
  • 网络Malformation development;distorted development
  1. 长期以来,美国报业畸形发展,过于依赖广告收益。

    American papers have long been highly unusual in their reliance on ads.

  2. 西南高耗能产业畸形发展应引起关注

    Attentions to the Aberrant Development of High Energy-Consuming Industries in the Southwest

  3. 房地产市场的畸形发展,导致房价泡沫。

    Abnormal development of the real estate market led to the housing bubble .

  4. 在西方社会工业化发展进程中,社会物质资料生产方式的畸形发展造成严重

    STATISTICAL DATA In the development process of industrialization in the west , the

  5. 理性主义基本排斥本能,导致文化的畸形发展。

    Rationalism basically rejects instincts , which leads to abnormal development of culture .

  6. 近代报业的畸形发展及其原因

    On the Lopsided Development of Chinese Modern Newspaper Industry and the Corresponding Causes

  7. 这种经济畸形发展的现象被纠正了。

    The occurrence of that type of lopsided economic development has been checked .

  8. 恐怖主义是各种社会矛盾尖锐化或畸形发展的产物。

    Terrorism is the result that various kinds of social contradictions sharpen or lopsided development .

  9. 浅析1911年&1917年俄国在外蒙古地区贸易的畸形发展

    Analysis of the Abnormal Development of Russian Trade in Outer Mongolia from 1911 to 1917

  10. 第三章分析丁玲女性主体意识在政治革命话语下的畸形发展。

    The finale Chapter analyzes the abnormal development of the female subject within political group .

  11. 伪满工业体系以重、化工业为主,畸形发展。

    The industrial system was in deformed development , mainly with heavy industry and chemical industry .

  12. 20世纪30年代左翼电影在中国出现的原因:20年代电影业畸形发展的反拨;

    The reasons that Chinese Left-wing films appeared in 1930s : Film making developed abnormally in 1920s ;

  13. 在当代,这直接催生了审美文化中宗教意识的畸形发展。

    Today , that directly breeds abnormal religious consciousness phenomena in the development of modern Chinese aesthetical culture .

  14. 儿童行为问题是儿童时期特有的以社会适应不良和人格畸形发展为特征的行为问题。

    Behavior problems in children are the problems characterized by social maladjustment and personality deformity in the childhood .

  15. 德国豪华汽车制造商宝马公司表示,如果法规按照当前形式执行,将会导致汽车市场畸形发展。

    German luxury car maker BMW said that in its current form the legislation would distort the market .

  16. 生物学中研究生物体畸形发展的分支。

    The branch of biology concerned with the development of malformations or serious deviations from the normal type of organism .

  17. 社会的片面或畸形发展已经并仍在加剧着人的片面与畸形发展。

    The one sided or lopsided development has intensified and is still intensifying man 's one sided and lopsided development .

  18. 中国近代军阀及军阀政治,是半殖民地半封建社会畸形发展的产物。

    China 's warlords and warlord politics are the results of abnormal development of semi colonial and semi feudal society .

  19. 如果国民素质严重失衡,就必然导致社会不和谐或畸形发展。

    Greate loss of balance in national quality will definitely lead to the unbalance and abnormal development of the society .

  20. 版权引进与版权输出比例严重失调,造成版权贸易市场的畸形发展;

    The import of copyright and the export of copyright is out of proportion , that make copyright market develop lopsidedly .

  21. 丁玲30-40年代的小说文本中的分裂现象体现了女性主体意识在集体主义中的畸形发展。

    The split in Ding Ling 's novel texts in the1930s-1940s reflected the abnormal development of the female subject within collectivism .

  22. 而海商则在畸形发展中弱肉强食,趋于联合,形成各种海商集团。

    However , the maritime merchants in the malformed development of law came to more joint and became various maritime merchant groups .

  23. 我国南北朝时期体育的畸形发展,造成了中国古代体育文化奇特的一段历史。

    The type of lopsided sports development in Northern and Southern Dynasties caused the peculiar history of physical culture in ancient China .

  24. 绅士的分布不均,直接导致了湖南近代的政治、经济和文化呈现畸形发展的态势,绅士相对集中的地区政治空气浓厚,经济发展较快,文化教育事业相对繁荣;

    Those areas with relatively high density of Gentry , political atmosphere flourished , economy developed quickly , culture and educational undertakings prospered ;

  25. 作为区域政治、经济、文化、军事等诸多社会要素聚集中心的城市,在跌荡起伏的时代激变中,部分城市得到畸形发展,而另一部分城市则呈现出停滞与衰落的状态。

    As the collected center of regional politics , economy , culture and military , in the dramatic period , some cities developed abnormally .

  26. 通过文化复兴来促进西部经济振兴和通过经济开发来促进文化发展,是西部大开发战略中不可偏废的两个方面,片面强调经济振兴而忽视文化复兴,必将会导致西部开发的畸形发展。

    Enhancing the economic development through reviving its culture and improving its culture through economic development are two inseparable parts in developing the western regions .

  27. 然而,社会主义社会全面发展论与资本主义的单向度畸形发展有着天壤之别。

    However , there is a Striking Contrast between the all round development of socialist society and the abnormal one dimensional development of capitalist society .

  28. 而我国证券市场的畸形发展必然会对整个国家的经济发展场产生巨大的阻碍作用。

    While the securities market of our country lopsided development is bound to the economic development of the whole country field generated enormous hindrance role .

  29. 封闭式管理下的中等职业学校学生在心理素质、社会交往能力、动手能力和创新能力等方面在封闭的状态下发展是畸形发展。

    Secondary vocational school students may suffer deformed development in mental quality , sociability , practical ability , and innovative ability in a closed state .

  30. 一方面融资结构畸形发展,债券市场低迷,股权融资行为表现为非理性,委托理财与融资行为具有相关性;

    In one hand , because of the abnormal financing structure and excessive stock financing , the entrusting for financing were interrelated with financing behavior .