
  • 网络Individual and Society;Personal and social
  1. 论维柯的人学思想个人与社会之间关系问题的人学阐释

    The Relation Between Individual and Society Viewed from Philosophy of Man

  2. 个人与社会之间的张力,由此产生个性发展观。

    The tension between individual and society generates the value of personality .

  3. 人的价值本质上是一个社会历史关系范畴,正确认识人的价值其社会意义在于如何认识个人与社会之间的关系。

    Human value is a category of social and historical relationship .

  4. 个人与社会的关系&从前现代到现代的社会学考察

    The Relationship between individual and society-Study from pre-modern to modern sociology

  5. 个人与社会之间,是一种互为前提、相互促进的关系。

    The relationships between individual and society are mutual precondition and promotion .

  6. 自我控制对个人与社会都非常重要。

    Self-control ability is important for both personality and society .

  7. 这些都是我们个人与社会迫切需要的。

    These are all things that our society desperately needs .

  8. 个人与社会:教育价值的共同体

    Individual and Society as the Common Body of Educational Value

  9. 论社会学的基本问题:个人与社会

    The Main Subjects of Sociology : Individual and Society

  10. 社会学的独特论题是现代个人与社会的关系问题。

    The unique subject of sociology is the relationship between the individual and society .

  11. 个人与社会建立本体性关联的内在机制在于自我扩大化。

    The internal mechanism of ontology association between the individual and society is self-enlargement .

  12. 在一个媒介化的世界中,媒介拥有对个人与社会的强大影响力和控制力。

    In a mediated world , media has significantly powerful influence and control over humans .

  13. 此外本文还阐释了奥斯汀小说中个人与社会的关系。

    Besides , the relationship between individual and society in Austen 's novels is interpreted .

  14. 因此在个人与社会符号系统接触的初期产生了感性的无意识。

    Thus the initial contact with the sign system produces each individual 's sensational unconsciousness .

  15. 个人与社会的关系是社会学的基本问题。

    The matter concerns the individual with the society is the main subject of sociology .

  16. 它既应对危机和紧急情况,也应对日常的个人与社会问题。

    It responds to crises and emergencies as well as to everyday personal and social problems .

  17. 在社会主义市场经济的建立和完善过程中,我们必须特别强调在处理个人与社会关系问题上的基本原则是集体主义原则。

    We must stress specially the collective principle on handling this relation in socialist market economy .

  18. 杜威认为传统政治哲学中个人与社会之间的对立只是一种概念性的人为设定。

    Dewey thinks that the opposition of individual and society is an artificial hypothesis in traditional philosophy .

  19. 说明私人生活朝着日渐私人化、个人化和人性化的方向发展是历史的必然趋势,是个人与社会,私人生活与公共生活不断协调的结果。

    This is the result of harmonization between individual and society , private life and public life .

  20. 一个公正的社会是制度与精神、个人与社会的现实统一。

    A just society is unified by the reality of system and the spirit , individual and society .

  21. 个人与社会处于一种互惠的关系中,人在社会中的存在也臻于和谐。

    In the ideal country , there would be a reciprocal relationship and harmony between individual and society .

  22. 华顿是位一直关注个人与社会习俗之间问题的作家。

    Wharton is a writer who is always concerned about the problem between the individual and social conventions .

  23. 它较为深刻地论述了个人与社会关系这一带有普遍意义的社会基本问题。

    The theory profoundly discusses the relation between individuals and the society & a general basic social problem .

  24. 个人与社会、国家与世界等项。

    Nd woman , the individual and the society , the country and the would and so on .

  25. 作者着意写出这种个人与社会的矛盾,表现出宿命论的色彩。

    YAN Zhen aimed to point out this contradiction between person and society , in which express his fatalism .

  26. 在个人与社会生活处于危机之时,玛丽对新思潮与传统文化进行了重新审视。

    At a time of personal and social crisis , Mary reevaluated the current radical thoughts and cultural tradition .

  27. 人与自然、个人与社会的矛盾关系问题正日益成为辩证法所关注的重大理论和现实问题;

    And the relationships of human and nature , the individual and society are becoming important problems of dialectics ;

  28. 个人与社会、个人利益与社会整体利益的关系问题,是马克思主义人学的一个基本问题。

    The question of the relation between individual and society is a basic concern in Marxist philosophy of man .

  29. 中国扶贫历程中的个人与社会&社会互构论的诠释理路

    Individuals and Society in the Course of Reducing Poverty in China & From the Perspective of Social Mutual-construction Theory

  30. 这样,政论篇章便可在极大程度上达到缓冲和解决个人与社会之间矛盾的目的。

    Therefore , the political essays can achieve the purpose of mitigating and solving the contradiction between individuals and society .