
mào yì tiáo yuē
  • trade pact;trade treaty
  1. 旨在制定出一个新的世界贸易条约的谈判已经进行了6年。

    Talks aimed at producing a new world trade treaty have been under way for six years .

  2. 中国目前没有签署联合国2014年生效的《武器贸易条约》(ArmsTradeTreaty),该条约限制向可能将武器用于战争罪行的政府提供武器。

    China has not signed the 2014 Arms Trade Treaty , which supposedly limits transfer of arms to governments that could use them for war crimes .

  3. 答案是:在4月2日的联合国大会上,由154个国家参与并以压倒性优势通过了反对全球武器贸易条约(ATT)的决定。

    The answer : all are opposed to the global Arms Trade Treaty ( ATT ) which was overwhelmingly approved by 154 countries on April 2nd by the General Assembly of the United Nations .

  4. 而NAFTA作为一个重要的区域贸易条约,对成员国之间争议解决的方式的规定很有典型性和借鉴性,作者将其放在第三章和ICSID一起讨论。

    And NAFTA as an important regional trade treaties , dispute settlement between member States of the provisions of the way and learn from nature is typical , the authors put it in Chapter III and discuss ICSID .

  5. 五个国家签定了贸易条约。

    That trade ( treaty ) was signed by five countries .

  6. 制止非洲奴隶贸易条约

    Treaty for the Suppression of the African Slave Trade , 1841

  7. 这两个国家签订了一项贸易条约。

    The two countries concluded a treaty on trade .

  8. 三方首脑会晤批准贸易条约。

    The heads of the three sides met to ratify the trade treaty .

  9. 中国已完成加入《武器贸易条约》的所有法律程序。

    China has completed all legal procedures for its accession to the Arms Trade Treaty .

  10. 布什还说,撕毁或者反对贸易条约将会激怒并且疏远美国的盟友。

    Mr. Bush added that dismantling or rejecting trade pacts would anger and alienate U.S. allies .

  11. 双边和多边协定使相关的实力因素成为贸易条约谈判中的一个关键特征。

    Bilateral and multilateral arrangements make relative power consi  ̄ derations a key feature in the negotiation of trade treaties .

  12. 曾经在中国,韩国,日本开过的建立在一个贸易条约上的港口。

    A port in China or Korea or Japan that once was open to foreign trade on the basis of a trading treaty .

  13. 我于1978年第一次去中国北京,在欧洲联盟与中国签署第一个贸易条约之前在那里谈判了几个月。

    I first went to Beijing in1978 , having negotiated a few months before the European union 's first trade treaty with china .

  14. 保障措施制度作为条约规则,有助于维护贸易条约关系的稳定性。

    As treaty rules , safeguard system is helpful to maintain the stability of trade treaty relations . Safeguard measures are of the anti-competition nature .

  15. 同时对具有特色的地理标志产品进行专门的单行条例的制定;在国际层面上,要加强国际谈判与国际贸易条约的签订,以应对国际上千变万化的地理标志保护制度。

    Meanwhile to the distinctive geographic indication products give special decree formulation . At the international level , in order to strengthen the international negotiations and international trade treaties , with hardness on international backdrop of geographical indication protection system .

  16. 成吉思跟伊朗国王达成了一项有价值的贸易条约,即通过丝绸之路进行货物交换,然而他的第一批使者被刺杀了,愤怒的可汗便派出蒙古部落全力进击花刺子模在波斯的领地。

    Genghis had offered the Shah a valuable trade agreement to exchange goods along the Silk Road , but when his first emissaries were murdered , the enraged Khan responded by unleashing the full force of his Mongol hordes on the Khwarezmid territories in Persia .

  17. 肯尼亚外交部助理部长奥尼翁卡星期三在这次武器条约大会的开幕式上发言,敦促各国尽快批准《武器贸易条约》。他说,不受控制的武器交易是非洲长期发展面临的最严重威胁之一。

    Speaking at the opening of the arms treaty conference on Wednesday , Kenya 's Assistant Foreign Minister Richard Onyonka urged quick ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty , saying that unregulated weapons sales posed one of the biggest threats to long-term development in Africa .

  18. NAFTA是美国、加拿大参加一个具有重要意义的区域间贸易保护条约,本文从NAFTA的规定及实践方面对之进行了阐述。

    NAFTA is the United States , Canada take part in an important inter-regional trade protection treaty , this article from the provisions of NAFTA and the practical aspects of the elaborated .

  19. 美国和加拿大签署一自由贸易的条约。

    The United States and Canada have signed a free-trade pact .

  20. 国际贸易法律条约和相关贸易文书

    International Trade Law Treaties and Relevant Trade Instruments

  21. 建立东部和南部非洲国家优惠贸易地区条约;

    Treaty for the establishment of the preferential trade area for Eastern and southern African states ;

  22. 继英国之后,法国签定了《黄埔条约》,美国鉴定《望厦条约》,其他几个欧洲国家也强行和中国签定了允许在中国众多港口自由贸易的条约。

    Following the British , France Treaty of Whampoa , the USA Treaty of Wangsha , and the minor European states forced treaties with the Chinese allowing them free trade inside a handful of harbor cities .

  23. 所以,在叙利亚迈出经济发展的一大步之前,应该集中精力于现行的市场贸易协定和条约,如GAFTA(大阿拉伯自由贸易区)。

    So it is better for Syria to concentrate on the current treaty arrangements and trade agreements like GAFTA ( Grater Arab Free Trade Area ) before going to that big step .

  24. 这两个国家正在设法议出一个农业贸易方面的条约。

    The two countries are trying to patch together a treaty on agricultrual trade .

  25. 近来的民意调查显示,北美自由贸易协议之类的条约所获得的支持率正在下降。

    Recent polls show declining support for pacts such as the North American Free Trade Agreement .

  26. 奥巴马强调他不反对贸易,但是他要确保未来的贸易条约必须包括劳工、安全和环保等方面的标准,来保护美国工人和消费者。

    Obama stressed he is not anti-trade , but wants to make sure that future trade pacts include labor , safety and environmental standards to protect American workers and consumers .

  27. WTO规定,透明原则是指成员方正式实施的有关进出口贸易的政策、法律、法规、命令、条例以及签订的有关贸易方面的条约都必须予以正式公布,非经正式公布,不得实施。

    Rules provided for by WTO that related policy , laws , laws and regulations , orders , rules of import and export trade and related treaty of trade signed must be made public formally , otherwise they can 't be carried out .

  28. 在1982年至泰国加入世界贸易组织(1995年)之前这一阶段,泰国与西方强国重新签订贸易条约,废除了以前的不平等条约,对外贸易管理措施体现了与国际贸易条约的协调;

    The first part also discusses the period of 1982 to 1995 before Thailand entered the WTO when Thailand began to negotiate new foreign trade treaties with western countries .