
  1. 古代中国是以农业为本、自然经济占主导的封建社会,个体小农经济的特点及局限性,决定了人口的内在变化规律。

    The individual characteristics and limit of the small agriculture economy decided the rule of population 's inside variety .

  2. 新中国建立后以农业合作化对个体小农经济的改造,与农村工业化是同一个问题的两个方面。

    The transformation of individual small-scale peasant economy through agricultural cooperation and the rural industrialization after the founding of New China were two aspects of the same issue .

  3. 20世纪50年代,中国成功地进行了农业社会主义改造,使几千年来分散的个体小农经济变为集体经济,亿万农民走上了社会主义道路。

    In the 1950s , china succeeded in the reform of agriculture , making scattered individual agricultural economy to a collective one , and hundreds of millions of Chinese peasants began to be on their way of socialism .

  4. 在建国初期,我国进行了社会主义农业改造,使我国个体小农经济走上集体化道路,提升了我国农业生产力,使几亿农民走上了社会主义的道路。

    In the early days , our country carried out the socialist transformation of agriculture , so that our individual peasant economy embarked on the road of collectivization , improve agricultural productivity in our country , so that hundreds of millions of farmers took to the road of socialism .