
liè míng
  • Lenin
列宁[liè míng]
  1. 列宁是俄国革命时期伟大的演说家。

    Lenin was the great orator of the Russian Revolution .

  2. 他们挥舞着红旗高喊:“列宁,万岁!”

    They waved red flags and shouted , ' Lenin , yes '

  3. 列宁格勒被重新命名为圣彼得堡。

    Leningrad was renamed St Petersburg .

  4. 他酷似列宁。

    He bears a striking resemblance to Lenin .

  5. 列宁格勒市的居民投票决定恢复该市原来的名字——圣彼得堡。

    The residents of Leningrad voted to restore the city 's original name of St Petersburg

  6. 1980年,列宁造船厂的罢工致使团结工会得以成立。

    In 1980 , strikes at the Lenin Shipyards gave birth to the Solidarity trade union .

  7. 那些将马克思列宁主义当宗教教条看待的人,就是这种蒙昧无知的人。

    It is precisely such ignorant people who take Marxism-Leninism as a religious dogma .

  8. 列宁认真研究了工厂工人们的状况。

    Lenin made a careful study of the position of workers in the factories .

  9. 一天,他打电话给我,让我带上球鞋,到列宁体育场(leninstadium)来。

    One day he called and told me to bring my boots and come to the Lenin stadium .

  10. 这些名人包括玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)、史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)、李小龙、约翰·列侬(JohnLennon)、列宁(VladimirLenin),以及专门列出的猫王(Elvis)、麦当娜(Madonna)。

    Among them are Marilyn Monroe , Steve Jobs , Bruce Lee , John Lennon , Vladimir Lenin and the singularly named trinity of Elvis , Madonna .

  11. 我隐约记得但无法证实列宁(lenin)曾以免费调味品为例,证明某些产品可以免费,而无需实行定量配给。

    I dimly recall but have not been able to confirm - that Lenin held up free condiments as an example of the way goods could be free and yet not rationed .

  12. 更不用说列宁(Lenin)、菲利克斯·捷尔任斯基(FelixDzerzhinsky)、托洛茨基(Trotsky)这些主角,还有那些年轻的布尔什维克热心分子们,他们在沙皇俄国与战争的废墟中跋涉,缔造出一个革命的国家,但最终却落入斯大林之手。

    Trotsky and the other young Bolshevik zealots who somehow navigated through the rubble of czarism and war to create a revolutionary state , only to hand it in the end to Stalin .

  13. 此外,它复杂的生产工序和高昂的价格使得T-35-1的研发工作不久就被终止,坦克被送到列宁格勒用于帮助坦克兵团的训练任务。

    Moreover , it was too complex and expensive for mass production , and all work on the T-35-1 had been canceled and the vehicle sent to Leningrad as a study aid for tank corps trainees .

  14. 列宁社会主义改革思想的民本特质

    On Lenin 's Socialist Reforming Thought & " People First "

  15. 列宁的法律监督思想与中国检察制度

    Lenin 's Thinking on Legal Supervision and China 's Prosecution System

  16. 迈耶尔于1957年出版了一部全面批判列宁主义的著作&《列宁主义》。

    Meyer published a book named " Leninism " in 1957 .

  17. 镜子说与列宁反映论文论

    Theory of Mirror " and Lenin 's " Theory of Reflection

  18. 确立学习马克思列宁主义的科学方法;

    Secondly , to establish the scientific ways in studying Marxism .

  19. 列宁国家主权思想的理论及伟大实践

    The theory and practice of Lenin 's thought of state sovereignty

  20. 列宁晚期政治文明思想研究

    The Research on Lenin 's Later Thought of the Political Civilization

  21. 论列宁对待唯心主义态度的转变

    A review on the change of Lenin 's attitude to Mentalism

  22. 列宁对社会主义所有制模式的探索及其局限

    Comment on Lenin 's Exploration for the Ownership Pattern of Socialism

  23. 这就是列宁首创的合作制思想。

    That is , the thought of cooperativeness initiated by Lenin .

  24. 卫兵拦住列宁,要检查他的通行证。

    The guard stopped Lenin so as to check his pass .

  25. 列宁的战略退却思想及其现实意义

    Lenin ′ s thought of tactical fallback and its practical significance

  26. 列宁还有关于社会主义建设的学说。

    And then there are Lenin 's teachings on socialist construction .

  27. 列宁是马克思的信徒,但不是他的奴隶。

    Lenin was the disciple of Marx but not his slave .

  28. 列宁主义经常被视为马克思主义的自然发展。

    Leninism is often seen as the natural extension of marxism .

  29. 列宁关于发展国民教育重要作用的思想

    Lenin 's Thoughts on the Important Role to Develop National Education

  30. 列宁对那个卫兵说他做得对。

    Lenin said to the guard that he had done right .