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  • 网络Historical information;History;history information
  1. 另外,您可以为这些bar文件定义版本,避免历史信息的丢失。

    In addition , you can version these bar files and avoid losing historical information .

  2. 即通过历史信息动态调整Map和Reduce任务各阶段的时间比例。

    In the proposed methods , the scheduler dynamically adjusts the time proportions of each stage of Map and Reduce tasks according to historical information .

  3. 基于历史信息和时间约束的多Agent协商模型

    On Multi-Agent negotiation model based on history information and time restriction

  4. 现在我们拥有了版本历史信息文件,Pathhistoryver.txt。

    We now have the version history information file , Path_historyver.txt .

  5. 一些例程返回健康指示器(healthindicator)信息,而另一些例程则返回健康指示器(healthindicator)历史信息。

    Some of the routines return health indicator information , and some return health indicator history information .

  6. 从6.1开始piti0m-任务历史信息;必须在管理控制台中启用

    Since : 6.1 pi ti 0 m-Task history information ; must be enabled in the admin console

  7. 为了保留早期历史信息,对AdaptiveMPCA方法进行了改进。

    In order to keep early historical information , the adaptive MPCA method is improved .

  8. CVS会将原始文件及其更改历史信息存储在一个存储库中。

    CVS stores the original files and their change history into a repository .

  9. 在我们的版本历史信息之中,文件路径的第一部分就是构件名,例如build与src。

    In our version history information , the first part of a file path is the component name , such as build and src .

  10. 因此,本文对多维QoS约束下的基于历史信息反馈的网格资源选择算法进行了研究。

    So , the dissertation has done a study on the resource selection based on the historical information feedback and Multi-dimensional QoS constraints . Firstly , this dissertation introduces the related concepts of the grid .

  11. 本文参考Zeng等人提出的协商Agent学习方案,以贝叶斯理论为基础,使用Agent协商系统中在中间平台上存储的对手Agent的协商历史信息,对协商对手的各个议题保留值等私有信念进行预测。

    In this paper , opponent 's reserve values of multi-issues were forecast by analyzing negotiation history based Bayesian theory , where the learning schemes of the Agent negotiation of Zeng and Sycara ( 1998 ) was referenced .

  12. GIG用户可以发布和检索信息并进行实时决策,而不是依赖于多个自动信息系统应用程序提供的历史信息。

    GIG users can post and retrieve information and make real-time decisions rather than relying on historical information from multiple automated information systems applications .

  13. 内容包括:数控机床实时和历史信息获取、数控机床远程操作、测试代码远程运行、数控机床E-mail和手机短信息报警等。

    The main contents include remote reception of real-time and history information , remote operation of CNC machine , remote performance of test G-code and the fault alarm by e-mail and short message of mobile-phone of CNC machine etc.

  14. 该管理系统利用SNMP协议实现对邮件服务器日志文件的数据采集,通过Web浏览器可远程查看邮件的各种历史信息及当前的运行状态,实现对邮件服务器的远程管理;

    This management system uses SNMP protocol to realize data collection of server 's log file , and with web browser remotely examine diversified history information and current run state . It can be remotely controled and monitored to the mail server .

  15. 模型预测控制(MPC)是一种根据系统动态模型和历史信息,通过对系统未来行为的预测来优化当前输入的控制策略。

    Model predictive control ( MPC ) refer to a class of control algorithms that optimize the current input by predicting the future behavior of system based on system dynamic model .

  16. SR1:系统应当捕获所有政策变化的历史信息。

    SR1 : The system shall capture a history of all changes made to a policy .

  17. 不幸的是在许多新轮胎上发现的UPC条码经常不能提供足够的数据和历史信息来识别每个轮胎的生产流程。

    Unfortunately the many UPC barcodes found on new tyres doesn 't usually provide enough data and historical information to be able to identify the manufacturing process used for each tyre .

  18. 论文的创新性在于:(1)首次将历史信息引入到Map-Reduce调度器中,综合历史信息动态调整Map和Reduce任务各阶段的时间比例。

    The creative points of this paper are as follows : ( 1 ) this paper introduces historical information into Map-Reduce scheduler for the first time . The scheduler dynamically adjusts the time proportions of each stage in the lifecycle of Map and Reduce tasks according to historical information .

  19. 该文基于D-S证据理论,提出了利用测试信息、模型信息和历史信息等异类信息进行不解体融合诊断的方法,并分别采用灰关联分析法和重要度分析法为诊断信息构造基本可信度。

    An approach using the heterogeneous information fusion based on D-S evidential theory is put forward , and the heterogeneous informations are the testing information , the model informations and the historical information . The grey incidence analysis and importance analysis are utilized to obtain the basic belief .

  20. BTB通过对分支历史信息的记录,有效的预测后续指令流中分支的行为及其目标地址,较之其它常规分支预测技术更为有效,并利于VLSI实现。

    According the record of the branch information , BTB can effectively predict the branch behavior and the target address of the latter instruction stream . Compared to other routine branch prediction technologies , BTB is more effective and easier to implement based on VLSI .

  21. 这个流以源码方式包括了所有的的历史信息。

    This stream includes all historical information available in the source .

  22. 该模型不仅考虑了交互的历史信息,还与交互环境的上下文相关。

    The model is context dependent and historical interactions related . 4 .

  23. 检测没有活动地将历史信息记录到日志中的复制代理程序。

    Detects replication agents that are not actively logging history .

  24. 一种基于历史信息的感知无线电动态频谱分配算法

    A historical-information-based algorithm of dynamic spectrum allocation for cognitive radio

  25. 数据库应用中所需要的往往不只是快照信息,也包括历史信息,时态数据库的研究因此产生。

    Database applications need not only snapshot information , but also history information .

  26. 转移概率由节点记录的历史信息值计算得来。

    Transition probability is calculated using the history value recorded by the node .

  27. 高校档案历史信息的现实作用

    The Realistic Functions of Archives Historic Information in Universities

  28. 同时,利用链表结构中保存的划分特征信息,历史信息的快速查询成为可能。

    Historical information can also be inquired quickly using the Segment Feature List .

  29. 查看文档版本历史信息时出错。

    Error viewing version history of a document .

  30. 之后,我们希望快速对文档历史信息进行查询。

    Then , we may want to query about past states of such documents .