
  • 网络human happiness
  1. 人类幸福的大敌总是伺机进行破坏的。

    The enemy of human happiness is always lying at lurch .

  2. 人类幸福的两个敌人是痛苦与厌倦。

    The two foes of human happiness are pain and boredom .

  3. 上帝愿人类幸福。

    God wills that man should be happy .

  4. 请问你真的觉得这应该是人类幸福的一个可能吗?

    What are the chances that represents a peak of human flourishing ?

  5. 这些方面正是人类幸福和福祉的基石。

    These are the foundations for human happiness and well-being .

  6. 劳动是人类幸福之源。

    Work is the true source of human welfare .

  7. 从关注效用到关注人类幸福。

    The other is from the usefulness_on to the happiness _on of mankind .

  8. 你们的议程事关人类幸福。

    This is the human face of your agenda .

  9. 人类幸福感的体验和检测:辅助运动区的作用

    Experiencing and detecting happiness in humans : The role of the supplementary motor area

  10. 我们该注意的是,或许有个人类幸福的所在

    And one thing to notice is that perhaps there are states of human well-being

  11. 让科学文明带给全人类幸福。

    A world where science and progress will lead to all men 's happiness .

  12. 伦理学从某种意义上来说就是寻求人类幸福的一门学问。

    Ethics , in a sense , is a knowledge of searching human happiness .

  13. 我们不能再尊重和容忍这些对人类幸福的不同观点

    that we can no more respect and tolerate vast differences in notions of human well-being

  14. 关注苦难,追求人类幸福是哲学的唯一终极关怀。

    Attention to human , pursuit for happiness , which are the ultimate concern of philosophy .

  15. 要理解这种转变,需要考察一下能源和人类幸福之间的双重关系。

    Understanding this transition requires a look at the two-sided connection between energy and human well-being .

  16. 但是科学本身无法足以让人类幸福快乐健康。

    But science per se is not sufficient for human beings to live healthily or happily .

  17. 优雅生存与人类幸福

    Noble Existence and Human Happiness

  18. 这条增进人类幸福的令人赞美的原则,商人们和从事广告宣传的人都是非常熟悉的。

    This admirable principle for the furtherance of human happiness is perfectly familiar to businessmen and advertisers .

  19. 真正的、永恒的声望只能在增进人类幸福的劳作中求得。

    No true and permanent fame can be founded except in labors which promote the happiness of mankind .

  20. 人类幸福之时,亦即人类之间生活融洽、且与环境和谐共处之时。&奥斯卡王尔德。

    When man is happy , he is in harmony with himself and his environment . & Oscar Wilde .

  21. 因此大多数红包都装饰着人类幸福和繁荣等中文符号或文字。

    Hence most red packets are decorated with our species Chinese symbols or characters such as happiness and prosperity .

  22. 如果说生态文明是人类幸福的重要前提,那么道德与法律就是这一文明体系的重要保障。

    Ethics and law are the most important guarantee for human 's happiness and two major polar for ecological civilization construction .

  23. 人类幸福之时,亦即人类自身和谐生活、且与环境和谐共处之时。——奥斯卡·王尔德,爱尔兰作家

    When man is happy , he is in harmony with himself and his environment . - Oscar Wilde , Irish writer

  24. 已敲响于虚实之间的生态文明警钟,预示着生态文明对人类幸福的重要意义。

    Ecological civilization is more and more closely related with human being , indicating its great significance to human being 's life .

  25. 但如果我们回去思考人类幸福的议题,我们必须谈到人类的大脑

    But if we 're going to talk about human well-being we are , of necessity , talking about the human brain .

  26. 培育发展伦理学能够为制定有益于人类幸福的发展政策提供有力的理论支持。

    The cultivation of development ethics has the potential to produce a coherent account of human wellbeing for guiding development policy and thinking .

  27. 科学正确的幸福观是人类幸福生活的源泉,在人的一生中发挥着重要的引导和判断作用。

    Scientific correctness of happiness is the source of human happiness ; people played an important in the life of the boot and judgment .

  28. 快乐源于一个人内心的安宁,源于对他人的关心和对人类幸福的追求。

    The source of happiness lies in one 's inner peace , his concern for others , and his pursuit of the welfare of human beings .

  29. 一切理论和知识都是实现某种目的和价值的、采取实践行动的手段与工具,而非追求外在于人类幸福的、具有某种确定性的、固定价值的教条,哲学也不例外。

    All theories and knowledge are no more than means for an end-in-view and practices , and philosophy is not an exceptional doctrine questing for solid certainty .

  30. 确解读生命,是每个人身心健康和家庭和睦、国家兴旺、人类幸福的根本。正确解读生命必须闯过“六关”。

    Any individual who has life is the premise of the historical activities , the true life of the man is the foundation of the civilized society .