
  • 网络History and Society
  1. 关于《历史与社会》教学实践若干问题的反思

    Reflection on the Teaching and Learning " History and Society "

  2. 《历史与社会》新课程和家庭教育下学生的角色

    New subject History and Society and students ' role in family education

  3. 以此揭示出杭州当时的历史与社会经济发展状况。

    Hangzhou revealed this at the history and socio-economic development .

  4. 另一种叙史方式的尝试&《历史与社会》第三册评介

    Another attempt in appraise history - third volume 's comment

  5. 为什么开设《历史与社会》这门综合课

    The necessity of an integrated course ── history & Society

  6. 《历史与社会》课教学研究初探

    First Exploration on the Teaching of History and Society

  7. 数字化环境下图书馆地位与职能的思考&从历史与社会的视角探索图书馆事业的未来

    A Study on the Status and Functions of Libraries in the Digital Age

  8. 谈历史与社会课程教学对教师情感影响

    About Effects on Teachers ' Emotion from the Teaching of History and Society

  9. 《历史与社会》新课程与反思性教学

    History and Society New courses and Introspective Teaching

  10. 《历史与社会》课亟待加强课程资源开发和利用

    Strengthen the Development and Use of Course Resources in History and Social Science Class

  11. 这些缺陷使其在解释历史与社会现象上说服力不足。

    These defects make the theory less convincing in explaining historical and social phenomenon .

  12. 生本教学在中学历史与社会学科中的应用研究

    Research on the Practice of Instruction Based on Students in the History and Society Course

  13. 历史与社会新课程教学设计的若干问题

    Some Problems in the Teaching Design of History and Social Science Classes Under New Curriculum

  14. 将人文与社会科学的一些研究方法引入心理学研究领域,重视文化、历史与社会环境因素在心理学研究中的重要意义;

    Emphasis on the role of culture , history and social environment in psychological research ;

  15. 把握机遇迎接挑战&《历史与社会》新课程评述

    Seize the Opportunity , Meet the Challenge & On the new subject of History and Society

  16. 浙江省初中《历史与社会》课程实施现状与对策研究

    On the Status Quo and Strategies of the Implementation of History and Society Curriculum in Zhejiang Province

  17. 统整探究创新&析人教版《历史与社会》九年级教科书

    Integration , Inquiry and Innovation & Analysis on the Textbook of History and Society for Grade 9

  18. 教师应与新课程同行&读、讲《历史与社会》课程标准有感

    Teachers Should Progress with New Curriculum & reflection upon lecturing of the new curriculum of History and Society

  19. 情感态度价值观是《历史与社会》课程目标的核心。

    Values of emotional attitude are the nucleus of the target of the course : History and Society .

  20. 莎士比亚的创作始终没有脱离这样一个典型环境,他的作品深刻地反映了当时的社会现实,堪称一幅历史与社会的画卷。

    His works were not detached from such an atmosphere and thus are a mirror of history and society .

  21. 可见,贝尔纳采用历史与社会进行系统分析的方法,构建了他的科学政治学体系。

    Bernal has formed the system of politics of science by adopting the systematic method of analyzing history and society .

  22. 作者认为,这些问题的出现有其历史与社会背景,也具有两重性。

    The author indicates : the emergence of these problems has their historic and social backgrounds as well as duality .

  23. 跨入新世纪,中国基础教育改革中的历史与社会课,走的是一条独自发展的创新之路。

    Marching into the new century , China 's history and social studies curriculum reform in the basic education develops innovatively .

  24. 从媒介文化发展的视角看,网络出现泛娱乐文化倾向,张扬感官满足,悬置人文理性,忽略历史与社会意识,使网络文化缺少应有的理性深度、历史维度及超越精神。

    From the view of the development of media culture , there is a kind of excessive entertainment tendency on network .

  25. 而《历史与社会》新课程和家庭教育整合下的学生角色是全新的课题。

    While the students ' role under the combination of new subject History and Society and family education is a new subject .

  26. 《历史与社会》所强调的综合,首先不是以课程的创新为第一目的。

    First of all , the first aim of the integration is not innovation on which " History and Society " focus .

  27. 第一章主要对影响公民政治参与的历史与社会条件进行分析。

    Chapter 1 analyzes factors which influence with civil political participation , such as legacy of history , cultural tradition and economy condition .

  28. 走进社区资源、广泛利用软件、网络资源、再度开发教材资源、积极捕捉师生互动中的生成资源,是《历史与社会》课程资源开发和利用的重要途径。

    The important way to solve it is using the community resource , Internet , teaching materials and results of interaction between teachers and students .

  29. 作为一种新的教学理念和教学模式,生本教学在历史与社会课程的实施中具有独特的价值和意义。

    As one kind of new introduction concept and teaching model , the introduction based on students has its own unique values in the course operation .

  30. 因此,应当在非西方国家自己的本土历史与社会环境中把西方的理论再语境化,防止它成为一种普遍主义话语。

    Therefore , we should contextualize the western theories in own native history and social milieu to keep it from becoming a kind of widespread doctrine words .