
  • 网络gains from trade;Trade Benefit;trade gains
  1. 开放条件下贸易利益内涵的界定及其相关理论评述

    Literature Review on The Theory of Gains from Trade

  2. 贸易利益如何分配,这个重要问题显然取决于新的价格。

    The important matter of how the gains from trade are divided clearly hangs on what the new price will be .

  3. WTO争端解决机制成功的引入了国际法上的报复机制,并作为一种非自愿执行的方法,强制性使拒不执行已经生效的建议或裁决的败诉方失去某些贸易利益。

    WTO dispute settlement mechanism introduces the retaliation mechanism of international law successfully .

  4. 运用WTO规则及争端解决机制维护自身的贸易利益。

    Make use of WTO agreements and dispute settlement mechanism to protect our trade benefit .

  5. 同样地,中国将能利用WTO争端解决机制来保护自己的贸易利益。

    Similarly , it will be able to defend its trade interests using the WTO dispute-settlement system .

  6. 该制度会给我国WTO争端解决的实践产生直接或者间接的影响,我们应认真研究应对策略,以维护我国的贸易利益和经济安全。

    This system will play direct or indirect influence on our country 's dispute settlement practice in WTO . We should work out the corresponding strategy to preserve our country 's trade profit and economic security .

  7. 因此,结合WTO争端解决机制来研究该案件对于以后有效运用WTO规则和争端解决程序来维护我国的贸易利益,具有重要的指导意义。

    Thus study on this case , associated with DSM under WTO , shall lead to a guiding significance on protection of our trade interests in such disputes in the future by exercise of WTO rules and DSM .

  8. 由于WTO法的性质、地位以及经济贸易利益的重要性使得各国争相制定法律成为必要选择,否定WTO法的直接适用效力已成为一种广为接受的实践和趋势。

    With characteristics and status of WTO laws and importance of economic and commercial benefits , it has become a widely accepted trend for many countries to make laws to deny the effectiveness of direct application of WTO laws .

  9. 本文对有关FDI与加工贸易利益分配问题的理论和实证研究文献进行了梳理和评论,提出了需要进一步研究的重点问题和思路。

    Through making a general survey from both the theoretical and the practical studies on benefit distribution of FDI and the Process Trade , this paper discovers defects in the former researches and puts forward the main problems for further study and their train of thought respectively .

  10. 当美国新任商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)本周抵达北京、代表美国贸易利益开展游说之际,他还担负着另一项代表第三国利益的使命。

    When Gary Locke , the new US Commerce Secretary , touched down in Beijing this week to lobby on behalf of American trade interests , he also carried with him a brief representing the interests of a third country .

  11. 东盟秘书长素林(SurinPitsuwan)指出,美国是一个高度商业化国家,在南中国海的通航涉及其重大贸易利益。

    ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan noted that the United States is a highly commercial nation with considerable trading interests passing through the South China Sea .

  12. 贸易利益是一个评判贸易发展结果的主要指标。

    Trade benefit is the major indicator assessing the results of trade development .

  13. 新兴古典经济学认为分工经济或内生比较优势是国际贸易利益的重要来源。

    The New-classic economic think that economy of division is sources of international trade .

  14. 由此也引发了双方对贸易利益的广泛讨论。

    This also led the two sides to discuss a wide range of trade interests .

  15. 发展中国家只有通过经济发展,才能减轻这种贸易利益分配格局的不利影响。

    The author concludes that the developing countries can only alleviate such disadvantages through economic development .

  16. 从中美经常项目差额看国际贸易利益分配格局

    On International Trade Structure of Benefits Distribution from Perspective of Chinese and American Current Account Balance

  17. 国内要素市场扭曲作为一种强约束条件,对我国对外贸易利益的实现和贸易福利水平的分享产生了严重的负面影响。

    At the terms of factor market distortion restraint , foreign trade interests are seriously negative .

  18. 重点关注贸易利益;国际贸易的比较利益体系研究

    The loss of balance between benefit and obligations ; Research into Comparative Advantage System in International Trade

  19. 第三部分分析了服务业离岸外包对于母国和东道国的影响,既有贸易利益也有负面影响。

    The third chapter analyzes the economic benefit and negative effect on the home country and destination country .

  20. 我国加入世贸组织势必影响我国的国际贸易利益分配。

    As member of WTO , China will be influenced by the distribution of the international trade interests .

  21. 比较优势理论过分强调静态的贸易利益,而竞争优势理论主张贸易利益的动态性。

    Comparative advantage puts emphasis on static trade benefits excessively , but competitive advantage emphasizes dynamic trade benefits .

  22. 第二部分对垂直专业化分工以及贸易利益如何分配的国内外研究现状进行了梳理总结。

    The second part summarizes the research status in and abroad about vertical specialization and distribution of trade benefits .

  23. 而为了确保统治权益与贸易利益,企图以基督教的力量来安抚教化原住民。

    In order to ensure their power and profit , they attempted to introduce Christianity to comfort the aborigine .

  24. 一般认为,国际贸易利益由两部分构成:静态贸易利益和动态贸易利益。

    Generally speaking , the trade benefits can be divided into two parts : static benefits and dynamic benefits .

  25. 他还以新加坡为例。新加坡是另一个由英国贸易利益创造的亚洲城邦。

    He is also following the example of Singapore , another Asian city state created by British trading interests .

  26. 注意到民用航空器部门在它们整体的共同经济和贸易利益中的重要性;

    Being mindful of the importance in the civil aircraft sector of their overall mutual economic and trade interests ;

  27. 在不完全竞争的国际市场中,农产品完全依靠比较优势得到的国际贸易利益将会越来越少。

    In the international market of non-perfect competition , the profit from international trade based on comparative advantage is decreasing .

  28. 外贸利益的漏损是国际不平等贸易利益分配在发展中国家的体现。

    The leakage of foreign trade benefits is the reflection of benefit distribution of international trade inequality in developing countries .

  29. 分工后的比较优势、规模优势属于分工利益,而价格倾斜优势属于贸易利益。

    Comparative advantage , scale advantage belong to " specialization benefits ", but price advantage belongs to " trade benefits " .

  30. 贸易利益问题是国际贸易理论研究的主要问题之一。

    The question about interest in international trade is one of the main topic in the existed theory of international trade .