
  • 网络PIn;Personal identification number;PIN number;i-pin
  1. 举例来说,越快忘记你的旧的个人识别号码或接入代码,你才能更快更准确地会记住新号码。

    For example , the faster you forget your old PIN or access code , the quicker and more accurately you will recall your new numbers .

  2. 当您的帐户收入达到$50美元,您的个人识别号码(PIN)就会生成,并在3-5天内通过邮寄寄给您。

    When your account revenue $ 50 , your personal identification number ( PIN ) will be generated , and in3-5 days by mail sent to you .

  3. 每一次当你记住新卡的个人识别号码时,你就会逐渐忘记旧卡的。

    Each time you remember the new PIN , you gradually forget the old one .

  4. 然后你会收到一张新的卡片写着新的个人识别号码。

    The new card you receive will come with a new personal identificatipn number ( PIN ) .

  5. 与您的个人识别号码(PIN)相同,您的密码也是保密的,如果您选择了合适的密码,那么其他的人将很难猜到它。

    Much like your personal identification number ( PIN ), your password is your secret ; if you choose your password well , it 's likely difficult for others to guess it at random .

  6. 一些STDLL需要本地磁盘空间来存储持久数据,譬如令牌信息、个人识别号码(PIN)以及令牌对象。

    Some of the STDLLs require local disk space to store persistent data , such as token information , personal identification numbers ( PINs ), and token objects .

  7. 此外,微软没有充分的保护用户数据。微软允许用户使用仅有4位数字组成的PIN(个人识别号码),保护包含有购物历史和支付方法信息的微软账户,允许不限次尝试解锁账户。

    Microsoft also failed to protect user data sufficiently , it said , by allowing users to secure their Microsoft accounts containing their purchase history and their means of payment with a PIN consisting of just four digits , and by allowing unlimited attempts to unlock the account .

  8. 花旗银行打算用仅通过客户的眼睛即可识别其身份的生物识别扫描仪来取代个人识别号码。

    The bank wants to replace PIN codes with biometric scanners that could identify customers using only their eyes .

  9. 通过单击您的付款历史页中的请输入您的个人识别号码链接,可查看其生成日期。

    By clicking your payment history page please enter your personal identification number links can be found on the date of its formation .

  10. 个人识别号码客户使用的号码,用来限制查询或提取客户账户上的存款。

    Personal Identification Number ( PIN ) A code used by an individual which restricts access to the money deposited in their account .

  11. 不过,目前全球几十亿移动设备用户只能用谷歌安卓系统的标准模式锁屏和苹果的个人识别号码。

    For now , though , the billions of people around the world using mobile devices must stick with their PINs and patterns .

  12. 我们建议您将会员代号、登入密码与个人识别号码保密及定时更改以保障您的利益。

    You are recommended to keep your member id , login password and keycode confidential and we encourage members to change password periodically to protect your interest .

  13. 输入你的个人身份识别号码。

    Tap in your pin number .

  14. 研究人员通过每个瑞典公民都有的个人身份识别号码将出生记录和住院治疗数据连接起来。

    The researchers connected the birth records to hospitalization data using the personal identification numbers assigned to all Swedish citizens .