
rén mín wěi yuán
  • commissar;commissary
  1. 他作为财政人民委员的补贴是五元钱一月。

    His allowance as Commissioner of Finance was five dollars a month .

  2. 他们知道,一旦退缩,自己就会被内务人民委员部的执行委员枪杀。

    If they wavered , they knew they would be shot by NKVD enforcers .

  3. 致苏联内务人民委员部副委员,国家安全三级委员,阿巴库莫夫同志。

    To Deputy of the National Commissioner of Internal Affairs of the USSR , Commissioner of State Security Third Rank , comrade Abakumov .

  4. 中华人民共和国国务委员宋健在第十九次特别联大上的讲话

    A Speech on the 19th UN General Assembly Special Session ( Earth Summit ⅱ) by the State Councilor Song Jian