
  • 网络individual visits;individual tourists;individual tour
  1. 自从台湾放宽对大陆个人游游客的限制之后,旅游经营者对台湾旅游业充满信心。

    Travel operators are bullish on Taiwan 's tourism industry , after the island eased restrictions for individual tourists from the mainland .

  2. 个人游的游客将是这个新方案的最大受益者,跟以前相比,他们出行更方便,选择更多。

    Individual tourists will benefit most from the new plan with more convenience and choice than ever before .

  3. 通常情况下,当一个人游累了,或者小孩子体力不够时。

    Usually butterflyers when they are young or they get tired .

  4. 调查也揭示出个人游的益处和令人担忧之处。

    The survey also revealed the benefits and fears of travelling alone .

  5. 我们对大陆游客个人游的前景非常乐观。

    We are bullish over the prospects of individual tourism for mainland travelers .

  6. 这次的个人游允许我们有更多自己的时间。

    The individual visit will allow us to have more time of our own .

  7. 你连接到两个血液个人游。

    You 're connected to two blood IVs .

  8. 在从未单独旅游的受访者中,17%的人表示愿意尝试一下个人游。

    For those who have never travelled alone , 17 percent were happy to give it a go .

  9. 大陆游客赴台游以短期跟团游为主,但如今中国一些特定城市的居民可以办理个人游签证。

    Most visit on short guided tours but now residents of certain Chinese cities can obtain visas to travel independently .

  10. 随着个人游的启动,人们可以自己计划他们的旅游时间,如果他们希望,还可以跟朋友和亲戚住在一起。

    With individual touring , people can schedule their own tours and stay with their friends and relatives if they wish .

  11. 但是,相当一部分的人选择个人游是因为他们找不到同伴或其伴侣已不在人世。

    However , a significant number of people also chose solo travel because they didn 't have a partner or were widowed .

  12. 一个人游称作个人混合泳(M)四个人游称作混合泳接力。

    This race is either swum by one swimmer as Individual Medley ( IM ) or by four swimmers as a Medley Relay .

  13. 这主要得利于内地市场持续增长,以及个人游计划实施。

    Much of this recovery was attributable to the continued growth of the mainland market and the launch of the individual visit scheme .

  14. 根据上海旅行社的说法,大多数个人游的游客把他们行程定在台北附近,时间大约五六天。

    According to the travel agency in Shanghai , most of the individual visitors set their itinerary around Taipei for about five or six days .

  15. 这对沈阳市乃至周边地区想去日本个人游的市民来说,无疑是个好消息。

    It is clearly a good news for the people eager to Japan travel , because they can apply visa on their own instead of travel agencies .

  16. 港澳台司(外交部)目前内地的许多城市都可以办理个人游港澳业务。

    " Department of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan Affairs " At present , many inland cities can started individual visit programs to Hong Kong and Macao .

  17. 出行者最大的担忧就是旅游开销,因为还要补单房差价,虽然节约开支也是人们选择个人游的原因之一。

    Cost was the biggest concern as travellers were worried about paying a singles supplement , despite the fact that money-saving was also one of the reason why people chose to go away on their own .

  18. 所谓的内地赴港个人游逐渐扩大到数十个内地城市的居民。如今,内地2.7亿人有资格以个人名义独立到香港旅游。

    The so-called ' individual visit scheme ' has gradually been expanded to include residents in dozens of mainland cities : Today , 270 million people in mainland China are eligible under the plan to make their own independent visits to Hong Kong .

  19. 其中跳入水中的一个人没有游上岸失踪,估计已经淹死了。

    One of those who jumped overboard did not make it , is missing and feared drowned .

  20. 近年火爆的个人出境游在当时仍是一个对遥远未来的期望。

    Outbound individual tourism – booming in recent years & was still a prospect for the distant future at that time .

  21. 但是你为什么独自一个人在这里游来游去呢?

    But why do you swim here alone ?" Beryl replies ," I have lost my home .

  22. 韩佳到现在还没来,所以今天只能是我一个人带着大家游古城了。

    As Han Jia has not come ye , today I have to take you on a tour of this ancient town all on my own .

  23. 但耗子还是迅速游走了,又剩下爱丽丝一个人。她终于游出了水潭,坐在地上。她觉得又孤独又难过。过了一会儿,白兔又经过这儿,他正在找他的白手套和扇子。

    But the mouse was now swimming quickly away , and soon Alice was alone again.At last she found her way out of the pool and sat down on the ground.She felt very lonely and unhappy.But after a while the White Rabbit came past again , looking for his white gloves and his fan .