
rén wàng
  • popularity;prestige;ideal person
人望 [rén wàng]
  • (1) [prestige]∶人心所向;众人所仰望;威望,声望

  • 文武资人望,谋猷简圣情。--唐.钱起《送李九归河北》

  • (2) [ideal person]∶众望所归的人

  • 诸将会议,立刘氏以从人望。--《后汉书.齐武王縯传》

人望[rén wàng]
  1. sendmail邮件服务器软件据说是linux系统中配置最复杂的软件,其庞大难懂的配置文件足以让很多人望而怯步。

    Sendmail mail server software is said to be the software that requires the most complicated configuration in Linux system .

  2. 两人中的一人望着倒在地下的人说。

    Said one of them , contemplating the fallen figure .

  3. 杜鲁门越来越不得人望,杜威看来气势如虹。

    Given Truman 's sinking popularity , Dewey seemed unstoppable .

  4. 人望幸福树望春。

    Man aspires after happiness and trees wait for the advent of spring .

  5. 有人望到一年后的情景,而你只望到明天。

    If a person sees one year ahead , while another sees only tomorrow .

  6. 当看到其他人望向我的那惊奇的眼神,我似乎明白了一些什么。

    I seemed to know anything when I saw the eye of surprise from others .

  7. 只要有其他人望哨。

    If others are on the lookout .

  8. 活着的人只能望见无极,而永定只让死了的人望见它。

    The living perceive the infinite ; the definitive permits itself to be seen only by the dead .

  9. 如果任由市场去调节房价,只会让越来越多的人望房兴叹。

    More and more people will lose hope in real estate if we allow the market to regulate the price .

  10. 他们履行了精神领袖的职责,从而替这些人赢来人望和后世的永远的敬仰。

    It was the exercise of moral leadership that won these men their popularity and the lasting regard of later generations .

  11. “那个人望着满天是星星说”它们跟你一样喝醉了。

    " he looked up the starry sky , the man said : " they are drunk a lot , too .

  12. 丹里维表示,对英国人而言,战后历史上人望最高的总统是卡特和柯林顿,因为他们一望可知稳健冷静又聪明过人。

    To Britons , history 's most popular postwar presidents were Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton because of their perceived levelheadedness and intelligence , said Dunleavy .

  13. 沃尔特这时已经缓过气来,但却丧失了情绪或者可以说是丧失了一种由于急速赶路而暂时振奋起来的情绪。他向问他的人望了一会儿,说道,啊,卡特尔船长!

    Walter , who had by this time recovered his breath , and lost his spirits - or such temporary spirits as his rapid journey had given him - looked at his questioner for a moment , said ' Oh , Captain Cuttle !

  14. 沃尔特这时已经缓过气来,但却丧失了情绪——或者可以说是丧失了一种由于急速赶路而暂时振奋起来的情绪。他向问他的人望了一会儿,说道,“啊,卡特尔船长!”然后,就流出了眼泪。

    Walter , who had by this time recovered his breath , and lost his spirits - or such temporary spirits as his rapid journey had given him - looked at his questioner for a moment , said ' Oh , Captain Cuttle ! ' and burst into tears .