
  • 网络Personal mobile communication;Panasonic Mobile Communications
  1. 随着网络技术的发展,移动通信特别是个人移动通信和Internet应用得到了迅速的发展。

    With the rapid development of network , mobile communication especially personal communication and Internet application have both experienced explosive growth rates since the 1990 's.

  2. 个人移动通信PHS系统的仿真性能分析

    Emulation Analysis on the Performance of PHS in Personal Access System

  3. 双极模拟IC在广泛应用于个人移动通信的RFIC中占有重要地位。

    Bipolar analog IC ( B a I C ) occupies an important position in the RF IC , which is widely used in personal mobile communication .

  4. 在个人移动通信、多媒体通信、IP电话、卫星通信及未来的综合业务数字通信(ISDN)等领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    It can be widely used in the field of individual mobile communication , multimedia communication , IP phone , satellite communication , ISDN and so on .

  5. 随着科技的发展,基于3G技术的个人移动通信已经进入实用阶段,基于CDMA的扩频技术是第三代无线个人通信系统的一项主要技术。

    With the development of science and technology , the 3G-based individual mobile communication has been put into pragmatic period and the CDMA-based spread spectrum has become the key technology in the third generation of the individual mobile communication system .

  6. 介绍了个人移动通信系统(PCS)中移动性管理的基本概念,从移动性管理的总体框架、位置管理和切换管理两个主要功能流程方面阐述了PCS中移动性管理的体系结构及移动性管理的实现。

    This paper describes the basic conception of mobility management , including its framework , location management and ( hand-off ) management which are the two components of mobility management in Personal Communication Systems ( PCS ) .

  7. 为评价提出了算法在实际系统应用实现,利用了美国JTC个人移动通信用RF信道特性和系统应用模型标准,用平均比特误码率收敛速度进行了比较与分析。

    Moreover , using the PCS RF channel characterization of JTC of America and system deployment model standard , the suggested multi-tap update algorithm was compared and analyzed with the view-point of the average bit error rate and convergence speed for evaluating the realistic efficiency of the system .

  8. ICO全球通信系统是著名的全球个人移动通信系统(GMPCS)之一,它由空间段和地面段两部分组成;空间段由运行在中圆轨道上的12颗卫星组成;

    ICO Global Communications System is one of the Global Mobile Personal Communications Systems , which consists of two parts : the space segment consists of 12 satellites operating on the intermediate circular orbits ;

  9. 软件无线电这一概念在个人移动通信上已经得到了应用。

    The concept of SDR has been applied in PMC .

  10. 随着人们信息交互需求的急剧增加,个人移动通信的迅速普及。

    Personal mobile communication spreads rapidly with the growth of information communication demands .

  11. 界面交互设计在个人移动通信设备产品设计中的应用

    The Apply of Interface Interaction Design in the Personal Mobile Communications Equipment Product Design

  12. 729计算复杂度,它主要应用在个人移动通信、数字卫星系统和高质量数字移动无线通信等领域。

    729A include personal mobile communication , digital satellite system and high quality digital mobile wireless communication , etc.

  13. 它首先诞生于军事通信领域,后来被引入到个人移动通信,并逐步渗透到其它电子领域。

    It was born in military communications field first and was used in personal communications later and other electronics field .

  14. 实验结果验证了分形天线的多频段特型,此天线在无线、个人移动通信中有应用前途。

    The result of experiment testifies multiband characteristic of fractal antenna and it is an attractive candidate for wireless and mobile communication application .

  15. 近儿年来,随着各国个人移动通信业务的蓬勃发展,特别是无线通信技术的不断成熟,人们开始逐步地重视通信中的安全保密问题。

    With the booming of personal mobile communication industry and especially with the maturity of wireless communication application in recent years , information security and secrecy gradually are given attention .

  16. 其次随着科技发展,个人移动通信技术发展也很快,如何更好的提高个人识别的安全性,也是当前的一个大的任务。

    Secondly , with the development of high technology , especially that of telecommunication technology , how to improve the safety of personal identification is regarded as a current task for us .

  17. 但是,由于侦听技术的使用,个人移动通信中的语音在通话人进行通话的同时,可能已经被其它人所侦听,对通话人的通话内容形成了极大的安全威胁。

    But , because of the use of interception technology , the voice in personal mobile communication may be intercepted by others when callers are communicating , that forms huge security threats to callers .

  18. 作为一种国家关键的基础通信设施,以及全球移动通信的有机组成部分,卫星移动通信系统在国家安全、紧急救援、互联网、远程教学、卫星电视广播以及个人移动通信等方面得到了广泛的应用。

    As a key national fundamental communication establishment and component of global mobile communications , satellite mobile communication systems are widely used in national security , emergent succor , internet , remote education , satellite broadcasting and personal mobile communications .

  19. 数字集群系统是一种高级专用移动通信系统,它不仅可以提供个人移动通信业务,还能控制和实现个人与群体间的通信,为用户提供丰富的无线指挥调度应用。

    Digital trunked system is a kind of advanced appropriative mobile communication system . It can not only provide personal mobile communication services , but also control and implement communication between individuals and groups . Abundant wireless conduct applications are provided by this system .

  20. INMARSAT21世纪工程&全球个人移动卫星通信

    The 21ST Century Engineering of INMARSAT & Global Personal Mobile Satellite Communication

  21. 全球个人卫星移动通信将成为二十一世纪竞争最激烈的通信领域。

    GMPCS will become the most intense competitive telecom area in the twenty first century .

  22. 随着个人通信和移动通信技术在世界范围内的迅猛发展,人们对移动通信的服务质量要求也越来越高。

    With the fast development of personal communication and mobile communication in the whole world , there are increasing requirements for the service quality of mobile communication .

  23. 由于此项技术更多地被运用在个人通信和移动通信领域中,因此,天线的设计应有小巧灵活、多频段、宽频段等特点。

    Because this technology is more making use of in the field of personal and mobile communications , therefore , the design of the antenna should be compact and flexible , multi-band , broadband .

  24. 在这种情况下,3G成为大家热切期望的目标。3G系统可以随时随地通过个人移动终端进行多媒体通信,并且使更多的人享受到通信的乐趣。

    In this case , 3G system has become the goal that people looking forword to.3G system will provide multi-media communications at any time through the personal mobile terminal , enable more and more people enjoying the pleasure of the communication .

  25. IMF-2000是国际电联提出的一个全球覆盖的、具有高度智能和个人服务特色的移动通信网。

    IMF-2000 which is introduced by ITU-R is a global , highly intelligent and personal service featured mobile telecommunication network .

  26. 支持全球个人通信的卫星移动通信系统

    The Satellite Mobile Communications System to Support Global PCS

  27. 移动商务作为电子商务的一个子集,是指通过手机、个人数字助理等移动通信设备与因特网有机结合所进行的电子商务活动的总称。

    As a subset of e-commerce , mobile commerce mainly refers to the business activities via mobile communication equipments , such as mobile phone and PDA , to access the internet .