锡商群体的历史价值及其意义

    Connotation and Spirit Quality of Wuxi Business Culture

  17. 我们认为,晏阳初的这一思想和实践具有重要的历史价值。

    Thus , Yan Yang chu 's idea and practice is of important historical significance .

  18. 中国传统道德的历史价值

    The History Value of Chinese Traditional Ethics

  19. 文物大遗址是指占地面积较大,具有较高历史价值的文物遗址。

    Large heritage remains refers to a large area with high historical value heritage remains .

  20. 论莫泊桑长篇小说的历史价值

    The Historical Value of Novels by Maupassant

  21. 这些照片具有极大的历史价值。

    The photos are ofimmense historical value .

  22. 这一细节很有历史价值,不应被后人遗忘。

    This event has historical value , and should not be forgotten by the descendent .

  23. 对,他们有历史价值。

    Right . They have historical value .

  24. 佛教古建筑艺术以诸多不同形式而具有很高的审美价值和历史价值。

    Ancient Buddhism architectural arts in many different forms have high aesthetic value and historical value .

  25. 他的著作具有重要的历史价值,但缺乏当时同类文献的文采。

    His writings are important historically , but lack the literary merit of similiar contemporary documents .

  26. 这可是很有历史价值的。

    It has great historic values .

  27. 皇权在这个国家只是象征着其历史价值,并没有任何法律意义。

    Royal power in this country was only a symbol of historical value and had no legislative significance .

  28. 它对修正企业固定资产历史价值偏差,体现企业固定资产真实的现时价值具有特别重要的意义。

    It is of great significance in amending and showing real value of the fixed assets of the enterprises .

  29. 整个工艺是纯手工制作的,就布的本身来说就具有相当高的人文价值和历史价值!

    The whole arts and crafts is all handwork indeed , and the cloth itself has quite high value .

  30. 民间谱牒的历史价值&对清水江下游天柱县的考察

    The Historical and Cultural Value of Civil Genealogy : An Initial Investigation of Tianzhu County Located in Downstream Qingshui River