
lì shǐ fǎ xué pài
  • historical school of law
  1. 历史法学派思想对我国纠纷解决方式的启示

    Enlightenment of Thoughts of Historical School of Law to the Ways of Settlement of Dispute in China

  2. 历史法学派的出现促进了历史主义的繁荣,使十九世纪成为真正地历史学的世纪。

    Historical School of Law has promoted the historical prosperity , made nineteenth Century a real historical century .

  3. 历史法学派的理论同古典自然法哲学的理论是尖锐对立的。

    That the doctrines of the historical jurists stood in sharp contrast to the teachings of the classical natural-law philosophers .

  4. 所谓历史法学派是指19世纪初首先在德国兴起的,与古典自然法学派相对抗的一个思想派别。

    The so-called " Historical School of Law " refers to the school of thought which first arises in Germany during the nineteenth Century .

  5. 且由于历史法学派、康德哲学、优越法益、罪刑法定主义等思想的影响,及基于德国法官作用的考虑,其开创了侵权法折衷式规范模式的先河。

    Under the influence of historical school of the law , Kantian philosophy of law , superior legal interest , and doctrine of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime , it founded the compromise settlement mode .

  6. 分析民族性这一概念时本文重点介绍了历史法学派主要代表人物的观点,考察了他们关于法律民族特性认识的不同和局限性,并对当前中国法律的民族性进行整体上的考察。

    When analyzing " nationality ", this paper focuses on the views of historical jurisprudence , and we inspected their different understanding of the nationality of law and their limitations , and also we inspected the nationality of the current Chinese law as a whole .

  7. 随着历史法学派影响的不断扩大,19世纪中期逐渐出现了以英国梅因、梅特兰,美国卡特和日本的穗积沉重等为代表的晚期历史法学派。

    With the expanding influences of the Historical School of Law , there appears Maine , Maitland , and Carter as the representative of the advanced Historical School of Law in the nineteenth century .