
ɡè rén chónɡ bài
  • personality cult;cult of personality;hero worship
  1. 有人告诉律师史蒂芬•赫希菲尔德(StephenHirschfield),它“越来越像是一种个人崇拜,每个人都有自己的品牌。”凯鹏华盈在2011年聘请赫希菲尔德调查鲍康如的指控。

    It was " becoming more of a cult of personality , and each personality had its own brand , " one told Stephen Hirschfield , a lawyer that the firm hired in 2011 to investigate Ms Pao 's allegations .

  2. 这不是个人崇拜,克拉克女士说。

    It 's not about a cult of personality , Ms. Clark said .

  3. 在这位领导人的周围兴起了一场异乎寻常的个人崇拜。

    An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader .

  4. 同时,对这位竞选者的个人崇拜正在逐渐升温。

    Meanwhile the personality cult around this campaigner grew .

  5. 歌手布雷特·安德森唤起了旧式的个人崇拜狂潮。

    Singer Brett Anderson inspires old-fashioned hero-worship .

  6. 金正日(KimJong-il)和父亲、朝鲜创建者金日成(Kimil-sung)通过个人崇拜来统治这个国家,这种个人崇拜限制了人们获取信息的渠道。

    Kim Jong-il and his father , North Korea 's founder Kim Il-sung , have ruled the state through a personality cult that curtails access to information .

  7. 普京用旧的个人崇拜的方式统治国家。

    Putin rules in the old-fashioned style of a personality cult .

  8. 个人崇拜:不应忘记的历史教训

    Personality Cult : A Historical Lesson That Cannot Be Forgotten

  9. 如果说有什么区别的话,就是它反而推动了这种个人崇拜。

    If anything , it gave it another boost .

  10. 也许奥巴马在内心里对围绕他的个人崇拜是畏惧的。

    Eg. perhaps Mr Obama inwardly cringes at the personality cult that surrounds him .

  11. 金日成的儿子金正日今日的亲爱的领袖继续推行个人崇拜。

    His son , today 's Dear Leader , has carried on that personality cult .

  12. 对其他领导人的纪念,有时也带有个人崇拜的成分。

    Commemorative activities in honour of some other leaders also sometimes smacked of the cult of personality .

  13. 个人崇拜作为一种普遍存在的社会现象,对历史发展产生重要影响。

    Individualistic Worship , as a common social phenomenon , has generated great influence on historical development .

  14. 事实上,在塞恩供职纽交所期间,就迅速培养出了对他的个人崇拜。

    Indeed , a cult of personality had sprung up around him during his tenure at the NYSE .

  15. 建立了多年的个人崇拜之后,他最终在公元8年自立为帝。

    After several years of cultivating a personality cult , he finally took over as emperor in 8 A.D.

  16. 有人称微软是搞个人崇拜,虽有点夸张,但也有点道理。

    Some describe Microsoft a " personality cult ," which may be an exaggeration but contains some truth .

  17. 他奉行绝对个人崇拜,实现了统一国家的大业,尽管这个国家曾经因部落群立而四分五裂。

    By sheer imposition of the cult of himself , he had held his tribally fractious country together .

  18. 粉碎四人帮后,还把个人崇拜的一套搬了一段时间。

    After the smashing of the Gang of Four , the personality cult continued for a period of time .

  19. 1997年英国呈现出的对政治领袖的个人崇拜的倾向已经不再。

    The country 's propensity to fall for a leader the way it did in1997 is no longer there .

  20. 他想避免造成另一个个人崇拜,即全权领袖荣耀的委婉说法。

    He wants to avoid creating another " cult of personality " the euphemism for glorification of an all powerful leader .

  21. 高度集中的计划经济体制和传统的社会主义政治体制的弊端是个人崇拜产生的体制原因。

    The third aspect is the organism causes : the drawbacks of highly centralized planned economy and of the traditional socialist politics .

  22. 伊玛目清真寺内作礼拜时领头的男人(对名人的)个人崇拜(尤指对政治领袖的)。

    The male prayer leader in a mosque . personality cult ( excessive admiration of a famous person , esp a political leader )

  23. 平壤努力建立对金氏家族的个人崇拜,该家族对朝鲜的统治已经延续到第3代。

    Pyongyang has worked hard to create a personality cult around the Kim family , which has now ruled North Korea for three generations .

  24. 但是,业内人士担心,当代企业领袖正在形成一种个人崇拜。

    On the contrary : people in the car business worry about a cult of personality developing around the current generation of company leaders .

  25. “很难期待人们像对待他的父亲和祖父那样,对金正云进行个人崇拜,”金泰宇补充说。

    " It is difficult to expect personal worship for Kim Jong-woon like that for his father and grandfather , " Kim Tae-woo added .

  26. 许多奇怪的个人崇拜能大行其时,就足以证明孩子们在生活中需要一些精神的东西。

    The fact that so many strange cults are enjoying such success is proof that children feel the need for something spiritual in their life .

  27. 站在消费者的角度,希望苹果方面道歉情有可原,因为该公司和乔布斯在自己周围营造出了一种“个人崇拜”的氛围。

    From a consumer point of view , it is fair to expect an apology because the company and Steve Jobs have fostered a cult of personality around him .

  28. 不幸的是,这份声明虽然可能消除了医学方面的不确定性,却无助于打破对乔布斯老板的个人崇拜。

    Unfortunately , this statement , while it may have cleared up the medical uncertainty , did nothing to puncture the cult of personality that surrounds the apple boss .

  29. 这种增长也来自于文化变迁,19世纪晚期社会学的创始人物埃米尔涂尔干将其称之为个人崇拜。

    The rise also stems from the cultural change that Emile Durkheim , a founding figure in sociology in the late 19th century , called the cult of the individual .

  30. 当然,赫鲁晓夫对个人崇拜的揭露和批判也有很大的历史局限性。

    Nevertheless , in regard to Khrushchev 's disclosure and criticism of personal cult , it 's true that there remains a lot of limitation due to some historical causes .